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Big Costco Grocery Trip And Cheat Meal Tips


Let’s Go To The Grocery Store | Live Lean Life Ep. 033

On today’s day in the life vlog episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you on a big Costco grocery trip and showing you our best cheat meal tips.

This is a day in the life of a fit new dad and entrepreneur.

In Live Lean Life Vlog Ep. 033 I share:

How To Make An Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe

What do you do when you wake up in the morning, you go to the fridge to get a lemon, but you don’t have any lemons to make lemon water?


This is what you do.

Hopefully you’ll have these ingredients in your cabinet to make this apple cider vinegar drink recipe.

Print Recipe
Apple Cider Vinegar Drink
Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe
Prep Time 30 seconds
  • 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar
  • 5 drops liquid stevia (
  • Water
Prep Time 30 seconds
  • 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar
  • 5 drops liquid stevia (
  • Water
Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe
  1. In a glass, add 2 tbsp of apple cider vinegar and 5 drops of liquid stevia, then fill the glass with water.
  2. Stir it up, then enjoy.
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Facts (per serving)

  • Calories: 6
  • Protein: 0g
  • Carbohydrates: o.2g
  • Fat: 0g

Playing With Kyla

Kyla Dumbbell

Bro, don’t you know parking in front of the fridge is a no-parking zone?

You can get ticketed for that, so take your car and go park it somewhere else over there!

Let’s see if Kyla will do a couple dumbbell curls with her baby dumbbell.

Since she was using an overhand grip, I asked if she wanted to do some seated dumbbell hammer curls.

Her response: 💪👶👍

My New Year’s Resolution

Ok guys, it is a new year.

I’m so pumped to get this year started and to Live Lean with you guys.

I know a lot of you have been asking me what my new year’s resolution is this year.

For me personally, it’s to continue to push myself outside of my comfort zone.

When it comes to getting outside of my comfort zone, a lot of that has to do with my business and relationships.

I’m looking to really take the Live Lean TV business to the next level.

Based on this, over the last few days, I’ve made some big decisions.

I’m actually heading out right now to the Apple store to make one of those decisions a reality.

In the comments below, I’m very curious to hear from you.

What are some of your New Year’s resolutions, not only in fitness, but in overall life.

For example, your business, relationships, and in your health.

Let me know down below.

Going To The Apple Store To Buy A New MacBook Laptop

I’ve decided to buy a brand new MacBook laptop, that is fully loaded.

So let’s get rolling and head over to the Apple store to pick that bad boy up now.

Once I arrived at the Apple store, I found out that in order to get the MacBook laptop with a large storage capacity, it has to be ordered online.

Based on that, this was a waste of a trip to the shopping mall.

Once I got back to my car, I decided I’m just going to order this MacBook laptop right on my phone.

Since I’m moving into a new office here in San Diego in a couple days, I want to make sure I have my new MacBook laptop before I move in.

However, since I need to superpower this bad boy, I need to immediately order it custom online.


So that’s where my phone comes in to play.

Let’s order it.


That’s how you get things done people.

You take action to get out of your comfort zone, and make your life better.

Costco Grocery Haul

Now we’re off to Costco to go pick up some food.

Our fridge is pretty empty since we were away for the last week during Christmas.

How We Live Lean While Traveling Over The Holidays

Let’s go fill up our kitchen with food from Costco.

Don’t worry, I’m taking you guys with me.

Buckle up and let’s go.

The first two things in the cart are some cans of Wild Planet Wild Albacore Tuna and some cans of Kirkland Premium Chunk Chicken Breast.

Canned Chicken And Tuna

Based on the ingredients, this Wild Plant brand of canned tuna is the best and healthiest version of tuna.

The canned Wild Plant wild albacore tuna ingredients list is so simple:

  • Albacore tuna
  • Sea salt

It’s nice to have a canned tuna option with no additives or unhealthy vegetable oils.

When it comes to chicken breast, I don’t typically eat a lot of canned chicken.

However, these cans of chicken breast are just to keep in the house for those rare occasions when there is no protein sources available to eat.

Canned chicken is also a quick thing to throw into chicken salads, as well.

On a scale of 0-10, with 10 being awesome, on a health perspective, I would say canned chicken is a 7.

Once again, eating healthy is not all about perfection.

It’s about progress.

Salsa And Canned Coconut Milk

Next, I added a 2 pack of organic salsa, because that’s be real, salsa makes everything taste better.

$9.99 for 6 cans of the unsweetened Thai Kitchen Organic Coconut Milk is by far the best price.

You won’t beat a price of $1.67 a can at the grocery store.

I love adding canned coconut milk to smoothies.

Avocado Oil Vs. Coconut Oil

Next up is the avocado oil and organic virgin coconut oil.

Avocado oil is the best oil for cooking over high temperatures.

I also like to add coconut oil to my coconut oil coffee.

When comparing the difference between avocado oil and coconut oil, there is quite a difference in the fat profile.

Avocado Oil Fat Profile

A one tablespoon serving of avocado oil contains 14 grams of fat, which is broken down by:

  • 10 grams from monounsaturated fat
  • 2 grams from polyunsaturated fat
  • 2 grams from saturated fat

Coconut Oil Fat Profile

A one tablespoon serving of coconut oil contains 14 grams of fat, which is broken down by:

  • 0.5 grams from monounsaturated fat
  • 0 grams from polyunsaturated fat
  • 12 grams from saturated fat

This means both the avocado oil and coconut oil primarily contain the two good forms of natural fats, but at different ratios:

This is why I like to switch it up, between avocado oil and coconut oil, everyone once in a while.


Can’t forget to add the Mrs. Dash No-Salt Garlic & Herb to the cart.

This seasoning makes any meat tastes delicious.

Simply throw it on there, and you’re done.

Frozen Fruits And Vegetables

I always load up on organic frozen blueberries to use in my Superfood Maca Powder Smoothie Recipe.

Here’s an update, during our last grocery haul, I showed you that I picked up a bag of frozen Kirkland Organic Normandy Vegetables.

This frozen vegetable mix contains 4 organic vegetables including:

  • Broccoli
  • Cauliflower
  • Orange Carrots
  • Yellow Carrots

Even though we still have a bunch left in the freezer, they were very good.

Simply leave them in your freezer, then whenever you’re low on fresh vegetables, you now have a back up plan.

Make sure you pick up a bag of frozen Kirkland Organic Normandy Vegetables during your next Costco grocery trip.

Check out this video post on: Canned vs Frozen vs Fresh Fruits And Vegetables.

Canned vs Frozen vs Fresh Fruits And Vegetables

Kyla’s Moving Up To Size 2 Diapers

Big day here, big day here.

Since baby Kyla is growing, she has now grown out of size one diapers and moved on to number twos.

This means we’re moving up to the big girl diapers.

Update On Bruno’s Dog Food

We showed you before that we’re making Bruno’s dog food ourselves by mixing ground beef with spinach.

Since we found out this mixture wasn’t really formulated with the proper nutrients a dog needs, we stopped feeding him that.

He’s now back on raw meat again, but it’s formulated by an actual pet food company.

Since the dog food at Costco is so affordable, we’d love to get Bruno on this, but unfortunately it’s just not made as healthy.

Guacamole And Almond Milk

We love these little individual serving size pre-made guacamole minis.

Each mini is a serving size of 100 calories.

We like to add almondmilk to our smoothies.

At times, we like to make our own almond milk, however this Unsweetened Silk Vanilla Almondmilk is good for making quick smoothies.

Healthy Protein Sources At Costco

Everytime we come to Costco we load up on the 24 packs of Kirkland Organic Eggs.

When it comes to buying chicken, ground turkey, or any type of meat, we always try to buy organic whenever we can.

It’s worth the extra investment.

However, the exception is when it comes to this seasoned tri-tip.

Unfortunately they don’t come organic, however they are just so friggin good.

I always go for the biggest one I can find since it goes in the slow cooker.

I have not yet had one of these seasoned rotisserie chickens yet, but I’ve decided to give it a try today.

Unfortunately, they are not organic, however like I said, rotisserie chicken comes in handy.

Why We Don’t Buy A Lot Of Vegetables At Costco

I also buy 2 of these big packages of Fresh ‘N Natural organic baby spinach.

I go through them so quickly since I always add them to my smoothies and salads.

You may notice that there are not a lot of vegetables going into my grocery cart.

The reason for that is we only cook for two people.

Even though we eat a pile of vegetables, when we buy them in bulk, it’s too much for only two people, therefore they go bad too quickly.

This is why we buy most of our fresh vegetables at a traditional grocery store.

Full Costco Grocery Shopping Order

  1. Wild Plant Wild Albacore Tuna (cans)
  2. Kirkland Premium Chunk Chicken Breast (cans)
  3. Kirkland Organic Salsa Medium
  4. Unsweetened Thai Kitchen Organic Coconut Milk (cans)
  5. Chosen Foods 100% Pure Avocado Oil
  6. Kirkland Organic Virgin Coconut Oil
  7. Nutiva Chia Seeds
  8. Kirkland Creamy Almond Butter
  9. Mrs. Dash Salt-Free Garlic & Herb
  10. Kirkland Organic Frozen Blueberries
  11. Kirkland Organic Normandy Frozen Vegetables
  12. Box of Kirkland Supreme Diapers, Size 2
  13. Zico 100% Natural Coconut Water
  14. Wholly Guacamole Minis
  15. Unsweetened Silk Vanilla Almondmilk
  16. Kirkland Organic Eggs
  17. Foster Farms Organic Chicken Breast Fillets
  18. Foster Farms Organic Ground Turkey
  19. Rotisserie Chicken
  20. Kirkland Organic Ground Beef
  21. Fresh ‘N Natural Organic Baby Spinach
  22. Lemons
  23. 2 Bottles of Red Wine

I’m now at the checkout line, so that’s it for today’s Costco grocery haul.

Costco grocery haul

Like I said, we do not buy a lot of the vegetables and fruit at Costco, so that’s why most of them are missing.

The total price of this Costco grocery haul was $283.52.

Are you surprised at the cost?

Was it higher or lower than you thought?

Pre-Workout Before My Gym For My Workout

By the way, do you like my new Nike Metcon workout kicks?

Nike Metcon Sneakers

All right, it’s time to get ready to hit the gym.

Before I do, I feel like I need to get a little pre-workout energy into me.

Today I’m using the Paleo Energizing Superfood from Rootz Nutrition.

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I shared my Rootz Energizing Superfood Pre-Workout Powder Review here.

Since it is a paleo based pre-workout, it contains all natural herbs and no added artificial sweeteners.

This is the king of clean pre-workout drinks options.

Add a scoop of this to a blender with water, blend it up, and you are good to go.

Since it’s a clean pre-workout, with no artificial sweeteners, I like that the taste does not overpower you with flavor.

There is a small hint of stevia in it, however if you want more sweetness, you can add more stevia.

However, it honestly tastes good to me.

Use 10% off coupon code: LiveLeanTV

Let’s get to the gym.

It’s Cheat Meal Night: Cheat Meal Tips

If you guys are thinking, “you guys are having Domino’s pizza for a cheat night, seriously?”.

Trust me, Domino’s pizza is good.

We decided to go with a Brooklyn style pizza crust with just pepperoni.

Then we cut up some arugula at home and put it over top.

Since it’s Brooklyn style, it makes the slices a lot bigger.

Like I showed you on previous cheat meal vlogs, I try to have a greens drink with some protein in it, whenever I have pizza.

We’re also are having some steamed broccoli.

We usually try to throw in some greens to limit the amount of “badness” from the cheat meal.

Also, one other thing.

When you are wearing glasses, the carb monsters don’t come and get you.

So have your protein and greens drink, with a side of broccoli.

Then you can eat as much pizza as you want.

I’m sharing gold secrets here people.

“So bye-bye, Miss American Pie
Drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry
And them good old boys were drinkin’ whiskey and rye
Singin’ “This’ll be the day that I die
This’ll be the day that I die”


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Question For You:

  • What are some of your New Year’s resolutions, not only in fitness, but in overall life, for example, your business, relationships, and in your health? 
  • Were you surprised at the cost of this Costco grocery haul? Was it higher or lower that you thought?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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