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BEST Free Food Sauces to Add Flavor


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Adding the wrong sauces to your meal could be RUINING your healthy live lean meals. Find out which Free Food sauces we like best to add flavor without adding calories & sugar.

The right sauces can help keep your meals in a healthier calorie range.

BEST Free Food Sauces to Add Flavor

1) Mustard
This condiment is amazing to add to eggs, burger, salad dressings and more! The best thing about mustard is that it’s zero calories per serving, so you can add as much as you want without affecting the nutritional value of your meal.


2) Vinegar
Apple Cider Vinegar and Balsamic Vinegar are my top two favorite types, but all kinds of vinegar are great for adding flavor to your meals without added calories. You can also use ACV in beverages, salad dressing and even as a household cleaner!

3) Salsa
I love putting salsa on eggs, burgers, salads and more. It even makes a really awesome low-calorie snack when you dip cucumbers, celery or any other crunchy veggie into it. For just 10 calories you get 2 tablespoons of this awesomeness, so dig in!

4) Tomato Sauce
Make sure to find a pasta sauce with no added sugar! The ingredient list should be only vegetables, herbs, spices and oil. You can also make your own homemade tomato sauce. Tomato sauce is awesome for dishes like the sweet potato pasta in our Live Lean 20 Diet. A ½ cup serving is only about 70 calories, so we still consider it a free food when used in moderation.

If you need help with how and how much of these free sauces to use on your meals then you need our Live Lean 20 Diet cookbook. Learn 20 Live Lean meals you can make in 20 minutes or less with only 20 ingredients. Check it out now at

Thanks for reading, and KEEP living lean!

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