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Best Pre-Workout Meal In The Morning Or Anytime


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Pre-workout nutrition tips to get lean faster

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing the best pre-workout meal in the morning, or at anytime of day.

If you’re looking to get faster results and improve your performance in the gym, your pre-workout meal is essential.

Follow these pre-workout nutrition tips to get leaner, faster.


Pre-workout nutrition 101

Pre-workout nutrition is very important in reaching your training goals because a lot of stress is placed on the muscle fibers during your workout.

This stress of lifting weights can cause a catabolic hormonal response in the body, leading to muscle breakdown and damage.

Since we’re lifting weights to grow muscle not lose muscle, this obviously does not sound optimal.

This is where proper pre-workout nutrition comes into play.

The goal of pre-workout nutrition is to:

  • properly fuel the body and mind for increased performance during the upcoming training session
  • keep the body hydrated
  • increase muscle protein synthesis thus decreasing muscle protein breakdown

I know a lot of you workout first thing in the morning, which is awesome.

Based on this, I get a lot of questions about what you should eat before your 6am training session.

Well, guess what?

I already gave you the answer in this previous video post, How To Make A Meat And Nuts Breakfast Recipe.

How To Make A Meat And Nuts Breakfast Recipe

If you missed that post, click here to learn what the meat and nuts breakfast is all about.

What is the meat and nuts breakfast?

The meat and nuts breakfast is essentially a high protein, low carbohydrate, and low glycemic breakfast.

This type of breakfast is proven to:

  • increase your performance in the gym
  • control your appetite throughout the day
  • increase your energy
  • improve your mental clarity

By eating a high carbohydrate sugary breakfast, such as your typical cereal, orange juice, and a banana, your blood sugar rises, which then spikes your insulin to remove the sugar from your blood quickly.

This quick surge and removal of blood sugar from your system then causes your energy to eventually crash.

This is the last thing you want to happen during your workout.

So stick with the meat and nuts pre-workout meal approach as it provides the following benefits while you’re training in the gym:

  • contains all the essential amino acids to protect and build muscle
  • increased focus for more efficient workouts
  • reduced fatigue so you can train harder

Is this morning pre-workout meal too heavy?

Even though the meat and nuts breakfast may seem heavy that early in the morning, it doesn’t need to be a big meal.

Just start with a small amount of this pre-workout meal, build up your appetite, then go for there.

A smaller portion of healthy food is better than nothing at all.

By the time you finish eating and get on the gym floor, more than likely the 45 minutes of digestion time will pass.

Then you’ll be ready to hit your workout harder than ever.

It doesn’t matter if you train at 5am.


If you’re serious about taking your body to the next level, this should be your staple breakfast pre-workout meal.

Get up 15 minutes earlier and do whatever it takes.

If you want to be the best, you have to take the necessary steps, no matter how unconventional they may be.

Other early morning pre-workout meal options

However, if for some reason, you refuse to eat the meat and nuts breakfast that early in the morning, it’s essential that you at least have a protein source.

I’m talking about eggs, fish, or at the very least an apple and nut butter.

Here’s a video post on 7 early morning pre-workout meal recipes for you to try.

Early Morning Pre Workout Meal

Solid food is the best option when it comes to your pre-workout meal, not a protein shake.

This is because solid food will help you maintain energy and focus throughout your workout.

However, if you can’t do that, simply go with pre-workout protein shake by mixing some protein powder mixed with water.


But don’t forget to also have your protein shake after your workout as well.

Fasted early morning training vs. fueled early morning training

For those of you who want to train fasted in the morning, without any food, check this out.

As you know, one of the major components of your workouts to Live Lean is to maximize the afterburn effect.

This means burning more calories for up to 24-48 hours after you leave the gym.

A study was done on people eating breakfast pre-workout vs working out fasted.

Fasted Cardio vs Fed Cardio For Fat Loss

Based on the results of the study, the amount of calories burned during the workout was the same.

But the number of calories burned 24 hours after the workout was substantially more for people that had a pre-workout breakfast.

The study also showed the people who ate a pre-workout breakfast burned more fat as energy vs carbohydrates.

Compare that to the fasted group who burned more carbohydrates than fat.

This is important since our goal is obviously to burn fat.

Bottom line on the best pre-workout meal in the morning

Here are your key pre-workout nutrition tip takeaways.

#1. High protein, low carbohydrates

Your morning pre-workout meal should be higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates.

I’m talking beef, fish, chicken, turkey, eggs, and some nuts.

Grass Fed Beef - Fitness Super Food #6

If you are allergic to nuts, use low glycemic fruits such as berries and leafy green vegetables.

However, if you can, go with nuts because consuming fructose in fruit before your workout can decrease the usage of fat for fuel during your workout.

#2. If this is new, start small and build up

If eating meat and nuts is new to you, start by eating a small serving and be sure to prepare the meal the night before.

Take a few bites and build your body’s tolerance up to begin wanting to eat breakfast.

Also take your fish oil after your meal to help increase energy, muscle gain, and insulin sensitivity.

You’re going to love number 3.

#3. Pre-workout caffeine is your friend

Coffee or green tea can be good pre-workout since caffeine has been shown to elevate fat burning by up to 15% during your workout.

You can also use a pre-mixed pre workout supplement like this one.

Here’s video post on the best pre-workout drink options.

Pre Workout Drink

Hopefully this video post has convinced you that when it comes to the best pre-workout meal, meat and nuts is the way to go.

Free 7 Day Live Lean Starter Guide

For more information and tips on how to Live Lean, go sign up for our free 7 day starter guide to start Living Lean.

Live Lean Starter Guide

The 7 day Live Lean starter guide includes free:

  • Effective gym and home workouts
  • Weekly meal plan
  • Delicious recipes
  • Step-by-step cooking videos
  • 5 steps to start Living Lean

Sign up for free here.

I love making these video post for you guys and spreading my transformation 1,000,000 mission.

Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission

Keep Living Lean.


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Question For You:

  • Do you workout in the morning?
  • If so, do you eat before or do you train fasted with no food in your stomach?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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108 responses to “Best Pre-Workout Meal In The Morning Or Anytime

  1. Hi Brad, I generally work out in the afternoon, can I take the same meal
    before workout or I can have this in the morning and then workout in the

  2. I DISAGREE. I have the best morning workouts after eating whole fruits or
    fruit juiced in a juicer – 2 oranges, 1 apple and 1 banana. This gives me
    Instant energy which lasts throughout the workout, and after the workout I
    eat whole foods.

  3. if I just do yoga in the morning and I do my gym workouts after i get off
    of work later in the day should i still eat before our is after fine

  4. What is the cheapest protein source i can get or what can i replace it with
    ? I mean like , i dont have much money because im not working yet and i
    dont want to use too much of my parents money for those proteins .

  5. Hey Brad,I’m sticking to the logic about no carbs and I’m currently having
    8 egg white half a scoop of whey and some almonds how does it sounds?
    Thanks for the heads up 🙂

  6. you are saying to eat a meat and nuts breakfast pre workout early morning
    but in a previous video you said do not eat fats around workout time.
    Doesnt make sense.


  7. I like that the human body is so different from each other, everyones
    muscles and physique looks kinda different from each other, and i have to
    say dude, your body is very very good looking, no homo. I noticed the abs
    instantly, very nice look to them.

  8. +Brad Gouthro +Brad Gouthro I’m lost. In the vid you say 45 minutes. Yet in
    one of your replies to someone’s question, you say 2 to 3 hrs should be
    So what is it approximately?

  9. +Brad Gouthro +Brad Gouthro I’m lost. In the vid you say 45 minutes. Yet in
    one of your replies to someone’s question, you say 2 to 3 hrs should be
    So what is it approximately?

  10. Hey brad great video man.. Quick question how many ounces of chicken and
    nuts should I have preworkout??

  11. I only eat fresh cut grass. Like from my lawn. What’s a good pre workout
    meal? Keep in mind, I don’t consume anything that isn’t water or fresh cut
    lawn. Ok, not totally true. One time I ate some tree bark but then I felt
    really bad about it for weeks because I hurt a tree. Grass is different. It
    doesn’t feel pain or have feelings. But trees do. So yeah, what should I
    eat so I can get all covered in veins?

  12. Hi Brad I have a question, what about for people who don’t eat meats what
    are good pre and post workout meals, smoothies, snacks for like me who want
    to gain muscle or lean muscle not sure what’s the difference? TIA

  13. no carbs before workout?? insulin levels drop dramatically for the first
    10 minutes of exercise regardless of nutrition.. poor respondents can
    experience this for longer but the initial drop in insulin has been shown
    not to negatively effect performance in numerous studies… consuming high
    Gi prior to exercise allows better glycogen reserves and when consumed with
    ~20g PRO (~7g essential amino acids) both CHO and PRO uptake are
    optimized… low GI will not be stored as glycogen until later that
    day… protein is only used as fuel when glycogen is depleted (hitting the
    wall).. make use of your PRO through protein re-synthesis and not as
    note: the insulin drop, which has NOTHING to do with carbs (exercise
    start) doesn’t have to hamper performance.. just do a warm up involving
    short sprint movements so it falls within this time…

  14. is it me or do 90 percent of fitness gurus on youtube hold they’re hands at
    a 90 degree bend tensing they’re arm.

  15. Brad would u still advise eating meat and nuts before a heavy weights
    session followed by cardio or would u advise having some good carbs pre
    workout in that case?

  16. Does the same apply on cardio days? I once read it is better to do cardio
    on an empty stomach first thing when you wake up. The rationale was that
    the body uses energy sources in the following order: carbs, fat, muscle.
    When you wake up in the morning, your body is already low on carbs. So the
    next energy source would be fat. If you were to eat (assuming some carbs in
    the meal), then the body would carbs to use as fuel instead of using its
    reserves (the fat). Thoughts?

  17. Brad,
    Really enjoyed your video, and I like the meat & nuts approach. I personally find it hard to scarf down any kind of meat first thing in the morning…it just feels weird, but the nuts, apples, coffee, I can definitely do!

    My personal favorite is to take a protein powder since it’s convenient and gives me what I need before a morning workout. Do you find in your experience that solid foods give you better energy than powdered supplements?

  18. AWESOME VIDEO!!! Thanks for posting it! My husband and I were SO sluggish,
    at the gym, lately, and couldn’t figure out why. I had been following your
    video’s advice(the one about the percentages of fats, carbs, etc.), and
    couldn’t understand why I wasn’t performing as well. THIS explained it. HA!
    Thanks a million times for posting all of your videos!!!!! This girl is
    eternally grateful!

  19. Yep I agree. we must kill the bad fat and belly first to get the 6 pack.

    Listen to this one of my friend working in fitness field suggested me this 7 secret food items to kill our jelly belly.

    get to know here

  20. hi Brad could i have some eggs and oatmeal with yogghurt preworkout ? and how much oatmeal do i need before workout

  21. My family laughed when I told them I was going to get ripped with “Elite Muscle Formula”, but then they saw the results. Google Elite Muscle Formula to see their reaction.

  22. Why are you against providing your body with carbs pre-workout? the primary energy source? Protein is not the “optimal energy.” It is last in line when it comes to providing energy (after carb / fats).

    And why are you suggesting protein shakes before and after a workout … that is silly. There is no such thing as the magical post workout phase of crazy muscle building absorption. As long as you get the protein in … doesn’t matter.

  23. It would be a shame for you not to build muscle when these other people build muscle easily using Ripped X Beast (search for it on Google).

  24. do you eat this before lifting weights? i thought you weren’t supposed to eat fats before lifting? if you eat carbs before lifting, what kind of carbs do you eat? love your videos and thank you in advance for the response!! like so he can see this

  25. some people look at it that way but I’m all about supplying my body with optimal energy so I can push myself even harder during the workout

  26. I thought training on an empty stomach was ideal for those trying to target the fat stored for energy…No?

  27. you said that fat takes longer to digest than carbs and takes away from the workout so why have a high fat breakfast?? plus is it not true that fat pre workout mess ur hormone balance for the workout??

  28. If you want to lose fat quickly, you should look up on google “Atomic Fat Loss”. They can guide you and help you get the body you deserve.

  29. i recommend you do. if you’re really going hard with your’s best to have some protein in the body

  30. What about blending your food? I normally blend a tin of tuna with an ounce or two of peanuts and carrot juice. I’m thinking about doing that to chicken as well, just to get more quality protein.

  31. Hi there. Just started on this today, I still need some info on post workout meals. 1 hour after my morning workout i eat my oatmeal, with 1 piece of dark chocolate, a spoon of peanutbutter, and a scoop of syntha 6 mint/chocolate protein, from my understanding (in day 30 of MI40 program by Ben Pakulski), you need this kind of food postworkout, but only in the 3 hour window after the gym session, wouldn’t you agree? )

  32. If you have the fats Pre workout and have a heavy workout as you should won’t the carbs post workout cause the fats to store??

  33. go check out my video “fat burning furnace” for the detailed answer. simple answer. i don’t eat wheat.

  34. i don’t eat grains or dairy milk so i wouldn’t recommend that. if you want a complex carb source before your workout…go with sweet potato.

  35. Oatmeal,milk and eggwhites. Is that a good breakfast, and pwo meal? Btw i allways thought that you needed much carbs b4 your workout? You said that 25% carbs should be before your workout in another video

  36. Last question, with me cutting out my breads I don’t have a lunch meal now. I do rice, asparagus and/or chicken and fish twice a day but what about a easy cost efficient lunch meal I can make?

  37. cut the kashi out of your diet. a lot of research has shown they use GMO soy in it. Not a food to live lean. Meat & nuts breakfast is where it’s at

  38. I am up at 5:30 am, have 100ml of water mixed with 1 scoop of protein powder, put my hair up, get dresses, brush my teeth and wash my face. Then I am out the door heading to the gym and usually start my workout with some cardio at 5:45 am or 5:50 am . Is there a better choice for my pre-workout meal? I do not feel like eating that early and gulping down my “mini” shake works for me, but does it do my body any good? Thank you in advance for your help 🙂

  39. Hi, stumbled upon your blog for the first time and I am impressed. Loved your writings.. Subscribed and looking forward to more interesting posts. Keep rocking. x


  40. Hi Brad, love your show. Can you do a video on fruits? How much fruit should I eat, and can replace rice or oats with fruit instead? Thanks

  41. I heard your not supposed to fats pre and post because since your insulin is up because of the workout then if you consume fat insulin will come in and store that as fat. Is that true Brad?

  42. Is it good to eat before your workout? I read on body builder dot com that you shouldn’t eat? I just started working out and eating better and your channel is so helpful!!

  43. great video Brad. We used to eat before we worked out but this past few months we workout in the morning on an empty stomach. And so far seem to be doing fine. But might play around with eating more again.

  44. Hi Brad, me too, I’m a bit confused.. in an other post, you stated that ‘the majority of your fat consumption should be away from your workouts, but on this post, your saying to eat nuts… isn’t nuts considered as fat ???

    1. Hey Annie, here was my reply to Allysa … “great point. As you get to know me better, you’ll see that I’m constantly using myself as a test for different training and nutrition techniques in search for peak performance. Ultimately you have to figure out what works best for you since each person’s body reacts differently. This is just another option. Great pickup though and thanks for calling me out on it “

  45. In a previous video you said that the most of the carbs we consume in a day should be pre and post workout. I’m really confused after this video now..

    1. Hey Alyssa, great point. As you get to know me better, you’ll see that I’m constantly using myself as a test for different training and nutrition techniques in search for peak performance. Ultimately you have to figure out what works best for you since each person’s body reacts differently. This is just another option. Great pickup though and thanks for calling me out on it 😉

  46. caffeine in coffee raises cortisol levels leading to abdominal fat gain. Also you need some energy source to workout from a carb, either complex or a piece of small fruit to go with protein or you get sluggish. plus i do fasted workout for half an hour a morning to tone and im only 19.2% body fat for a girl and quickly working down to my goal or 16%. theres no one way to do things, its what works for you personally.

  47. Super similar to how I’m eating now without white starches or wheats….and no sugar….un paleo gluten free 😉 I just have a hard time eating before working out so I eAt immediately after!

  48. If I workout in the evening, should I still eat meat n nuts as a breakfast? Considering that my breakfast is not my pre workout meal?

    1. yes, the study also included cardio workouts. fuelled workouts (protein/fat) increased the afterburn and burned more fat for energy (vs carbs for energy) vs fasted.

  49. wow this is really interesting! i do workout in the morning and don’t eat before because itz so early. hmmm maybe need to reconsider. very interesting about the after burn effect!

  50. i’m continously researching, learning, and staying up to date on all the best ways to live lean. If you have to eat oats, try the gluten/wheat free kind.

  51. I work out on evenings – like around 5 which is long after lunch and before dinner. When should I have the meal and nut meal?

  52. prefer you stick to meat & nuts…but it you must have oatmeal, make sure its wheat/gluten free

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