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On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing your best 8 sustainable eating habits for a healthy lifestyle, 365 days a year.
Since 2012, I’ve been sharing what I used to transform my health and physique.
Over the years, I’ve shared my:
To change it up a bit, I reached out to you and asked you to share your best diet tips on my:
Yes the Live Lean Nation has spoken.
In particular, you shared what the easiest and most sustainable steps you’ve taken to fix your diet.
I received a lot of responses, so thank you for sharing all your tips.
Here is a list of your top 8 easiest diet fixes ever.
To put it simply, one ingredient whole foods are natural, unprocessed, and comes from the earth.
These are the foods that our bodies are designed to thrive on.
Unfortunately, over the past 100 years, these healthy one ingredient foods have been replaced with processed and chemical filled foods, designed for convenience.
These processed foods often contain hunger spiking ingredients including:
These ingredients are designed to make you hungrier, thus increasing corporate profits.
As a society, once we started increasing the consumption of processed foods, our consumption of one ingredient whole foods declined, along with our overall health.
If you can’t pronounce the ingredients, or count them on one hand, don’t eat it every day.
If you are short on time or hate cooking, a slow cooker is a must have cooking appliance for your kitchen.
The slow cooker makes absolutely delicious meals that are so quick and easy to prepare.
Add a little water, meat, vegetables, and herbs, spices, or seasonings set to low, come home from work and your house smells amazing and the food taste even better.
Here’s a couple of my favorite delicious slow cooker recipes.
If you’re looking to tighten up your physique, while eliminating food cravings, try swapping out refined high carbohydrate sources, with one ingredient whole foods.
Here are a some of my best low carbohydrate bread substitutes for you to experiment with:
A few of my favorite lettuce wraps are:
Here are a some of my best grain free healthy pasta substitutes for you to experiment with:
If you want more healthy food swaps, check out this video on 14 Healthy Food Swaps For Weight Loss.
We all know vegetables are filled with vitamins and minerals.
However, vegetables are also one of the best low calorie high fiber foods.
From a weight loss perspective, using vegetables to add more volume to your plate can help:
Every time you take a bite of meat, make sure you also have a fork full of vegetables with it.
By doing this, you won’t even know you’re getting in more of your vegetables.
Here’s a video post on How To Cook Vegetables And Make Them Taste Delicious.
Before going to the grocery store, plan out your meals for the week.
If you love to follow recipes, simply go through the recipe, then add the ingredients to your grocery list.
When your grocery list is full of one ingredient whole foods, you’ll notice you’ll be sticking to the outside of the aisles for most of the food at the grocery store.
Then once you get home, you’ll then know how to prepare and use the food you just purchased, since you have recipes for them.
By having a plan, it will also reduce wasting your money on food that rots in your fridge.
If you love eating a wide variety of meals, check out our meal plans and recipes on Team Live Lean.
Or, if you prefer simplicity with your meal planning, check out the meal plans and recipes inside of Live Lean 20 nutrition program.
One of the biggest reasons why I Live Lean 365 days a year, is because I learned how to cook.
When I say, I learned how to cook, it doesn’t mean I’m a world class chef.
I simply mean I know how to make one ingredient whole foods taste good, by following recipes, or adding my favorite herbs, spices, and seasonings.
Trust me, learning to cook is a life skill we all need to learn.
Restaurants are meant for special occasions, your kitchen is meant for everyday living.
If you want access to delicious recipes and step-by-step cooking lessons, go join Team Live Lean.
I used to be a big time lover of ice cream.
In particular, Dairy Queen blizzards.
However, once I really started to dial in my nutrition, I quickly began to notice how bad I would feel 20 minutes after eating it.
If you’re like me, the combination of dairy and sugar makes me feel like crap.
Now that I know this, I am very aware of how bad I feel after eating, so I no longer crave or desire Dairy Queen Blizzards.
Write in your journal how certain foods make you feel.
Then, when you’re tempted to eat it again, review your journal, so you never want to go back to that uncomfortable feeling.
When it comes to nutrition, focus on daily progress, not perfection.
Cutting out foods cold turkey that doesn’t work for my body works for me, however it may not work for the majority of people.
If this includes you, rather than getting overwhelmed by trying to quit everything day 1, try cutting back a little bit every day.
For example, if you currently drink 3 cans of soda a day, rather than trying to quit cold turkey, try progressively lowering your consumption by replacing one can with a glass of water, the following week, and so on.
Eventually these bad habits and unhealthy foods and drinks will be eliminated from your every day diet.
Thank you Live Lean Nation for sharing what’s working for you.
I encourage you to continue sharing with us on our social media on:
Find us there, engage in the conversations, and let’s help the world Live Lean.
I love you guys and keep Living Lean.
Let us help you live your best life and Live Lean by downloading my free Ultimate Live Lean Starter Guide.
This Live Lean Starter Guide takes away all the confusion with your diet and workouts, as it gives you the exact meal plan and video cooking lessons, that you need to Live Lean without being a slave in the kitchen.
Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.
Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz
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Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.
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