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How To Easily Burn More Calories Throughout The Day


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Do This To Burn An Extra 630 Calories Without Moving

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a simple Live Lean lifestyle hack, on how to easily burn more calories throughout the day, without moving.

This tip is one of the easiest ways to burn an extra 630 calories, and it has nothing to do with exercising more.

Sometimes even the easiest lifestyle habits can have a positive impact on your journey to Live Lean.


Before I reveal today’s Live Lean lifestyle hack, let me give you a couple hints to see if you can guess what it is.

  • “Desk jockey”
  • “Keyboard ranger”
  • “Couch potato”

Based on these hints, let me know what your guess is in the comment section below.

Do This To Burn An Extra 0.7 Calories Per Minute

Alright, according to Women’s Health, a new study at the University of Chester found that people who stand, rather than sit, raise their heart rate enough to burn an extra 0.7 calories per minute.

Now you may be thinking, 0.7 calories per minute is tiny.

But hold on.

Let’s run the numbers and think big picture here.

Burn More Calories By Standing Vs. Sitting

  • If you stand up for 1 hour, you would burn an extra 42 calories per hour.
  • If you stood for 3 hours a day, you would burn an extra 126 calories a day.

When you spread that extra calorie burn over the 5 days in the business week, it would be equal to burning an extra 630 calories a week.

That’s pretty good right?

If you’re not convinced, let’s put that extra 630 calorie burn, from just standing, into perspective.

Burn An Extra 630 Calories A Week By Standing

Burning an extra 630 calories a week is the equivalent of doing one intense Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 style workout a week, or two 30 minute conventional workouts.

By simply standing a few more hours a day, rather than sitting, you’re essentially getting the equivalent calorie burn as if you did an extra 1-2 workouts per week.

This Live Lean lifestyle hack of standing more is starting to sound good now, right?

Throughout the day, I’m not saying you need to log in your journal every minute when you are standing versus when you are sitting.

However, I am saying to be more aware, and take advantage of staying on your feet, whenever you can.

Do This To Burn Even More Calories Throughout The Day

If you’re looking for a few extra bonus points, try this.

Next time you are walking down the street and you see a stable platform, jump on it like this.

Or simply make better decisions by choosing to take the stairs rather than the elevator or escalator.

As a human being, you were not meant to be:

  • hunched over at an office desk for 10 hours a day
  • sitting in a car for 2 hours a day
  • sitting on the couch for 3 hours a day

In addition to standing more, it’s important to find easy ways to move your body more throughout the day.

How To Stand More Throughout The Day

Here are a few more simple ways to stand more throughout the day:

  • Ask your boss for a standup desk in the office
  • Schedule walking meetings
  • While watching your favorite TV show, stand until the first commercial break, sit, then repeat
  • If you take public transportation to work, stand on the subway or the bus, rather than sitting
  • Stand up when you’re talking on the phone or checking emails on your smartphone

There are so many simple ways to take advantage of this healthy lifestyle habit of standing up more throughout the day.

Bottom Line

Living Lean just isn’t about getting in your workouts.

It’s also about making healthier decisions.

Start becoming more aware that even the little things, like staying on your feet, can add up to a healthier lifestyle over the long-term.

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Live Lean Afterburn 2.0

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Question Of The Day:

  • What was your guess on how to burn more calories throughout the day?
  • When it comes to standing vs. sitting, do you try to stand more throughout the day?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

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44 responses to “How To Easily Burn More Calories Throughout The Day

  1. Hey, +Brad Gouthro : I saw this study on a BBC special–my work purchased
    me an ergonomic desk on their bill because it’s considered a health issue.
    I’ve been standing on the train to work (40 minutes each trip) and 5-6
    hours at work and I feel so great. Let the people know their work places
    may help them out (I paused the video to type, so you may have mentioned
    that). Good work.

    1. I have seen that rates for on-line degree gurus tend to be an awesome value. For instance a full Bachelor’s Degree in Communication in the University of Phoenix Online consists of 60 credits at $515/credit or $30,900. Also American Intercontinental University Online gives a Bachelors of Business Administration with a complete study course feature of 180 units and a cost of $30,560. Online learning has made having your degree so much easier because you can certainly earn your degree from the comfort of your abode and when you finish working. Thanks for all tips I have certainly learned from your website.

  2. I work in a grocery store, constantly on my feet for 4, 6, 8 or more hours
    at work, then walking to work from home and vice versa. Walk home is 30
    minutes uphill and downhill, then working, sitting down for fifteen minutes
    then 30 minutes at lunch (poor little feet and stinky!) it works. I have
    got mean lean legs just from all the walking and standing I do and that is
    with out working them out. When I did a few years ago my trainer was
    impressed that I can push alot of weight just with my legs! GET WALKING
    PEOPLE! 🙂

  3. Great vid, Brad. That was a totally unexpected tio and I must say that it
    has helped me to no end. I feel TERRIBLE when I sit down for extended
    periods, so even though my friends find it a bit strange, I stand at every
    given opportunity!

  4. Must be a higher protein diet due to the thermogenic effect of simply
    digesting the protein, meaning that only 70% of the total calories from
    protein can be utilised by the body.

  5. I work at a desk all day. On the hour, each hour I do 6 goblet squats with a 55lb kettle bell. On the half hour I do 20 pushups…all day every day. Feel great.

  6. Hey Brad, I watched a lot of Videos and Recipes of you. I just got one
    question, because i really didn’t get it. Why do you use Oat for your
    Pancakes and stuff. You always say we shouldn’t eat a lot of carbs, but Oat
    has a lot of Carbs, especially when you eat a whole cup. I think they have
    like 50g. So why is oat so much better than flour ? Love you Vids H4r4

    1. Buenas tardes Rafa!De Solbes ya no extraña nada, y de Bono tampoco! Denigrante y vil su actitud de hoy, ¿Pero que se puede esperar de semejantes personajes?… Un beso muy cariñoso Rafa y he estado contigo, con vosotros, de todo corazón HOY…

    2. I am just about half way through the first book with my son who is five now. He is really enjoying it.I would suggest The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings. My dad read these aloud to me when I was young and to this day, I think of reading aloud as a family as an act of love. One of the reasons I fell for my husband is because he had the LOR trilogy in the exact bound versions that my dad had (but were destroyed in a fire). Don't underestimate the power of a few lowly hobbits. I have every intention of reading the Hobbit to my boy after Harry Potter.

    3. Why a chant instead of just a ‘boo’?Think about it, when you watch the news.How does a group get a unified message out?How does a group get their message across clearly?How do those who hear it know what the message is?Google occupy chants or fan chants or picket line chants.You know it works, that’s why we all remember them.Hey hey, ho ho, two stroke smoke has got to go!

    4. Stinky: Kelly was the hottest bitch in e 80′s. I fathered an entire army of drain babies over her role in Weird Science… However, the past 20 years have not been kind to her.

    5. SÃ¥ flott blogg du har. Husker ikkje kor eg fant den, var bare pÃ¥ ei bloggrunde, men overskrifta gjorde at eg mÃ¥tte inn Ã¥ sjÃ¥ kva kjekt som skjedde her. :)God tur til Nederland, kose dere. Ha ein fin dag. 🙂

    6. Haha! I hear you on the TV thing. Some of these new shows are a little…strange. And don’t get me started on commercials! I’m always yelling at the TV, “NO!” when they’re trying to sell me things I don’t need. Apparently, you can now get a detergent to wash your washing machine before you wash your clothes. Crazy.

    7. Hoppas det blir nåt av denna gång! Med tanke på Zitius tysta insomnande.Hur stort antal intresserade behövs per område, är det 360 i resp område eller varierar det beroende på antal hushåll?Med vänlig hälsning,Mikael C

    8. Hi Donnalee,Gail & I had such a great time in Wellfleet with you. I think you are pretty hard on yourself sometimes. You were anything but a stick in the mud. I gave a talk today, and mentioned how the Holy Ghost has given you this idea on how to cope using this award winning writing skill you have. All of your readers including myself have learned so much from you about grief. Please continue to write, and me your to do list. I love you so much! Your brother, LJ

  7. Hey i want to lose at least 5 pounds week because i have a party to go too.
    What types of workouts should i do?

  8. Brad, any idea why I would have a “tearing” sensation in my abs when I’m
    doing full body exercises? Not really painful, and I feel fine after, but
    during it feels like actual ripping…..

  9. Next ur gona b telling me to walk to the gym : O haha probably should
    seeing as I stay 2miles from it! Sooo lazy but my workouts r hard on my

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