Reps: Start with your left arm, following a 5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder:
5 reps on your left arm, then 5 reps on your right arm
4 reps on your left arm, then 4 reps on your right arm
3 reps on your left arm, then 3 reps on your right arm
2 reps on your left arm, then 2 reps on your right arm
1 reps on your left arm, then 1 reps on your right arm
The 5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder is one continuous set, so no rest when transitioning between rep changes
45 second rest between sets
Sets: 3
Coaching cues:
This is considered a unilateral exercise because it involves lifting the weight with one arm at a time, while the other extended arm isometrically holds the weight in the air.
This allows each side of the body to work independently to improve muscle imbalances and enhance core stability.
Once you complete the 5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder, put the weights down and take a 45 second break before moving on to the second set.
Complete 3 sets, then move on to descending ladder superset B.
Descending Ladder Superset B
Descending ladder superset B follows a rep scheme starting at 6 reps: 6-5-4-3-2-1.
B1. Barbell Deadlift
The first exercise in descending ladder superset B is the barbell deadlift.
Barbell Substitution: Once again, since I didn’t have access to a barbell I completed the push up while gripping the smith machine bar.
Reps: 6-5-4-3-2-1 reps/leg descending ladder
The 6-4-3-2-1 descending ladder is one continuous set so no rest when transitioning between rep changes
45 second rest between sets
Sets: 2
Coaching cues:
Once you complete 6 reps of the barbell deadlift, immediately put the barbell down on the ground and complete 6 reps of push ups while gripping the barbell.
Once you complete 6 push ups, immediately stand back up, then complete 5 reps of the barbell deadlift and so on, until you reach 1 rep.
Once you finish the set, take a 45 second rest, then repeat it one more time for a total of 2 sets.
After you are done, move on to descending ladder tri-set C.
Descending Ladder Tri-set C
The rep scheme for this tri-set is set up as a 6-5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder.
Note: In the workout video I mistakingly completed a 5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder.
During the descending ladder tri-set, you will keep the weight in your hands when transitioning between exercises.
Since you will only be using one set of dumbbells for all 3 exercises, before starting the tri-set, select the weight based on the hardest exercise.
Descending ladder tri-set C is comprised of the following 3 exercises:
Standing Arnold Press
Standing Two Arm Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension
Dumbbell Front Squat To Calf Raise
Based on these 3 exercises, the hardest exercise would be the standing two arm dumbbell overhead tricep extension since you can’t lift as much during this exercise as you could during the dumbbell front squat to calf raise.
Therefore, pick a set of dumbbells based on your standing two arm dumbbell overhead tricep extension strength.
The 6-4-3-2-1 descending ladder is one continuous set so no rest when transitioning between rep changes
45 second rest between sets
Sets: 2
Coaching cues:
Complete 6 reps, then without letting go of the weight, immediately complete 6 reps of the standing dumbbell overhead tricep extension, then 6 reps of the dumbbell front squat to calf raise.
After completing 6 reps of all 3 exercises in the tri-set, without resting, immediately complete 5 reps of each exercise, then repeat this until you get down to 1 rep.
That’s one set.
C2. Standing Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension With Two Dumbbells
The 6-4-3-2-1 descending ladder is one continuous set so no rest when transitioning between rep changes
45 second rest between sets
Sets: 2
Coaching cues:
After completing 6 reps of the standing arnold press, without resting, immediately transition into the standing two arm dumbbell overhead tricep extension, with the same set of dumbbells.
Once you complete 6 reps, immediately transition to the dumbbell front squat to calf raise for 6 reps, without resting or letting go of the dumbbells.
The 6-4-3-2-1 descending ladder is one continuous set so no rest when transitioning between rep changes
45 second rest between sets
Sets: 2
Coaching cues:
After completing 6 reps of the standing two arm dumbbell overhead tricep extension, immediately transition into completing 6 reps of the front squat to calf raise.
Once you complete 6 reps, keep the weight in your hands, and immediately move back into the standing arnold press for 5 reps, and repeat this tri-set all the way down to 1 rep.
That’s one set.
Once you finish the full descending ladder, take a 45 second rest, then repeat one more time for a total of 2 sets.
7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Descending Ladder Superset D
Superset D is a 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder.
In the workout video, I incorrectly completed a 5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder.
D1. Jump Squat
The first exercise in this 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder superset is the jump squat.
Reps: 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder
The 7-6-4-3-2-1 descending ladder is one continuous set so no rest when transitioning between rep changes
Sets: 1
Coaching cues:
Complete 7 reps of the jump squat, then without rest, immediately complete 7 reps of knee tucks, then back to jump squats for 6 reps, and so on, until you get down to 1 rep.
Complete just one set of this superset.
D2. Knee Tuck
The second exercise in this 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder superset is the knee tuck.
Reps: 7-6-5-4-3-2-1 descending ladder
The 7-6-4-3-2-1 descending ladder is one continuous set so no rest when transitioning between rep changes
Sets: 1
Coaching cues:
Once you finish 7 reps of jump squats, immediately complete 7 knee tucks, then without rest, complete 6 jump squats, and so on, until you hit 1 rep.
Complete just one set of this superset.
You just completed descending ladder workout #3.
Hopefully you felt good and are feeling the sweat.
Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.