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2 Ingredients That Increase Your Risk Of Heart Disease


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Avoid These Serious Food Threats That Raise The Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing the 2 ingredients that increase your risk of heart disease and cause serious threats to your health.

Question #1: What is the #1 leading cause of death in the US?

I want you to stop reading right now, scroll to the bottom of the page, and tell me your answer in the comment section below.

All right, thanks for participating.


If you said, watching boring romance movies, that would be #2.

Answer: The #1 leading cause of death in the US is heart disease.

According to the CDC, 1 out of every 4 deaths is caused by heart disease.

Question #2: What is 1 of the top 3 leading factors that increases the risk of heart disease?

Tell me your answer in the comment section below.

Answer: 1 of the top 3 leading factors that increases the risk of heart disease is elevated levels of LDL cholesterol.

Question #3: Which 2 serious food threats are associated with elevated LDL cholesterol?

Tell me your answer in the comments below.

If you said saturated fats are linked to elevated levels of LDL cholesterol, you’d be wrong and you have been mislead by the mainstream media.

Natural forms of saturated fats have been proven not to be a leading cause of heart disease, as they actually raise the good kind of cholesterol, which is HDL cholesterol.

The Truth About Saturated Fat, Salt, Carbohydrates, and Protein

If you want to learn more about this, I did another video post on this topic called The Truth About Saturated Fat.

If your answer was trans fats, you would be correct.

Answer: Trans fats.

Heart Disease Risk #1: Trans Fats

Avoid These 7 Common Foods Containing Trans Fats

The first serious food threat that is associated with elevated LDL cholesterol, and increases your risk of heart disease, are trans fats.

Trans fats are cheap, man made, and chemically altered in a lab to:

  • add texture to processed food
  • enhance the flavor of processed food
  • increase the shelf life of processed food

Foods containing trans fat typically include an ingredient called partially hydrogenated oils.

Trans fats have been proven to increase bad LDL cholesterol and decrease good HDL cholesterol.

How I Raised My Good HDL Cholesterol To Boost My Testosterone

This throws the important HDL to LDL cholesterol ratio way out of whack, thus turbocharging your risk of heart disease.

Foods Containing Trans Fats

The following stat is even scarier.

Back in 2015, I read an analysis from the Environment Working Group (EWG) that trans fats may be found in up to 40% of all foods in the grocery store.

Foods containing trans fats are mainly found in processed foods containing partially hydrogenated oils.

This means you should avoid all processed foods that lists partially hydrogenated oils in the ingredients list.

Common processed foods containing trans fats include:

  • Baked goods:
    • cookies
    • bread
  • Potato chips
  • Cereal
  • Anything deep fried:
  • Anything battered:
    • packaged chicken fingers
  • Frozen dinners

Be Aware If The Food Label Claims It’s “Trans Fat Free”

If you’re still buying these processed foods because the food label on the package claims it’s “Trans Fat Free”, think again.

The Truth About 7 Misleading Food Label Claims

According to FDA rules, food companies can round down.

If a food contains 0.4 grams of trans fats per serving, it can be marketed as 0 grams of trans fats or trans fats free.

Look at is this way.

If you are eating 5 servings worth of potato chips, which happens to a lot of us, that would equal 2 grams of trans fats.

That’s not good.

How Much Trans Fat Per Day Is Safe?

If there is one type of food to avoid, it’s trans fats.

Let me repeat this again.

If the ingredients list contains partially hydrogenated oils, always avoid it.

The American Heart Association says to limit trans fats to less than 2 grams per day.

However, the Live Lean Nation says to limit trans fats to 0 grams per day.


Don’t piss off your heart.

Let’s move on.

Heart Disease Risk #2: Excessive Sugar Consumption

Does Sugar Make You Fat?

The second serious food threat that is associated with elevated LDL cholesterol, and increases your risk of heart disease, is excessive sugar consumption.

Yes, excessive sugary carbohydrates can lead to an increase in triglycerides, which is the fat in your blood.

High levels of triglycerides can lead to an increase in LDL cholesterol, and a higher risk of heart disease.

It has been shown that people with low good HDL cholesterol and higher triglyceride levels, have a 6 times greater risk of heart disease.

Think about it.

When people have a diet high in trans fats and sugary processed carbohydrates, such as baked goods, cookies, chips, breads, and chips, it significantly raises triglyceride levels and lowers good HDL cholesterol.

This nasty combination increases the risk of heart disease 6 times.

Other Risk Factors For Heart Disease

The other 2 leading risk factors for heart disease are:

  • high blood pressure
  • smoking

Foods causing high blood pressure could be a whole other video post, so if you want to see that, leave a comment below, and I’ll put something together for you.

Since smoking is not really related to food, I’ll just say this.

Why the f*&k are you still smoking?

Bottom Line On Heart Disease

It’s time to take control of your health, by getting back to the basics.

These basics include learning how to cook with mainly one ingredient foods, such as:

  • meat
  • vegetables
  • nuts
  • seeds
  • fruit

Now this may sound boring, but it’s not when you know how easy it is to make these foods taste great.

That’s what hundreds of other Live Leaners, just like you, are doing over at our inner circle site, Team Live Lean.

Join Team Live Lean

Team Live Lean

Our members have access to over 100 delicious and easy cooking lesson recipe videos showing you how to make healthy meals, snacks, and sides.

They also get weekly meals plans, as well as monthly workout programs, and so much more.

If you’re ready to take control back of your health, I invite you to join us at Team Live Lean, and change your life.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

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Question Of The Day:

  • What’s the #1 leading cause of death in the US?
  • What is 1 of the top 3 leading factors that increases the risk of heart disease?
  • Which 2 serious food threats are associated with elevated LDL cholesterol?
  • Do you want to see a video post on foods that cause high blood pressure?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

59 responses to “2 Ingredients That Increase Your Risk Of Heart Disease

  1. Saturated fats have never been scientifically proven to help fight LDL
    cholesterol, this is just dumb bro science.

  2. “Don’t piss off your heart.” I love this guy lol Anyway, do a video on the
    keto diet Brad!

  3. Love this kind of info. The myths about Saturated Fats and full eggs is a
    constant battle. So many people I know, can’t wrap their mind around the
    fact that those two fats are not the enemy. The media is the 3rd serious
    food threat. I would love a vid on high blood pressure. My brother has
    this issue. Knowledge is power my friend. Thanks for the vid.

  4. Is it just as dangerous when you eat sugar from natural sources like
    produce, legumes, and rice?

  5. Is the sugar found in whole fruits something to look out for as well? I am
    asking because 90% of my diet is fruit.

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