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Apple Cider Vinegar: Benefits, Uses, Side Effects, And More


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Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Weight Loss?

Do you want the truth about the potential benefits of apple cider vinegar for better health, weight loss, and more?

Stick around, as I’ve got science-backed answers just for you!

Over the years, apple cider vinegar has received a lot of attention in the health world due to it’s potential health benefits.


However, as with all health-related topics, it’s crucial to rely on science-backed research rather than falling for sensational claims made by marketers trying to exploit trending topics.

Based on this, in today’s episode of Live Lean TV, we’re diving into everything you need to know about apple cider vinegar, including its health benefits, uses, side effects, and more, all backed by science.

I’ll do my best to explain everything in easy to understand language, in the shortest amount of time.

To be respectful of your time, I’ve included a table of contents that jumps to all the questions and answers below.

Table Of Contents: Jump To

Let’s jump right in!

What Is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar, also known as ACV, is a type of vinegar made from fermented apple juice.

The process involves crushing apples to extract liquid, then fermenting it with yeast and bacteria to create alcohol, then converting the alcohol into acetic acid.

Acetic acid is the primary active ingredient in apple cider vinegar, which is responsible for its tangy flavor and strong smell.

Even though apple cider vinegar is not particularly high in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, or antioxidants, its acetic acid content is believed to be the contributor to it’s potential health benefits.

What Are The Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Here are two ways to use apple cider vinegar everyday.

In cooking, apple cider vinegar is a simple addition used in dressings, marinades, and as a flavor enhancer.

Here’s a simple apple cider vinegar dressing recipe:

In a container with a lid add:

  • 2 tbsp of olive oil
  • 1 tbsp of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tbsp of dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp or as much as you want of salt-free Mrs. Dash lemon pepper
  • Dash of salt
  • Dash of black pepper

Close the lid tight and then shake vigorously till blended.

Here’s a simple apple cider vinegar drink recipe:

  1. In a glass, add 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 5 drops of liquid stevia, then fill the glass with water.
  2. Stir it up, then enjoy.

What Does Apple Cider Vinegar Do To The Stomach?

Apple cider vinegar can affect the stomach in a few ways.

Even though scientific evidence proving apple cider vinegar increases stomach acid production is limited, some small studies suggest it may boost acid levels, which potentially may aid in improving overall digestion and reduce bloating.

However, there is not enough strong scientific research to conclusively prove its effectiveness for this purpose.

Plus, its acidity can also irritate the stomach lining or esophagus in some individuals, which potentially could worsen conditions like acid reflux.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For Weight Loss And Reducing Belly Fat?

This 2018 clinical trial with 39 participants on restricted calorie diets found that those consuming 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar daily lost more weight and body fat compared to those who did not.

However, the study lacked a control group, did not account for other weight loss factors like nutrition and exercise, and all participants were aware they were consuming the vinegar.

When it comes to apple cider vinegar promoting feelings of fullness, this short-term scientific study concluded that four of six short-term studies found that vinegar suppressed appetite, however long-term studies did not replicate these results, and more research is needed to confirm its effects on appetite reduction and weight loss.

This suggests that apple cider vinegar may support weight loss and reduce belly fat by increasing feelings of fullness, however the evidence is inconsistent, and further research is needed to support this claim.

Based on this, the scientific evidence is not strong enough to rely on apple cider vinegar alone for significant weight loss, and it should be used alongside a balanced diet and regular exercise for the best results.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For High Blood Pressure?

Even though animal studies suggest apple cider vinegar might help lower blood pressure, studies on humans are scarce and inconclusive.

While apple cider vinegar shows potential, more research is needed to firmly establish its benefits for managing high blood pressure.

Since there don’t appear to be any risks involved with using apple cider vinegar in moderation, if you have high blood pressure, it’s worth a try.

Is Apple Cider Vinegar Good For High Cholesterol?

Based on scientific evidence, apple cider vinegar may help lower cholesterol levels, however, it’s very minimal.

This study from 2020 noted that apple cider vinegar might improve levels of HDL, LDL, triglycerides, and total cholesterol.

However, these effects are modest, and more research is needed to fully understand its impact.


For significant cholesterol management, it’s best to focus on an overall healthy diet and lifestyle.

Is It Better To Drink Apple Cider Vinegar In The Morning Or At Night?

There is no definitive best time to drink apple cider vinegar supported by scientific research.

However, consuming it before a high-carbohydrate meal may be beneficial, as it can help improve insulin sensitivity and reduce post-meal glucose spikes.

Many people drink apple cider vinegar in the morning, believing it can kickstart metabolism, improve digestion, enhance energy levels, and support appetite control and blood sugar regulation.

Others prefer it at night to aid digestion, improve blood sugar control before bed, or support overall wellness, including managing nighttime cravings and promoting fullness.

Ultimately, the best time to consume it is whenever it fits your routine and feels right for you.

What Are The Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar Gummies And Pills?

Apple cider vinegar gummies and pills may offer similar benefits to the liquid apple cider vinegar, such as:

  • Supporting weight loss
  • Improving blood sugar control
  • Aiding digestion

However, the scientific evidence is not as strong for these forms.

ACV gummies and pills can be more convenient and palatable than liquid apple cider vinegar, however the main drawback is they often contain added sugars or other ingredients.

If you prefer apple cider vinegar gummies and pill, look for products containing 500-1000 milligrams of apple cider vinegar per serving to provide a comparable potency to liquid vinegar.

They should also contain minimal added sugars or fillers, high-quality ingredients, and evidence of third-party testing for potency and purity.

Is It Better To Have Apple Cider Vinegar With The Mother Or Without?

The “mother” in apple cider vinegar looks like a cloudy, stringy substance floating in the liquid.

Apple cider vinegar with the “mother” is generally preferred as it contains beneficial probiotics, enzymes, and acetic acid bacteria that may enhance its health benefits, such as improved digestion and better blood sugar regulation.

It is generally safe to drink the “mother” in apple cider vinegar, however some people prefer to strain it out for a smoother taste.

Does Apple Cider Vinegar Help Detox Your Body?

Apple cider vinegar is often promoted as a detoxifier, but scientific evidence supporting its detoxification claims is limited.

While it may aid digestion and help regulate blood sugar levels, there’s no strong evidence that apple cider vinegar effectively detoxifies the body.

The liver and kidneys are primarily responsible for detoxification, and a healthy diet and lifestyle are more reliable methods for supporting these processes.

How Much Apple Cider Vinegar Should I Take Daily?

The recommended daily amount of apple cider vinegar typically ranges from 1 to 2 tablespoons, diluted in water or added to food.

Start with a small amount to assess tolerance and gradually increase if desired.

Excessive consumption can lead to digestive discomfort or erosion of tooth enamel, so it’s important to not exceed recommended amounts.

What Are The Side Effects Of Apple Cider Vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar can cause side effects such as digestive discomfort, including nausea or heartburn, particularly when consumed in large amounts.

It may also lead to tooth enamel erosion and interact with certain medications, including diuretics and insulin.

To limit erosion of tooth enamel when drinking apple cider vinegar:

  1. Dilute it with water
  2. Drink it through a straw to minimize contact with teeth
  3. Rinse your mouth with plain water afterward

Additionally, avoid brushing your teeth immediately after consuming apple cider vinegar, as the acid can temporarily weaken enamel.

Instead, wait at least 30 minutes before brushing.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Apple Cider Vinegar For Men And Women, Based On Science?

Based on current scientific research, apple cider vinegar may offer health benefits for both men and women, including:

  • Improved blood sugar control
  • Enhanced digestion
  • Potential support for weight loss

However, the evidence is often limited and not always conclusive.

Unlike what you may have been sold, apple cider vinegar is not a magical solution.

I like to add it to my salad dressings and to a glass of water before eating a high carbohydrate meal.

Bonus tip: add 5 drops of liquid stevia to make your apple cider vinegar drink taste better.

However, ultimately apple cider vinegar is what I refer to as a minor.

If you want to live an energetic healthy lifestyle, 365 days a year, focus on the majors:

That’s the magical cocktail.

Question Of The Day

What’s the most surprising benefit or use of apple cider vinegar you’ve experienced?

Drop your story or thoughts in the comments below.

I’d love to hear how it’s worked for you!

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Curious about whether lemon water lives up to the hype?

Check out this post on lemon water to uncover the truth behind this popular drink and find out if it’s worth adding to your daily routine.

Keep Living Lean!


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