Circuit Training Workout | Body Recomposition Workout Plan Day 16
By Live Lean TV
Circuit Training Afterburn Gym Workout | Live Lean Shred Ep. 16
On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking a new Live Lean follower through circuit training workout #10 from our Afterburn 1.0 body recomposition workout plan.
You’ll complete the following 4 exercises in a circuit, while keeping the rest periods short.
With circuit training, since you only get a 20 second rest between exercises, you may not be able to lift as much as you do during a typical straight sets bodybuilder program.
The goal is to lift as heavy as you can for the indicated reps, while following proper form.
This is great for the muscles, while also providing a cardio burn.
Barbell Substitution: Since we didn’t have access to an olympic barbell in our condo gym, we substituted this exercise with the alternating smith machine reverse lunge.
The bar on the smith machine is locked in place, therefore it only moves up and down, not forward and backward.
Therefore, if you can, use a free weight olympic barbell.
Reps: 8 per leg
Sets: 3
Rest: 20 seconds
Coaching cues:
Since I’ve never trained Ann before, I wasn’t sure how much weight she could lift, so we started with a 10 pound weight plate on each side.
To get started, situate your body inside the smith machine with the bar across the top of your shoulders.
To begin the reverse lunge, take a step back, while keeping your back upright, then lower your body down while keeping your front bent knee positioned above the ankle and heel of your front foot.
Press your foot through the floor to rise back up to standing, then switch legs.
Although I’m sure Ann could probably lift more, I suggested she start with 5 pound dumbbells first to get the form down.
While gripping the dumbbells, position your body at the top of push up, ensuring your body is straight as a board.
Lower your body down into a push up, then press back up.
Once you complete one push up, while holding the dumbbell, bend one elbow to lift the dumbbell up, while pressing all your force through the dumbbell on the floor.
Your core must be tight and turned on to ensure your hips remain straight and parallel to the floor during the renegade row.
You do not want your hips coming up to the side while completing the row.
If you notice your hips swaying, focus on flexing your core while pressing the planted dumbbell into the floor.
Lower the dumbbell back to the floor, complete the row on the other arm, then complete another push up.
You basically hit every muscle in your body with this exercise, so get ready to hear your breath.
If you are struggling hard with the push ups, you can drop down to your knees.
When you do this, the key coaching cue is to press the planted arm through the ground to really engage the core, while the other arm completes the row.
Complete 6 reps per arm.
That was one circuit.
Get back to your feet and take a 60 second break between circuit 1, circuit 2, and circuit 3.
After you complete circuit 3, move on to the Ignite It Up.
You only have to complete the Ignite It Up at the end of the last circuit.
You do not have to do the Ignite Up at the end of every circuit.
The lumberjack press may be a new movement to you.
It’s going to hit the anterior deltoids on the front of your shoulders.
If you have access to an olympic barbell or a fixed straight bar, complete this standing.
This is even more challenging due to the extra strength required by your core.
Since we only have access to a smith machine, this is what we have to use.
Grip the center of the bar with a side by side grip.
While keeping your core tight and glutes turned on to maintain a flat lower back, extend your arms to press the bar straight up, then lower it down to the other side of your head towards the other shoulder.
Once you complete 12 reps, rack the weight, take a 20 second break, then move on to the alternating dumbbell front raise.
I like this variation because you’re isolating both arms to ensure you’re hitting all the muscles in each arm independently, thus maintaining muscle balance on both sides.
Remember to limit any momentum by maintaining an upright and stationary upper torso, with your glutes turned on.
It’s not a dance move, so there should be no swaying or hip thrusting.
You can save the hip thrusting for your “post workout cardio” .
Complete 10 reps per arm, rest 20 seconds, then move on to the dumbbell walking lunge, which is another exercise that trains each limb independently.
Find a long area, approximately 20 yards, that has enough room for you to walk.
If you’re in a small room, keep walking back and forth for laps, until you hit 10 reps per leg.
You could also complete the stationary alternating dumbbell forward lunge, however I like walking lunges more because it requires more core stability and gives you a little bit of extra cardio as you walk forward.
Complete 10 lunges per leg, then put the weights down on the ground, and rest for 20 seconds before moving on to the forearm side plank.
If needed, you can do this ab and core strengthening exercise on an exercise mat.
With the side plank, you’ll be hitting both sides of your body independently.
While lying on your side, plant your forearm into the floor, with your shoulder directly above your elbow to protect your shoulder.
Your feet should be stacked on top of one another.
Press your hips up off the floor and turn your core on as you hold this position.
The side of your body should be in a straight line.
Don’t forget to breath through it.
Since you’re not doing anything, holding the plank for time can be a boring and monotonous move, therefore take your mind elsewhere by focusing and thinking about other things, such as contracting your muscles and getting strong.
If you touch your side obliques closest to the floor, they should feel hard and contracted.
Hold this position for 30 seconds, then switch sides and repeat.
That’s another circuit.
Take a minute break between each circuit, then complete circuit B two more times.
After the third and final circuit, take a 60 second rest, then move on to the Ignite It Up.
60 seconds may seem long since you just lifted weights and your muscles are sore, however this is why we call it the ignite it up.
It’s time to get the heart rate up even more.
This is the anti-comfort zone, where the afterburn kicks in, and the results are made.
Coaching cues:
Optional: to make the side to side hops a little more challenging, place a dumbbell flat on the ground, then complete the side to side hop over a dumbbell.
This is good to do if you start to get a little lazy with your jumps.
Just make sure you don’t land on the dumbbell, especially if it’s a circular dumbbell.
While hopping side to side, pretend like the ground is on fire.
If you notice you’re starting to get sloppy or losing your balance because you’re out of breath, I’d rather you stop, compose yourself, then start again, even if it means you lose 5 seconds off the clock.
It’s more important to ensure you’re doing it safely with proper form.
Take a 60 second break, then move on to circuit C.
Circuit C
This is the last circuit before moving on to the workout finisher.
This foot placement is going to incorporate more core activation, compared to placing her feet down on the ground, and pressing her feet through the floor for more stability.
Reps: 10
Sets: 3
Rest: 20 seconds
Coaching cues:
This is another chest building exercise, with secondary muscle involvement from the triceps.
Focus on a nice and controlled tempo on the way down.
Before lifting the weights back up, initiate the pressing movement with the muscles in the chest.
Complete 10 reps, then put the weights down and rest 20 seconds before moving on to the barbell hang clean and press.
Barbell substitution: since we don’t have access to an olympic barbell, we swapped it for the dumbbell clean and press.
Reps: 6
Sets: 3
Rest: 20 seconds
Coaching cues:
Since we’re only completing 6 reps, you can go a little heavier, however I want your form to remain tight.
Ann chose 20 pound dumbbells, so she is in it to win it.
If you never completed a dumbbell clean and press before, hinge at the hips, then drive your hips forward and contract your glutes, as you clean the dumbbells up into the front rack position, with your palms facing each other, then press the weights overhead.
If you have strong triceps and are used to doing dips on the parallel bars, do it that way.
Beginner Modification: If you need an easier modified tricep dip variation, try bench dips.
Coaching cues:
If you’re doing bench dips, extend your legs to make it more challenging for you.
If you burn out before hitting 15 reps, you can do the bench dip with knees bent to drive your feet into the ground to help finish those last few reps, however the movement should primarily be initiated through your triceps.
To keep your shoulders in a safer position during the dip, drive your elbows back, rather than flaring your elbows out.
It gets more dangerous for your shoulders when your elbows flare out.
It’s also key to keep your butt close to the bench when lowering and raising, rather than letting your butt move to far away from the bench.
After you complete 15 reps, take a 20 second break, then move over to the exercise mat.
C4. Superman Hold
The last exercise to finish off circuit C is the superman hold.
The superman hold is a great isometric isolation exercise to train your lower back.
Start the move by lying face down flat on the exercise mat, with your legs straight.
Extend your arms overhead like superman, then lift your legs off the ground, while keeping your glutes firing and your abs tight.
It’s called the superman because it looks like you are flying through the air.
You should feel this primarily in your lower back, as well as feeling the muscle burn in your shoulders and legs.
Hold this position for 30 seconds.
If this is too difficult to hold for 30 seconds, you could also complete the half superman hold by droping your legs to the floor and just have your arms out.
However, if you really want to push yourself, raise both the legs and arms off the floor.
This should feel hard, but good.
After holding for 30 seconds, take a 60 second rest, then repeat the circuit for a total of 3 circuits.
You just completed circuit A, B, and C.
4 Minute Tabata Workout Finisher
Once you finish the last circuit, take a 60 second break to catch your breath, then move on to crush the 4 minute tabata workout finisher.
The goal is to leave nothing left in body.
It’s time to give it your all before you leave the gym.
If you need to, you can drop down and complete the close grip push up on knees or complete the incline close grip push up on a box or bench.
When doing a push up from your knees, make sure you maintain a flat back with your core turned on, to ensure you do not have sagging in the hips or lower back.
Complete for 20 seconds, then take a 10 second break before moving on to the next exercise.
Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.
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