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How To Lose Water Weight In A Week For An Event


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3 Ways To Shed Water Weight Quickly To Get Lighter And Tighter

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 3 ways on how to lose water weight in a week for an event.

By now you should know we don’t mess around with fad diets or temporary results.

If you’re new to the show, we Live Lean 365 days a year, meaning we’re in it for the long game.


We don’t flop around because we make lean gains every day.

However, during your Live Lean journey, you may want to occasionally kick start your body into high fat burning overdrive.

An example of this could include when you’re looking to shred down and lose weight quickly for an upcoming event, vacation, or a photoshoot.

This does not mean you have to starve yourself by just eating celery and jogging on the treadmill for 6 hours a day.

Not only do we want to burn body fat, we also want to emphasize lean muscle this week.

This means an all out, how low can you go, drastic calorie reduction is not your priority this week.

It’s important to always prioritize your health first.

3 Ways To Lose Weight In A Week For An Event

To do this safely and improve your look, here are 3 ways to lose “weight” in a week for an event.

I’m using quotes around “weight” because, yes you may lose 1-2 lbs of fat this week, however the reason you’ll be feeling lighter and tighter, is because you will be shedding water weight.

#1. Dial In Your Nutrition…For Real

What I mean by this is simple.

Eliminate all processed food for the week.

This shouldn’t be that challenging, because as a Live Leaner, we tend to only eat processed foods during our well earned cheat meal.

However, for this week only, cheat meals are out.

What Are Processed Foods?

If you’re not clear on what processed foods are, consider this.

If it comes in a box, with ingredients you can’t pronounce, it’s processed and not going in your temple this week.

What Should I Eat To Lose Weight?

All the foods you will be eating this week will come from the outer aisles of the grocery store.

I’m talking about:

To stay compliant to these healthy foods, 99.9% of you will need a meal plan to follow.

Check out our Live Lean 20 Diet system and follow that meal plan to ensure you’re staying compliant to this strategy.

Live Lean 20 Diet

Eat A Lot Of Water Flushing Vegetables

When it comes to your carbohydrates this week, focus only on fibrous vegetables, especially the ones I call water flushing vegetables:

  • Asparagus
  • Spinach
  • Cucumber

A lot of people don’t know this.

For every gram of carbohydrate you consume, your body stores 3 grams of water under your skin.

This stored water is why you may feel puffy and flabby at times.

Therefore, eat more of these water flushing vegetables to help get rid of that stored water, so you can feel lighter and tighter.

This week fruit is ok in moderation, but keep it to after your workouts.

Also try sticking to berries, as they’re low glycemic and won’t bloat you.

#2. Step Up Your Water Consumption

Remember when we were talking about flushing out that stored water?

Well guess what?


I’m about to blow your mind.

By drinking more water, it’ll actually help you flush more stored water out of your body.

Mind blown.

Yes, when you drink more water, you’ll be flushing more water out from under your skin.

Sure you’ll be going to the bathroom more, but it’ll give you a chance to check out your paper thin skin in the mirror, and take an ab selfie.

How Much Water Should You Drink In A Day?

Aim to drink at least, ½ your bodyweight in pounds, in ounces of water.

For example:

If you weigh 180 pounds, drink at least 90 ounces or 2.6 liters of water throughout the day.

Get out your water bottle, and keep it filled, so you can keep track of your water consumption.

#3. Two A Day Workouts

Welcome to the world of two a days.

For the next 7 days, I want you hitting the gym with maximum intensity.

Intensity means effort not duration.

We’re focusing on creating as much “Afterburn” as possible, to destroy as many calories throughout the day, even while you sleep.

In the morning, I want you hitting your sprints.

This means HIIT training.

15-20 minutes of intervals in the morning.

That is it.

Check out my Live Lean Sprint 2.0 program for exact workouts to shred down your body fat faster, using quick HIIT workouts.

Then in the evening, you hit the gym for an Afterburn style resistance training workout.

I want you focusing on total body, compound exercises, including:

These metabolic style workouts will not only shred you down, but they’ll also bring out max definition with your muscles.

The workouts found in my Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 program show you exactly what to do and are perfect for this.

By completing a HIIT workout in the morning, and an Afterburn style resistance training workout in the evening, it’ll take less than 2 hours in the gym.

This is much better than 3 hours on the boring ass treadmill.

Bottom Line On How To Lose Water Weight In A Week For An Event

Remember, you’ll be pushing your body to the limits this week, but it’s only short-term.

To get the results faster, you have to put the pedal to the floor this week.

After that, get back to your sustainable lifestyle habits, that we talk about every week here on Live Lean TV.

I hope you loved the tips in this post.

I love you guys and keep Living Lean.


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