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5 Delicious High Protein Paleo Meal Ideas


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I Bet You’ve Never Tried These Meals Before

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 5 delicious high protein paleo meal ideas that you’ve never tried before.

By now, you know I’m all about protein.

Protein is the optimal nutrient for the growth and repair of your muscle tissue.

If you didn’t know, muscle is the key driver of your metabolism, and the secret to looking younger.

Best Protein To Get Shredded

Unfortunately, as a society, we are eating less and less high quality protein sources, such as:

We are replacing those protein sources by eating more refined and processed sugary carbohydrates, such as:

One of the reasons for the lack of protein consumption is people tend to be bored with the same old dry grilled chicken or flavorless white fish.

Eating Healthy Does Not Have To Mean Boring

Fortunately, I’m here to tell you.

You don’t have to eat it like that.

Consuming protein will not only give you your gains, it can also be delicious too.

5 Delicious High Protein Paleo Meal Ideas

Check out these 5 delicious high protein paleo meal ideas you’ve probably never tried before.

Let’s get started.

#1. Make Chicken Kebabs

Rather than frying your chicken into a dry and tasteless mess, I want you to kebab yo’ chicken.

How To Make An Easy Chicken Kebab Recipe With Marinade

Here’s a simple and easy step-by-step video on How To Make An Easy Chicken Kebab Recipe On The Grill.

We first shared this meal idea on our second YouTube channel, Brad Gouthro TV.

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Brad Gouthro TV is our vlog channel where we show you day in the life episodes of how we Live Lean via our workouts, meals, and having fun.

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I’m waiting.

Don’t make me come over there.

Watch the Brad Gouthro TV vlog called What The Heck Am I Eating?, where we first shared us making these grilled chicken kebabs.

#2. Make Turkey Burger Patties

That’s right, patty yo’ turkey.

Rather than browning your ground turkey in a pan every single time, take an extra 3 minutes and make healthy turkey burger patties.

How To Make Healthy Turkey Burgers In Bulk

If you’re wondering how to make them, here’s our delicious and healthy turkey burger recipe.

Nothing tastes better than grilled meat.

Plus eating a turkey burger seems a little like a cheat meal, even though it’s awesome and healthy.

We also made these turkey burgers in this Brad Gouthro TV vlog called, Why We Eat This Post Workout Meal.

#3. Make Egg Crackers

Quick High Protein Snack Idea: Avocado Egg Crackers

Rather than stuffing your face with fattening and hunger inducing crackers, I want you to cracker yo’ eggs with this Avocado Egg Cracker recipe.

Simply hard boil a bunch of eggs, peel off the shell, and slice it up like a cracker.

Top the sliced eggs with a chunk of avocado, and boom you just made gains.

We first shared these Egg Crackers in this Brad Gouthro TV Vlog called, Quick Protein Snack | Workout | Groceries.

#4. Make Protein Ice Cream

That’s right, ice cream yo’ protein powder, by making this healthy protein ice cream Wendy’s Frosty recipe.


Those late night ice cream cravings will get you.

But did you know that you could make a delicious Wendy’s replica of a Frosty, using just a banana and some protein powder?

Yummy Frosty.

I’m serious.

The consistency of the protein ice cream is bang on, the flavor is orgasmic, and the gains you’re going to make from the protein will have you yelling, “damn that’s good!”.

We first showed you the cooking directions on how to make this 2 ingredient protein ice cream in a Brad Gouthro TV vlog called, Why We Eat This Post Workout Meal.

Finally, let’s move on to number 5.

#5. Use The Ready To Eat Turkey From Costco

Yes, let Costco prepare yo’ turkey.

I’ve finally found a pre-prepared turkey option that is cooked and ready to eat.

It’s the Kirkland Oven Browned Turkey Breast from Costco.

All you have to do is store it in your fridge and pull it out whenever you get a craving.

It’s also great to add to a quick salad.

It’s pretty healthy for something that is pre-cooked.

Guess what?

We shared this protein goldmine with our Brad Gouthro TV YouTube subscribers, during a recent grocery haul vlog called, Quick Protein Snack | Workout | Groceries.

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It’s the fat burning two step combo.

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Questions Of The Day:

  • Do you use these ways to eat your protein?
  • If yes, how many of these ways do you currently use?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

0 responses to “5 Delicious High Protein Paleo Meal Ideas

  1. Hey Brad enjoy your videos.
    Ive lost 45lbs of weight in a year.I estimate im about 20lbs away from
    seeing my abs.Im a big guy 6’3 and am now 195lbs.
    People are saying im looking skinny.If i lose another 20 lbs im going to
    look worse,but ill see my abs hopefully.Doing weight and cardio 6 days/week
    and eat low carb,but calories for my size are very low around 1500…what
    do you think the way forward is for me in attaining my fitness goals

  2. I will be trying the first 4… Especially the Egg and Avocado combo… I
    can have it as a snack for work, since I work nights..

  3. I loved hearing you say, yo chicken, yo turkey !!! hehe.. I went and
    subscribed to your BGTv channel… you do inspire me to cook better and
    delicious meals… and also learned a lot from your content. Keep them
    coming… thank you for sharing with all of us.

  4. Yo, I tried that banana ice cream last night, so good. I was doing your
    other recipe from a while back, but this one is just so….what’s the

  5. Been using most of these for awhile now. I don’t usually get sick of the
    same food. I am lucky that way. Is nice to change it up though. I have
    to try the ice cream. I make an ice cream with coconut milk and frozen
    banana. Comes out delicious, but more like ice cream, not a malt like
    yours looks like. I will definitely try it as well. Thanks for the vid.

  6. I tried them all….. at once:).
    Again awesome video. Brad have question about protein shakes. Did you ever
    get skin problems using whey??? Second question is… could you tell what
    kind of grooming products u are using???? I do remember videos, about bad
    igredience in you everyday grooming products, so what brans, kinds u are
    using at the moment???? Thx guys:)

  7. So for some reason I though I was subscribe to u r second chanel. I went to
    double check and I wasnt. Ahhh. Am now. What is wrong with me.. hahaha

  8. OMG I made the Protein Ice Cream Frosty tonight for a healthy treat I have
    to say DAMN THAT”S GOOD!! Thanks Brad and Jessica

  9. Im on it Brad, made a large batch of Lean Mince today all ready for my meat
    & nuts breakfast – bring on the gains guys!!

  10. What do u think of sports people going paleo? Football(soccer) to be
    specific! I was on paleo over the close season but started back on the
    carbs once I started my pre season training!

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