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Complex Training Workout | Body Recomposition Workout Plan Day 26


Lose Fat With Weights Workout | Live Lean Shred Ep. 26

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, Jessica and I are back in the gym to complete complex training workout #4 from the Afterburn 1.0 body recomposition workout plan.

Welcome back to the gym for day 26 of our 6 week Live Lean Shred Body Recomposition Workout Plan Series.

Are you guys ready for this?

Table Of Contents – Jump To:

If you missed it, here are the 3 previous complex training workouts:


I used different filming treatments for each of these 3 previous complex workouts.

Based on the feedback from those videos, it sounds like you like it best when Jessica is behind the camera doing commentary.

That way she can add her 2 cents as a women who has already completed this 6 week body recomposition workout plan.

Kyla is also not with us for this workout since she is upstairs in our condo napping with grandma.

With that said, complex training workout #4 is going down right now.

What Is A Complex?

If you’re new to the series, here’s a reminder of what a complex is:

  • A complex is a circuit of 4 exercises.
  • Pick one weight to use for every exercise.
  • While transitioning from one exercise to the next in the circuit, you will not let that weight out of your hands.
  • Choose the weight based on the most difficult exercise in the complex circuit.

Sign Up To Get The Workouts Emailed To You For Free

If you do not have access to the Afterburn 1.0 workout PDFs yet, you can sign up to our newsletter to get every workout emailed to you for free here.

You’ll start with an email featuring workout 1, then you’ll get daily emails all the way up to the 42nd day of this 6 week Afterburn 1.0 program.

Based on the feedback to date, It sounds like you have been loving having access to these workout PDFs.

Plus, once you get them, they’re yours to keep forever.

In other words, we’re not going to sneak into your email and take them back from you 😂.

That’s one of the greatest things about this free series.

You will continue to benefit from these workouts forever.

4 Minute Warm Up

Before starting, complete 2 circuits of this warm up first, with no rest between exercises:

Safety always comes first, before making gains, so be safe.

Important Note: Don’t tell someone not to hurt themselves.

When you tell someone not to hurt themselves, what’s going to happen?

They’re going to hurt themselves.

What happens when you tell someone to be safe?

Safety ✌️.

Rather than being negative, focus on what you want, not what you don’t want.

Tell someone to be safe.

All right, enough of the banter, let’s get into the workout.

Complex Training Workout #15 | Body Recomposition Workout Plan

Here’s the downloadable PDF of the full complex training workout #3, with exercise demonstration videos.

Before starting, it’s important to first look and memorize all the exercises in the complex circuit, since you will be transitioning from one exercise to the next, without rest.

Complex Circuit A is comprised of the following exercises:

  • A1. Barbell Romanian Deadlift
  • A2. Barbell High Pull
  • A3. Barbell Front Squat
  • A4. Barbell Push Press

The most difficult exercise out of this circuit would either be the barbell push press or the barbell high pull.


Barbell Complex A

Since my condo gym does not have access to a free weight olympic barbell, I have to use the smith machine.

However, if you have access to an olympic barbell, use it.

For most people, the barbell high pull will be the most challenging exercise in this complex, therefore load up the weight based on that exercise.

I added a 45 pound plate to both sides of the smith machine.

A1. Barbell Romanian Deadlift

The first exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell romanian deadlift, which is often referred to as the barbell stiff leg deadlift.

Smith Machine Substitution: Smith Machine Romanian Deadlift

Since the smith machine is locked in and doesn’t move forward or backward, it may feel a little weird at first.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • This exercise is going to hit the posterior chain.
  • Since we’re keeping our legs more stiff compared to the traditional bent knee deadlift variation, it’s going to incorporate a lot of hamstrings.
  • With the bar on the ground, line your shins up against the bar, then bend down with your knees bent to grip the barbell, while keeping your back flat, then press your feet through the floor to stand up to get into the beginning position.
  • While keeping your back flat and neck neutral, lower the bar down, then power through the ground to bring your hips forward, as you come back up again.
  • I often see people at the gym cranking up their neck during the deadlift.
  • Focus on tucking your chin and looking down at the floor to keep your neck in a neutral position.
  • Complete 6 reps, then without re-racking the barbell, move immediately into the barbell high pull.

A2. Barbell High Pull

The second exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell high pull.

Smith Machine Substitution: Smith Machine High Pull

This may feel a little bit weird if you’re doing it for the first time in the smith machine.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Lower your body down by bending your knees, then press your feet through the floor as you rise up onto your toes to pull the bar up into an upright row.
  • Once you complete 6 reps, immediately transition into the barbell front squat, without re-racking the weight.

A3. Barbell Front Squat

The third exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell front squat.

Smith Machine Substitution: Smith Machine Front Squat

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Clean the barbell up to the front rack position.
  • If you don’t have the mobility in your wrists or shoulders to use the clean grip, you can use the cross grip.
  • Squat down until your thighs reach parallel to the floor or below, if you have the required mobility to go lower, then press your feet through the floor to rise back up.
  • The front squat incorporates more muscles in the quadriceps and the core.
  • Complete 6 reps, then keeping the bar in your hands, transition into the barbell push press.

A4. Barbell Push Press

The last exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell push press.

Smith Machine Substitution: 1/2 Kneeling Smith Machine Shoulder Press

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 120 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • I don’t have access to a free weight olympic barbell, therefore I am substituting the barbell push press with the 1/2 kneeling smith machine shoulder press.
  • Since the smith machine is too low, it does not allow the weight to be pressed overhead, therefore I have to get down on one knee to do a shoulder press, rather than a push press.
  • The 1/2 kneeling smith machine shoulder press similar to a push press, without the involvement of the lower body.
  • Complete 6 reps, set the weights down, then take a 2 minute break before repeating the complex for a total of 3 sets.
  • Once you complete your third set, move right into the Ignite It Up.

Weight Selection Feedback

As mentioned, based on the 4 exercises in complex A, I decided to add a 45 pound plate to each side of the smith machine.

Was it the correct weight?

Well, I got through all the reps for each exercise, but I was struggling to push through the 6 reps of the 1/2 kneeling smith machine shoulder press.

If I had access to an olympic barbell for the push press, this weight would have been fine.

However, since I substituted this for a 1/2 kneeling smith machine shoulder press, it was definitely difficult.

If you find the weight is too heavy, and you had to stop before you got through all your reps, I would decrease the weight by at least 5-10 pounds during the next set.

In other words, if you’re not making it through the reps, lower the weight.

However, if you make it through the reps, but you were struggling, you will need to make a decision if you can do it again, since you will be more tired during the next round.

Benefits Of Complex Training Workouts

If you could hear my breath after the first complex, you would notice that I’m out of breath.

This is good.

It’s why I always call complex workouts, “cardio with weights”.

Since you’re still keeping the weights pretty heavy, you’re also stimulating new lean muscle.

This means you’ll also be breaking down your muscles to help build up new muscle, while increasing strength.

Lastly, since your heart rate is also elevated, you’re going to be increasing the afterburn effect after the workout, thus you’ll be burning more calories throughout the day.

This is why complex workouts are one of my favorite training styles and why Afterburn training is not a typical bodybuilding workout.

Ignite It Up: Pull Up

After you complete 3 sets of barbell complex A, move on to the Ignite It Up exercise: pull ups.

  • Reps: 60 seconds
  • Sets: 1
  • Rest: 60 seconds

Even though a chin up is typically easier than a pull up, since it incorporates more of the biceps, I want you to choose a pull up variation since it incorporates more muscles in the back.

Pull Up Variations Include:

If You Can’t Do A Full Pull Up You Can:

Coaching cues:

  • I know 60 seconds of pull ups seems aggressive and may be too difficult for most people, myself included, however that doesn’t mean you say you can’t do it, therefore you don’t try.
  • Set the clock for 60 seconds, then complete as many pull ups as you can, take a break once you’re burned out, then get back into it.
  • No excuses.
  • If you can’t do a pull up, I want you to use any of the exercise substitutions listed above.
  • Don’t pass it up or skip it.
  • Just do something.
  • You can choose whatever pull up style you want to do.
  • The neutral grip pull works more of the inside back, while the wider grip is better for a wider back.
  • Complete with a full range of motion.
  • Extend your arms to lower your body all the way down to fully stretch the lat muscles, then lift your body all the way up for a full contraction.

After the ignite it up, move on to dumbbell complex circuit B.

Dumbbell Complex B

During dumbbell complex B, you’ll complete 3 circuits of the following 4 exercises for 6 reps each:

  • B1. Standing Dumbbell Arnold Press
  • B2. Dumbbell Front Squat
  • B3. Dumbbell Push Press
  • B4. Dumbbell Alternating Forward Lunge

The exercise that’s probably the most difficult would be the push press or the arnold press.

Therefore choose a weight based on those two.

Once again, the dumbbells do not leave your hands during the complex, so make sure you memorize the four exercises.

However, it’s ok to reference the workout PDF if you forget.

That’s what it’s there for.

B1. Standing Arnold Press

The first exercise in dumbbell complex B is the standing arnold press.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Lower the dumbbells down in front of your chest as you rotate your palms to face your body, then go back up.
  • A really important cue is to keep your core tight and abs turned on.
  • It’s not a good thing if you feel your back bending and arching as your press the dumbbells over your head.
  • Keep your abs strong.
  • Complete 6 reps, then immediately transition into the front squat, without letting go of the weights.

B2. Dumbbell Front Squat

The second exercise in dumbbell complex B is the dumbbell front squat.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • You can complete the front squat while holding the dumbbells in front of your body with a palms facing towards your body grip or a neutral grip.
  • Jess prefers the palms facing towards your body grip, while I prefer the neutral grip.
  • Complete a full range of motion by lowering your body down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, then press your feet through the floor to come back up and flex at the top.
  • Complete 6 reps, then immediately move into the dumbbell push press.

B3. Dumbbell Push Press

The third exercise in dumbbell complex B is the dumbbell push press.

  • Reps: 6
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 0 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • At this point of the workout, you should be feeling your shoulders burning.
  • I’m using a neutral grip, but you can also use a wide grip, however the neutral grip tends to be safer for people who have shoulder issues.
  • Therefore use a neutral grip if your shoulders are feeling funky.
  • Complete 6 reps, then move into the alternating dumbbell forward lunges.

B4. Alternating Dumbbell Forward Lunge

The final exercise in dumbbell complex B is the alternating dumbbell forward lunge.

  • Reps: 3 per leg
  • Sets: 3
  • Rest: 120 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Alternate legs for 3 reps per leg.
  • Your heart rate should be pumping at this point.
  • Set the weights down, take a 2 minute break, repeat for a total of 3 sets, then move on to the 4 minute workout finisher.

Why Are There No Chest Exercises?

At this point, you can see I programed these workouts to hit the total body within one circuit.

However, some people have asked me why there are no pushing exercises for the chest.

It’s difficult to hit your chest with complex workouts because you’d usually have to lay down on a flat or incline bench to target the chest muscles.

I do include the alternating dumbbell flat bench press in complex workout #1, however by sitting down on a bench, it does give you a little break, since it takes away some of the required stimulus from your forearms, compared to if you were holding on to the dumbbells while standing.

This is why I don’t like to incorporate as many chest movements into a complex.

However, you still do get some chest activation when doing overhead pressing, such as the push press, therefore the chest is still being stimulated and worked.

The other 3 training styles in this 6 week body recomposition workout plan include a lot of chest exercises.

Plus the 4 minute finisher includes multiple push up variations.

Circuit C: 4 Minute Tabata Workout Finisher

It’s time to hit up the tabata workout finisher.

The goal is to give it all you got and leave every ounce of energy left on the gym floor.

You’ll complete the following 4 exercises:

  • C1. Spiderman Lunges
  • C2. Burpees
  • C3. Push Ups
  • C4. Forward Lunges

Set your interval timer for:

  • 20 seconds per exercise
  • 10 seconds break between each exercise
  • Repeat this circuit 2 times for a total of 4 minutes

Let’s get it.

C1. Spiderman Lunge

The first tabata exercise is the spiderman lunge.

In the video I mistakenly performed the spiderman crawl exercise.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Complete a push up while bringing one knee to your elbow on the same side.
  • Walk forward then complete another push up, but this time switch sides as you bring the knee on the other side to your elbow on the same side.
  • Once you complete 20 seconds, take a 10 second break as you get back up on your feet, then move on to the next exercise.

C2. Burpee

The second tabata exercise are burpees.

You can do any of the following different variations of the burpee, starting with the most beginner modification:

  1. Beginner Burpee
  2. Squat Thurst Burpee
  3. Burpee Push Up
  4. Jump Burpee Push Up
  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • During the beginner burpee, step back one leg at a time to get to the top of the straight arm plank, then step one leg forward at a time to stand back up.
  • The next burpee variation is the squat thrust burpee where you place your hands on the floor, then jump both feet back to get to the top of the straight arm plank, then jump both feet back in at the same time, then stand back up.
  • The third burpee variation is the burpee push up, which follows the same steps as the previous squat thrust burpee, however add a push up before standing up.
  • The most difficult burpee variation is the jump burpee push up where you incorporate a push up, then a jump.
  • Figure out which burpee variation you want to use, then complete it for 20 seconds.
  • Once you complete 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, then move on to push ups.

C3. Push Up

The third tabata exercise is the push up.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Lower your body all the way down while keeping your neck in neutral position, then press back up.
  • Complete each rep with a full range of motion.
  • No baby pulsing push ups where you only move your neck up and down.
  • If you can’t do a full push up, you can make it a little easier by completing an incline push up on a bench.
  • Complete for 20 seconds, then take a 10 second break before moving on to the last exercise.

C4. Alternating Forward Lunge

The final tabata exercise is the alternating forward lunge.

  • Reps: 20 seconds
  • Sets: 2
  • Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues:

  • Step forward into a lunge, then press your feet through the floor to stand back up.
  • I like to pump my arms like a sprinter.
  • Remember, you’re an athlete of life.
  • Continue alternating legs for 20 seconds.
  • After 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, then repeat this circuit one more time, then you are done.
  • The second round starts when the clock hits 2 minutes.
  • Remember, it’s only 4 minutes.

These complex workouts are meant to be fast to get you results fast.

Make sure you give it your all during the three sets of each circuit, and the two sets of the workout finisher.

You should be able to leave the gym or your home gym, if you have equipment at home, in approximately 35 minutes.

You’re in, you’re out, you’re dripping, and you’re looking and feeling good.

That’s it.

Please Share This With Your Friends

Thank you for tuning in once again.

It feels good to be back into this style of filming for you.

Although I like it better this way, you have to realize we’re super busy not just with business, but with our family.

We’re doing our best with this 6 week body recomposition workout plan series, but it has been a big project for us to take on.

It’s a lot of work and time so we appreciate you following along, commenting, and most importantly sharing the workouts with your friends.

When you get your friends to do the same workouts as you, you’ll be improving the overall health of your inner circle of your closest five friends.

Once you do that, everybody will level up their life together.

This is a very important aspect of your Live Lean journey.

Hopefully you’re getting your friends involved to workout with you and subscribed to this workout series.

We love you.

Keep Living Lean.


Next Workout: Strength Circuit Workout #16 | Body Recomposition Workout Plan


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