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On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing 9 bad habits that make you fat.
I’ve got an important topic to talk to you about today.
It’s about habits.
As you know, Living Lean is all about creating sustainable healthy habits, that will translate into creating a lean and healthy body, all year round.
I believe it’s the poor lifestyle habits that are making our population fat.
Commit, right now, to changing these 9 bad habits that make you fat.
When you leave long hours in between meals and snacks, your blood sugar levels drop, your mood takes a nasty turn, and you become a sugar craved monster.
It’s a new term called being “hangry”.
Since most people don’t bring lunches and snacks to work anymore, they feel starving throughout the day, leading them to overindulge on bad calorie choices at lunch, at the vending machine, and of course, on the drive home.
If you do make it home, you don’t spark up the BBQ to grill some meat, you grab the most convenient, sugar filled snack that you can find.
This creates a short and temporary relief, but also creates a longer term issue with creating more hunger and cravings throughout the night.
Schedule, prepare, and eat your meals and snacks throughout the day.
You’ve been brainwashed by the media and food marketers with the low fat hype.
I want you to stop the habit of filling your grocery cart with packaged foods labelled “low fat” or “fat free”.
Remember, when a food marketer removes harmless and satiating, and in most cases healthy natural fat from a food, they must replace it by putting something back into it.
In most cases the replacement is sugar or other artificial sweeteners and chemicals that will:
When you’re watching TV, you’re most likely to be doing the following 2 things as well:
Don’t get me wrong, watching your favorite show, sports, or a movie is fine.
The problem is if that one show turns into many hours, many missed workouts, and many consumed calories every single night.
Most people need a kick in the ass.
They just don’t pay attention or show any interest in their health.
Then one day, they look in the mirror and they don’t recognize their reflection, or worse, they end up in the hospital because their heart couldn’t take the abuse anymore.
You’re only given one body in your life, so treat it like the most important real estate in the world.
Nobody is responsible for your health, but you.
Own up to it, take personal responsibility, and invest in your health by hiring a coach, or buy a workout and nutrition plan.
It’s up to you.
If there was one habit on this list that I’m guilty of, it’s this one.
I blame it on my college days in meal hall.
I needed to eat fast so I didn’t miss class.
Or maybe it was just because I was embarrassed to be seen eating by lonesome self.
*Cue the self-pity sound effects*
When we stuff our faces, our stomach doesn’t have time to communicate to our brain that we’re full.
In fact, some studies show it takes 20 minutes to actually feel full.
When it comes to eating, slow your roll people.
Me included.
Listen, when it comes to getting in shape, the perfect time doesn’t exist.
The closest thing to the perfect time is today.
I know you are busy.
However, so are the thousands of other Live Leaners that are making it a priority in their day, to schedule their workouts and plan their meals.
In the beginning, just like you’d schedule a doctor’s appointment or a job interview, start scheduling in your workouts and plan your grocery shopping and meal prep days.
Eventually, this will turn into an habit, just like brushing your teeth, where you don’t even have to think about anymore.
Most people sleep far too less or far too much.
It’s important to get on a set sleep schedule.
I’m in bed between 9-10pm and I’m up between 5-6:30am.
The occasional time when I stay out late, or get up later, I find my mood is off and my hunger gets out of control.
Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
No more and no less.
I don’t have any stats to back this up, but I’d be willing to bet 99.99% of people consume more calories while eating out, then when they cook at home.
The reason is simple.
Restaurants are in the business of getting you to order more food.
Think about it.
Do you really think restaurants are serving you free bread or free nacho chips out of the kindness of their heart?
I’m going to say, hell no!
These sugar spiking foods are known to create more hunger and thirst, thus driving you to purchase and consume more calorie filled foods and drinks.
Take back control by learning how enjoyable cooking at home is.
The concept of consuming calories to make you feel satiated and full makes sense right?
Well not if you’re drinking your calories, which so many people are in the habit of doing.
In most cases, the calories from liquids comes from sugar.
The main sugar filled liquid culprits are:
Not only are these drinks filled with insulin spiking fattening sugar, they’ll also make you more hungry.
Even zero calorie drinks that are artificially sweetened with chemicals, like Diet Soda, have been shown to induce more hunger throughout the day.
Save your calories for food and hydrate yourself with water, or enjoy a black coconut oil coffee or tea sweetened with natural sweeteners, such as stevia.
There you have it Live Lean Nation.
Those were the 9 bad habits that make you fat.
If you’re looking to create lifelong healthy habits, and start Living Lean forever, I just created a brand new FREE 7 Day Live Lean Starter Guide, showing you how to start Living Lean in 7 days or less.
This Free 7 Day Starter Guide Includes:
This is 100% free, because I want to show you all the value and support that we offer to our Team Live Lean Inner Circle members.
They receive this exclusive content from us every single month.
Go download the free starter guide here.
I hope to see you on the inside.
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I love you guys, and make sure you keep Living Lean.
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Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.
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