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How To Eat More Vegetables When You Don’t Like Them


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Should you consume a high quality greens powder?

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing how to eat more vegetables when you don’t like them, are traveling, or just too busy.

This is my number 1 easy tip to ensure you still consume your green vegetables, even when you’re always on the go.

How many times have I said to eat your greens?


A lot.

I know.

We all know consuming your green vegetables is so important to Living Lean

But what happens when you:

  • don’t like vegetables
  • are crazy busy and don’t have time to prepare and cook vegetables
  • travel a lot, so you can never find healthy green vegetables on the go

I hear these common responses all the time.

So does this mean you have an excuse not to properly fuel your body with the vitamins and minerals found in vegetables?


Quick way to add more greens to your diet

To ensure I get my fix of vitamins and minerals, regardless of where I am, I take what I call, my “vegetable insurance”.

This is an all in one greens powder supplement from AG1.

I drink it every day, first thing in the morning.

Here’s what I do when I’m traveling

When I’m traveling, I pack my AG1 Greens powder with me, along with a few of my other essentials, like Kirby the Frog.

athletic greens

As soon as I wake up in the morning, after drinking my lemon water on an empty stomach, I consume one scoop of AG1.

In a shaker bottle, I simply add it to 8-12 oz of water, shake it for a few seconds, then chug.

If you have access to a blender, you can also mix it up well together in seconds.

Damn That’s Good

I’ve been taking the AG1 since 2012.

3 best supplements to take daily all year round

Since adding a greens powder to my supplement routine, it has ultimately helped my body Live Lean by:

  • increasing my energy
  • improving my overall health
  • boosting my immune system
  • increasing my happiness

The AG1 powder that I supplement with contains 75 healthy ingredients that are alkaline, raw, and antioxidant rich. 

There are even probiotics in there.

It also contains no artificial sweeteners or preservatives.

This greens powder provides my body with an all-in-one vegetable insurance policy to Live Lean.

Here’s how I consume 12 servings of fruits and vegetables in 30 seconds.

In my opinion, a high quality greens powder is much better than a multivitamin.

This is why I’ve included the exact greens powder that I use on my “Items I Dig” page.

You can learn more about the AG1 here.

You’ve seen my “Items I Dig” page right?

This is where I share all the cool fitness and nutrition products that I share on my Live Lean TV YouTube channel.

Go check it out now and let me know in the comment section below which of these items you use as well.

Live Lean and green my friends.



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Question For You:

  • How many servings of vegetables do you eat in a day?
  • Do you supplement with a greens powder?
  • Which items from my “Items I Dig” page do you use as well?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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54 responses to “How To Eat More Vegetables When You Don’t Like Them

  1. yes you can. the greens powder is just a lot more concentrated (meaning you need a lot of vegetables to match the content of the powder)

  2. do you think it’s ok to throw greens into a protein shake?
    and WOW! i want my body to look just like yours.

  3. awesome video, easy way to get minerals, I use a greenstar elite juicer regularely to get my greens. kale, romaine, spinach, cuc’s, herbs, helps a lot aswell with the energy and skin from all the chlorophyll

  4. i occasionally get modelling offers but it’s not my main focus. i believe in everything natural. i’m 32.

  5. depends on when your workout is. if you workout earlier in the day, try to have your last meal before 8.

  6. I have an use at least 3 of the items: ProGrade Protein Powder (the pre & post Workout one), Gymboss, & TRX. ProGrade is the best powder out of all my searches for quality and taste. I got the Gymboss after seeing it on BodyRock, great for interval training. And I love to use the TRX in the warmer seasons so I can workout outside by hooking it up to kids playground bars and then doing a jog or sprints in the park.

  7. Hey Brad,

    This stuff is a little on the spendy side so I was wondering if you still take a daily multivitamin too or do you think this drink would serve that purpose for daily vitamin needs? I could probably justify spending the extra money on this if I eliminated some other supplement costs. Thanks Brad!

  8. Hey Nicholas, i def wouldn’t recommend it. You can’t beat real food. This is meant to supplement…not replace.

  9. Athletic Greens are great if you are wealthy. They are super expensive. All these great things are all very expensive and as far as it goes for me they are all over charging for what you get!

  10. Hey Brad probably a silly question here but can I cut out vegetables all together and just stick with the greens drinks? I hate veggies but do not mind greens drinks. I also juice but that gets expensive. Hovering between 7-9% bf but want to get to 5-6%.

  11. damn! u have the best body ive ever seen! are you a professional fitnessmodel? And do you believe in natural bodybuilding? and whats your age (i am 38 thats why i asked)

  12. Do you think you could solely drink the juice/powder and not eat any real veggies and it would be just as good? I drink fresh squeezed veggie juice every morning but often don’t get any other veggies in theday. Curious on your thoughts.

  13. if you want to add more muscle, add in an extra 200-300 calories per day and track your results. if you notice fat gain, taper it back

  14. if you want to add more muscle, add in an extra 200-300 calories per day and track your results. if you notice fat gain, taper it back

  15. The ProGrade protein powder featured on “Items I Dig” is great. Saw it listed there and tried it – now I dig it too. Going to try the Athletic Greens as well. Thanks for all the good information.

  16. Hey Brad, I used to take the green foods along with some red foods, til i saw some ingredients in the red foods that were’t necessarily good. I do stick to the green foods though I usually mix in a scoop of vega protein with it. I’ve been doing alot of the veggie drinks for dinner lately, 2 handfuls of broccoli, 2 handfuls of mixed greens, handful of mixed berries, and a scoop of protein(all organic) it really fills me up. I started taking the nutri sea fish oil supplement, along with a multivitamin, oregano oil, vitaminD, vitamin C,and coillidal silver. I only take the coillidal silver in winter to keep me from getting sick, and so far it’s worked. I was just curious on what your tought about my supplement intake. Thanks, and thanks alot for getting back to me so quickly yesterday about the meltdown dvd question. I will be purchasing that tonight. Keeep making health and fitness fun and interesting!

    1. Hey Mike,

      Sounds like you’re focusing on a lot of the right types of supplements (ie. for overall health) and not just stimulants like so many other people these days. You may find this one greens drink supplements offers a lot of the stuff you’re already taken in one dose. That’s one of the reasons i love it so much.

  17. hey i heard u saw beside ur lemon water on a empty stomach i wanna try doing that when i wake up. what are the benifits of taking lemon water first thing in the morning on a empty stomach

  18. thank you for your reply. ive checked the link, its a pitty i live in Brazil and it only ships to Us/Canda. Will try to find an alternative on tigerfitness or something..

  19. so you basically ingest it when you wake up? any other time during the day?
    should i substitute it instead of my multivitamin? thank you!

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