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15 Minute Metabolic Training Agility Ladder Workout


Get ready to sweat with this fat burning agility ladder cardio workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 15 minute metabolic training agility ladder workout to burn fat.

I’m going to kick your butt once again during this Live Lean workout.

This metabolic training agility ladder workout will get your body working, it’ll get your body moving, and it’ll get you sweating.

It doesn’t matter if it’s summer or winter.

If you’ve been following our Live Lean TV YouTube channel, you know we Live Lean, 365 days a year.


Here’s what makes Living Lean different

As a Live Leaner, we don’t pack on the pounds to stay warm for the winter, and then shed off the fat in the summer.

15 Minute Metabolic Training Agility Ladder Workout

It’s not about getting lean for the summer by starving yourself and sweating it out on the cardio machines for 4 hours a day.

Living Lean is about building a lean and strong body for the long-term.

Live Leaners eat delicious and healthy foods that are filled with muscle building and fat burning nutrients.

We also workout effectively, with just the right amount of frequency and intensity, so we don’t have to live in the gym.


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I can’t say this enough

When you eat satiating, hormone friendly, and blood sugar stabilizing whole foods, along with just enough water, and compliment that with smart and effective workouts, you too can Live Lean, 365 days a year.

Before completing today’s workout, make sure you’ve:

Today’s 15 minute metabolic training agility ladder workout is just another example of that.

This fat burning agility ladder workout only takes 15 minutes to complete.

If you think 15 minutes is too short to get in an effective workout, give it a try and let me know if you can complete an additional circuit.

15 Minute Metabolic Training Agility Ladder Workout

During this metabolic training agility ladder workout:

  • Your heart rate will be pumping.
  • The sweat is going to be pouring off your body.
  • Your body fat will be burning off.

Are you ready to get out of your comfort zone and try new exercises that you’ve never done before?

This workout is going to heat you up, so take your shirt off, and lets workout.

15 minute metabolic training agility ladder workout

Here’s how this 15 minute metabolic training agility ladder workout is structured.

Total time:

15 minutes.

Type of workout:

Metabolic training circuit workout.

Metabolic training workouts keep rest periods shorter and are usually completed in circuit format, with very little rest between exercises.

You’ll complete 7 exercises for 30 seconds, in circuit format.

Equipment required:

15 Minute Metabolic Training Agility Ladder Workout

All you need for this 15 minute metabolic training agility ladder workout is:

tabata timer

Number of reps:

30 seconds.

Set your interval timer for 30 seconds of work followed by a 10 second break, for a total of 7 exercises.

Number of circuits:

Complete 3 circuits.


  • 10 second break between exercises within the circuit.
  • 60 second break after completing the circuit.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Agility Ladder Mountain Climber

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: once you’re ready, click start on your interval timer and begin with the agility ladder mountain climber. Place your palms flat on the ground outside of the ladder, with your feet inside the ladder. Alternate by driving your knees in, aiming to not touch the ladder with your feet. Focus on keeping your core engaged for the full 30 seconds. Good job. Take a 10 second rest, then move directly into the next exercise.

A2. Agility Ladder In And Out

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: focus on quickly stepping your feet forward and backward, in and out of the agility ladder for 30 seconds. Drive your arms and keep your core contracted to improve your foot speed. You’ll should feel this burning in your quads and calves. Get ready for total body fat burn. After the 30 seconds is up, take a 10 second rest, then move into the next exercise.

A3. Agility Ladder Moving Push Up With Plank Knee Tuck (i.e. Moving Push Up 1/2 Burpee)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: complete a push up then keeping your knees together, drive both knees in, then both knees back. Then laterally move down the line to the next square in the agility ladder. Repeat for 30 seconds. If you reach the end of the agility ladder before the 30 seconds is up, make your way back down the line. Good job. By now your heart rate should be going fast, but lets keep it going.

A4. Agility Ladder Single Leg Shuffle with Backward Hops and Push Up Burpee

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: quickly tap your feet in and out as you move straight down the agility ladder. Once you reach the end of the agility ladder, hop backwards back to the starting position, complete a push up burpee. Immediately switch sides on the agility ladder and repeat with the other foot until the 30 seconds is up. Good job. Rest 10 seconds.

A5. Agility Ladder Mountain Climber

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: complete another 30 second set of agility ladder mountain climbers. Drive those knees in. By now, your legs should be burning and your core should be screaming. Hopefully you’re feeling good. Keep that energy up and lets go. After the 30 seconds, take a 10 second break.

A6. Agility Ladder Scissor Hops to In And Out to 180 Degree Forward Jump

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: start this exercise combo by completing 6 total (3 per side) alternating scissor hops in and out of the agility ladder, while driving your arms. This will fire up your legs. Then immediately complete 6 total (3 per side) quick feet in and outs. Then immediately hop over the agility ladder, turn your body in the air, and land facing agility ladder. Immediately hop back over the agility ladder, turn your body in the air again, and land facing the agility ladder. Then start the exercise combo over again with the alternating scissor hops and continue rotating exercises until the 30 seconds is up. Take a 10 second break, then move into the last exercise of the circuit.

A7. Agility Ladder Moving Push Up Bottom Burpee

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: complete a push up with one hand in square 1 and the other hand in square 3, leaving the middle square open. While explosively pushing the ground away from you, hop both feet to land inside the middle square of the agility ladder. Stick the landing, then place your hands back inside the same squares of the agility ladder, hop both feet back, then move your feet laterally and place your hands inside the next squares of the agility ladder. This will really help improve your explosiveness. Repeat for 30 seconds as you make your way down the agility ladder. If you make it to the end of the agility ladder, reverse your way back to the other side. Good job.

That’s the first circuit

Awesome job.

Rest for 60 seconds and then complete 2 more circuits, for a total of 3 circuits.

At this point you should:

  • feel the sweat coming off your body
  • be out of breath
  • feel your heart rate jacked up.

This means the fat is burning off.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


Did you enjoy this 15 minute metabolic training agility ladder workout?

If you liked this 15 minute metabolic training agility ladder workout, please click the social media buttons to share it with your friends.

Subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel and leave a comment below to tell me what type of workouts you want to see in upcoming posts.

I’ll be back again tomorrow with another fast food edition of Food Wars where I share the healthiest foods to eat and the worst foods to stay away from.

Until then, keep Living Lean.

Questions For You:

  • Do you enjoy working out outdoors?
  • What did you think of this workout? Are you going to try it?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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