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2 Diet Tips To Maintain Muscle While Losing Weight


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How To Maintain Muscle While Losing Weight

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 2 diet tips that will help you maintain muscle while losing weight.

I’m often asked if there is anyway to retain muscle while on a fat loss program?

The answer is yes.


If you watched the last episode of Live Lean TV called, the 14 Day Fat Loss Diet Challenge, you’re probably now following a temporary 14 day diet that puts your body in a safe calorie deficit.

14 Day Fat Loss Diet Challenge

The question you may now be asking is, “Brad does this calorie deficit mean I’ll also lose my precious muscle?”.

Great question Live Leaner.

And I have an even better answer for you.

Probably not, but maybe.

Yeah, great answer Brad.

By following these 2 diet tips, you’ll be setting your body up to maintain muscle while losing weight.

In other words, burn fat without losing muscle.

Diet Tip #1: Eat More Dietary Fat

Although every person’s body reacts differently, try eating more dietary fat.

And with the 14 Day Fat Loss Diet Challenge, you will be consuming a lot of healthy dietary fat.

And this is key.

Most men and women lose muscle when following a low carbohydrate and low dietary fat diet. 

Essentially they’re eating to lean.

How can you eat to lean?

Think of those people that only eat egg whites and chicken breasts.

Side note: 90% of the nutrients are in the egg yolk. so eat the whole egg would ya.

Your body needs healthy sources of high quality dietary fats, even when you’re trying to lose fat. 

And when I say quality sources of fat, I’m not talking about a Big Mac.

Sorry Ronald.

Omega-3 fats are your friend

Focus on consuming inflammation fighting omega-3 fats.

Our DNA has only evolved .02% over the past 40,000 years, however our cavemen ancestors ate a lot more omega-3s than we do today.

You can load up on foods rich in omega-3 fats by eating:

Here is a full video post on the 19 best foods high in omega 3 fatty acids.

Best Foods High In Omega 3 Fatty Acids

You can also supplement with a high quality fish oil or krill oil.

Bottom line, to maintain muscle while losing weight, and in some cases building muscle, you need to take in a lot of dietary fat when you follow a low carbohydrate diet, to lose fat.

Diet Tip #2: Supplement With BCAAs

One of the most important supplements, to maintain muscle while losing weight, on a fat loss program are Branch Chained Amino Acids, a.k.a. BCAAs.

If I’m following a lower calorie nutrition plan to lose fat, I usually add BCAAs to water before, during, and after my workout.

I also sometimes add some in my water bottle between meals. 

Here is a brand of BCAAs that I’ve used.

BCAAs act like an ozone layer protecting your muscles from breakdown.

And while you’re at it, drink a greens powder in the morning as your vitamin and mineral insurance.


A high quality greens powder also acts as a natural energy booster.

Here is a link to the high quality greens powder that I use.


Try implementing these 2 diet tips if your goal is to maintain muscle while losing weight.

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Now I’m interested in hearing about your experiences with burning fat while gaining muscle.

Question For You:

  • Have you had any positive experiences in accomplishing the often termed “impossible” task of burning fat while gaining muscle?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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65 responses to “2 Diet Tips To Maintain Muscle While Losing Weight

  1. It is impossible for losing fat without risk with out w­or­kout properly
    and manage the diet. Pi­lls & dru­gs will include dangerous side-effects.

  2. It is impossible for losing fat without risk with out w­or­kout properly
    and manage the diet. Pi­lls & dru­gs will include dangerous side-effects.

  3. It is impossible for losing fat without risk with out w­or­kout properly
    and manage the diet. Pi­lls & dru­gs will include dangerous side-effects.

  4. It’s possible to lo­se 1­0 lb­s na­turally in 2 weeks, wit­hout bat­tl­ing
    with cra­vings for foo­d

  5. “You are what you eat”
    You undoubtedly can burn fat quicker, more efficient by consuming the real
    good food.

  6. If you are looking to get rid of fat quickly, you should search google for Exyph Fat Loss. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

  7. My family laughed when I told them I would burn calories with Nifty Fat Blaster, but then they saw the results. Google Nifty Fat Blaster to see their reaction.

  8. It would be a shame if you did not bulk up when normal people are able to burn up fat easily using Legion Fat Loss (search for it on google).

  9. If you seriously want to burn fat, you should do a google search Skinnimaker Diet. They will help you get the body you deserve.

  10. If you seriously want to burn fat, you should do a google search Skinnimaker Diet. They will help you get the body you deserve.

  11. If you seriously want to burn fat, you should do a google search Skinnimaker Diet. They will help you get the body you deserve.

  12. It would be a shame for you not to bulk up when other people build muscle so easily with Max Muscle Extend (check it out on Google).

  13. Have you experienced “Lean Body Maximizer”? (check it out on google) It is a quick way for you to burn off fat fast.

  14. Have you experienced “Lean Body Maximizer”? (check it out on google) It is a quick way for you to burn off fat fast.

  15. Have you experienced “Lean Body Maximizer”? (check it out on google) It is a quick way for you to burn off fat fast.

  16. Hello, have you experienced Swift Fat Loss? (just google it) You will discover the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With “Swift Fat Loss”, you will discover how to burn up fat fast.

  17. If you seriously want to burn fat fast, you should search google for “Windy Fat Loss”. They can help you get the body you deserve.

  18. If you seriously want to burn calories fast, you should search google for “Supreme Fat loss”. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

  19. If you seriously want to burn calories fast, you should search google for “Supreme Fat loss”. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

  20. Have you tried “Six Pack Strike?” (Go Google it) It is a quick and easy way for you to build muscle fast.

  21. If you have been trying to burn fat quickly, you should do a google search Trim Fat Maximizer. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

  22. If you have been trying to burn fat quickly, you should do a google search Trim Fat Maximizer. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

  23. If you have been trying to burn fat quickly, you should do a google search Trim Fat Maximizer. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

  24. Have you heard about Zippy Fat Loss? (do a google search for it) It is a quick and easy way for you to lose fat fast.

  25. Hi there, have you heard about Amos Fat Loss? (look it up on google) You will find out how to kill your stomach fat.

  26. Hey YouTubers, have you experienced Fat Blast Lifestyle? (Google it) You will find out about the serious crimes we commit against ourselves. With Fat Blast Lifestyle, you will discover how to lose weight fast.

  27. Expert guide is just everything you really need in order to GET RIPPED AND CUT. A customized dietary & workout plan makes this done MUCH FASTER and without cutting off your time. Moro Muscle Ripper will tell you methods from skilled instructors in order to get bigger STRONG MUSCLE fast. Simply Google for “Moro Muscle Ripper” to find out more!

  28. Expert guide is just everything you really need in order to GET RIPPED AND CUT. A customized dietary & workout plan makes this done MUCH FASTER and without cutting off your time. Moro Muscle Ripper will tell you methods from skilled instructors in order to get bigger STRONG MUSCLE fast. Simply Google for “Moro Muscle Ripper” to find out more!

  29. Hey YouTubers, have you experienced Fat Blast Factor? (Go Google it) You will learn about the serious crimes we commit against our bodies. With Fat Blast Factor, you will discover how to shed fat quickly.

  30. My coworkers laughed when I told them I was going to melt fat with Fat Blast Factor, but then they saw the results. Do a search on google for Fat Blast Factor to see their reaction.

  31. Hey YouTubers, have you experienced Fat Blast Factor? (just google it) You will find out about the crimes we commit against our bodies. With Fat Blast Factor, you will discover how to shed pounds quickly.

  32. If you seriously want to shed fat, you should search google for Fat Blast Blueprint. They can help you get the body you deserve.

  33. They laughed when I told them I was going to lose fat with “Atomic Fat Loss”, but then I showed them the results. Go and google “Atomic Fat Loss” to see their reaction. (You should see their shock!)

  34. How much omega 3 fatty acids should I be consuming everyday? I take chia seeds and flaxseeds for my juicing everyday. But now I’m wondering whether I’ve been taking too much or too little?

  35. eat meals when you’re hungry … i prefer 6 meals as it keeps me full . i prefer to eat my last meal 2 hours before i go to bed

  36. Hi Brad. Love your videos. One question that I am not sure you have addressed. When is the best time to eat meals and also is eating late bad for you and does this cause your body to store the calories as fat? Many thanks. Mark.

  37. My family laughed when I told them I would burn calories with “Epic Lean Body”, but then they saw the results. Go google “Epic Lean Body” to see their reaction.

  38. Kidding me? All sorts of “forced multiculturalism” going on in ‘non-white’ countries, man! Apartheid in Africa is a good example… natives in other countries are also still having their own culture suppressed. I hear your concern but be careful where your beliefs take you… this fear can lead to hate, and that’s a slippery slope my friend. Try to see 2 sides of every story.

  39. Good shit! I usually pound my greens post workout with my whey… think I’ll throw some in the AM now too. Fish oil, nuts, and coconut oil on a daily also! Question for you though… if I’m taking a good quality whey protein, would there be enough BCAA’s present in that such that I wouldn’t need to supplement with branched chain aa’s as well?

  40. The frugavore diet is slightly dangerous. You need to watch your fructose intake and make sure you get a wide variety of different fruits.

  41. It would be a shame if you did not shed pounds when other normal people are able to lose weight easily using Mimmu Fat Blast (Look it up on google).

  42. I just saw the protein u say u take. I my self take gold standard whey. isolet protein. Optimal nutrition does do much marketing honestly ive never seen a commercial be4. Whats your view on optimal nutrition.

  43. You are a moron ….most countries in this world have a multicultural society. There are different races in all countries. Don’t worry there will always be morons like you to keep the white race going. Fortunately only really dumb people actually believe this and most of the world just wants to get along.

  44. Why is it that EVERY White country is forced to be multicultural/multiracial?
    Why is it that EVERY White country is told to end its own race/culture?

    No one asks that of -ANY- non-White country.
    Immigration/assimilation is FORCED upon ONLY White countries
    Anti-Whites call themselves “anti-racists” but their actions lead to the elimination of only one race, the White race.
    The purpose of “anti-racism” is to genocide White children.
    “Anti-racist” is just a code for anti-White


  45. Hi Brad! I’m From Brazil! Your tips are Great!
    Please make more videos about Tabata workout.

    what do you think about frugivorous diet? I adopted this style and lose 3 kg (1.5 lb) in 2 weeks…

    Thank you for your job!

  46. Brad so just eat proteins and vegis, and its kinda funny I made a broccoli shake this morning and it was soooooooo disgusting but I drank it and now I still feel nauseous 🙁

  47. @popeye147 capsules – but i open the capsules (just twist them open) and pour the powder in my drink

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