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Upgrade Your Breakfast With 3 Easy And Tasty Breakfast Ideas


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3 Healthy Breakfast Recipes

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you how to upgrade your breakfast with 3 easy and tasty breakfast ideas.

That’s right, it’s time to upgrade your bacon and eggs breakfast.

What Is The Meat And Nuts Breakfast?

How To Make A Meat And Nuts Breakfast Recipe

All right, I’ve done numerous video posts on why you should start the day with the meat and nuts breakfast.


I learned about the Meat And Nuts breakfast protocol from Charles Poliquin.

Essentially, the meat and nuts breakfast strategy is simply eating a breakfast with foods high in:

Let’s call it the “PFF Breakfast”.

How To Get Sustainable Results From Eating A PFF Breakfast

The key to getting results from the PFF breakfast, just like with everything Live Lean related, is consistency.

Consistency creates lifestyle habits, and lifestyle habits create life-long results.

However most people confuse consistency, with the process of eating the same types of food, prepared the exact same way, everyday.

If that’s your definition of consistency, you’re bound to get absolutely bored with it, then you’ll go back to the box of Raisin Bran for breakfast.

The Difference Between Portion Size And Serving Size

The #1 Consistency Killer Is Boredom

My definition of consistency is following the big picture, which in this case is a breakfast high in foods containing protein, fat, and fiber.

Consistency is not eating the same cut of steak and the same nuts prepared the same way, everyday.

It’s important to have more variety in your diet, to not only to reduce boredom, but also to get the variety of nutrients in your diet.

How To Make Ridiculously Healthy Breakfasts

With that said, here are a few meat and nuts breakfast ideas to add more variety to your diet.

Upgrade Your Breakfast With 3 Easy And Tasty Breakfast Ideas

Here are 3 ways to upgrade your meat and nuts breakfast, so you never get bored of eating the same breakfast again.

#1. Vary The Types Of Protein And How You Prepare It

The best sources of protein are those high in essential amino acids, especially the prime muscle building amino acid, Leucine.

Protein sources high in essential amino acids include:

One day you could have beef for breakfast, by following this steak and eggs recipe.

how to make steak and eggs for breakfast

Then another day you could have chicken for breakfast, and so on.

If this sounds like a lot of work, don’t worry.

Simply use the leftover meat from last night’s dinner, and add it to your breakfast.

Breakfast Recipe To Upgrade Your Beef

Rather than just frying up your steak with boring spices in the morning, I want you to cook this delicious steak recipe for dinner the night before, in bulk.

By cooking in bulk, you can then enjoy the steak again for breakfast, the next morning.

Marinated Steak Recipe

Print Recipe
Marinated Steak Recipe
How To Make A Healthy Steak Marinade Recipe
Course Main Dish
Prep Time 3 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
Passive Time 30 minutes
  • 1 whole juice of lemon
  • 1 whole juice of lime
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley (chopped)
  • 1 dash Himalayan pink salt (or sea salt)
  • 1 dash Black Pepper
  • 12 oz flank or skirt steak
  • 1 tsp hot sauce
  • 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
Course Main Dish
Prep Time 3 minutes
Cook Time 6 minutes
Passive Time 30 minutes
  • 1 whole juice of lemon
  • 1 whole juice of lime
  • 1 tbsp fresh parsley (chopped)
  • 1 dash Himalayan pink salt (or sea salt)
  • 1 dash Black Pepper
  • 12 oz flank or skirt steak
  • 1 tsp hot sauce
  • 1 tbsp Coconut Oil
How To Make A Healthy Steak Marinade Recipe
  1. To make the steak marinade, cut 1 lemon and 1 lime in half, then squeeze the juice from both halves into a bowl.
  2. Chop 1 tbsp of fresh parsley, then add it to the same bowl.
  3. Add 1 dash of Himalayan pink salt and black pepper to the bowl, then stir the mixture together.
  4. Lay the steak flat in a dish, then pour the marinade over it.
  5. Allow the steak to marinate in it for 30 minutes.
  6. After 30 minutes of marinating, add the steak to a grill or pan that has been pre-heated over high heat.
  7. Grill or fry the steak over high heat for 3 minutes per side, then add to a plate.
  8. If you used a pan, use the same pan to mix together 1 tsp of hot sauce with 1 tbsp of melted coconut oil.
  9. Top the steak with the hot sauce and coconut oil sauce mixture.
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Information (per serving)

Calories: 372

Protein: 48g

Carbohydrates: 0g

Fat: 20g

#2. Vary The Types Of Fat And How You Prepare It

There are many types of nuts, that all different micronutrient properties and flavors.

It’s important to have a variety.

Try pistachios, macadamias, or pine nuts.

Or skip the nuts, and go with other healthy fat sources such as:

Breakfast Recipe to Upgrade Your Eggs

But rather than doing the standard scrambled eggs, like we all do, let’s upgrade your eggs to poached eggs.

Poached Eggs Recipe

Poached eggs are quick, simple, and easy to make.

Give this poached eggs recipe at try.

How To Make Poached Eggs In Boiling Water

Print Recipe
How To Make Poached Eggs
How To Make Poached Eggs
Course Main Dish
Prep Time 4 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • 4 eggs
Course Main Dish
Prep Time 4 minutes
Cook Time 3 minutes
  • 1 tbsp white vinegar
  • 4 eggs
How To Make Poached Eggs
  1. Boil approximately 4 inches of water in a pot.
  2. Once the water starts to boil, lower the heat, then add 1 tbsp of white vinegar, and stir in a large circular motion to create a swirling effect with the water.
  3. Crack the shell, then slowly add the egg into the middle of the swirling water, and cook for 3 minutes.
  4. Once the eggs are cooked, remove the eggs by scooping them out of the water with a slotted spoon.
  5. Dap the eggs with a paper towel to remove the excess water, serve, and enjoy.
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Information (per serving)

Calories: 276

Protein: 24g

Carbohydrates: 0g

Fat: 20g

Or you could use an egg poacher pan like this one.

poached eggs

#3. Vary The Types Of Fiber And How You Prepare It

If you’re sick of eating chunks of stir fried broccoli, like we all are, make cauliflower mash.

You won’t even notice the difference between mashed cauliflower potatoes and mashed potatoes, although your waistline definitely will.

How To Make A Mashed Cauliflower Potatoes Recipe

Follow this simple recipe to make mashed cauliflower potatoes.

Print Recipe
Mashed Cauliflower Recipe
How To Make A Mashed Cauliflower Recipe
Course Side Dish
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
  • 1/2 head cauliflower
  • 1-2 cloves garlic (sliced)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 tbsp chives (chopped)
  • 1 dash Sea Salt (optional)
  • 1 dash Black Pepper (optional)
Course Side Dish
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
  • 1/2 head cauliflower
  • 1-2 cloves garlic (sliced)
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1 tbsp chives (chopped)
  • 1 dash Sea Salt (optional)
  • 1 dash Black Pepper (optional)
How To Make A Mashed Cauliflower Recipe
  1. Boil 2 cups of water in a pot.
  2. Chop up 1/2 a head of cauliflower into smaller size pieces.
  3. Slice up 1-2 cloves of garlic.
  4. Add garlic and cauliflower to the boiling pot of water.
  5. Stir the mixture, cover the pot with a lid, then boil for 10 minutes.
  6. While the cauliflower mixture is boiling, add 1/2 an avocado to a food processor or high powered blender.
  7. After 10 minutes of boiling, add the cauliflower and garlic mixture to the food processor.
  8. Blend the avocado, cauliflower, and garlic together until it reaches a creamy texture, then scoop out a serving and add it to a bowl or plate.
  9. Chop up 1 tbsp of fresh chives, then top the mashed cauliflower with a sprinkle of chives.
  10. Optional: add a dash of sea salt and black pepper.
  11. Enjoy your mashed cauliflower.
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Information (per serving):

Calories: 50

Protein: 2g

Carbohydrates: 6g

Fat: 2g

The full 6 minute step-by-step cooking video is on our Team Live Lean inner circle members site.

Cauliflower Mash Recipe

Bottom Line On How Upgrade Your Breakfast

I’m not expecting you to do all this cooking in the morning.

It’s all about prepping your food in advance, and storing it in your fridge for leftovers.

Upgrade Your Breakfast With 3 Easy And Tasty Breakfast Ideas

Preparation equals success.

It may take twice as much effort in the beginning, but I’m telling you, once you see the results, it’ll become just like another lifestyle habit.

I hope you’ll give these 3 easy and tasty breakfast ideas a try, because it’s our mission to get you lean.

Keep Living Lean.

Turn On Your Body’s Fat Burning Switch With The Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook System

If you are confused at what to eat and are interested in more creative ways to prepare your food to taste delicious, I want you to go check out my paleo Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook.

It contains over 200 quick, healthy, easy, affordable, and delicious paleo recipes for:

  • breakfast
  • lunch
  • dinner
  • snacks

All the recipes are paleo and low sugar, so they’re designed to get you lean.

It’s amazing how many tasty snacks and meals you can come up with, using all real healthy ingredients.

I pity those “dieters” who are ruining their sustainable chances of Living Lean by eating boring foods.

Live Lean Cookbook iPad

It’s time to supercharge your results faster.

You can find all 200 recipes, the 8 week meal plan, and grocery lists here.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • What meal of the day do you struggle with the most?
  • Have you tried the meat and nuts or the PFF breakfast yet?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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25 responses to “Upgrade Your Breakfast With 3 Easy And Tasty Breakfast Ideas

  1. I have issues with breakfast… I always feel so sick in the morning its so
    hard to keep food down just the taught of food makes me nauseated I know I
    should eat protein but the thought of putting a animal in my mouth is to
    much wich is why I always eat just crackers any advise for people who have
    a problem eating

  2. I used to think high Protein diets were the way to go in terms of getting
    lean and fit, but people tend to forget how acidic animal products are on
    your body. That’s why I try to eat vegan and follow a plant based diet
    since fruit and vegetables are very alkaline. Plus, a vegan diet gives you
    a healthy glow, something which high protein diets won’t ever do.

  3. I always seem to have trouble wirh dinner.. i get home late and like to go
    ro sleep early. I’m ro hungry to skip dinner but at 7pm it’s late to start
    cooking. I was thinking about shakes but i dont know if that would be a
    good idea.

  4. This morning I had leftover Popeye’s Fried Chicken…skin removed…put the
    pieces of chicken breast in a pan with a sliced HB egg, chalets, onion
    season mix and a dab of cream. 5 min, Bam! …very tasty and low carb. And
    I didn’t buy the chicken …the household food waster did. You can use the
    food wasters castoffs if you know how to get the trash calories off of it
    or separate it from the trash calories.

  5. silly question, but how would you reheat the steak? In the microwave?
    Anytime I do that it always comes out hard and chewy. Any suggestions?
    Thanks and great video!

  6. Struggle with breakfast, often don’t have enough time to cook a meal, and I
    end up taking a shake on the go

  7. You need to come over with Jess and I will make the both of you some coconut flour waffles and grass-fed beef bacon!! Bring some eggs YO!

    (Nice YouTube Space video!!)

  8. oh no, I accidentally hit the dislike button, my cat jumped on the table
    and moved my hand. I clicked it again so I hope it came off. I did enjoy
    your video.

  9. I have finally got my meals all figured out. You two have been a big part
    of that. I am lucky, I don’t get tired of meals very easily. I do change
    up my protein and the nuts each day as well. I also have a different type
    of tea each morning as well. I just make subtle changes each day. Great
    tips. Thanks for the vid.

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