On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you through complex training workout #5 from the Afterburn 1.0 body recomposition workout plan.
Welcome back to the gym for day 34 of our 6 week Live Lean Shred Body Recomposition Workout Plan Series.
Before we get into the workout, I want to quickly talk to you about getting into the mindset of why you started this 6 week body recomposition workout plan.
The numbers don’t lie.
The participation in this Live Lean Shred series started off pretty good, but then as we reached day 7 and 8, the number of people completing the workouts started to go down.
We initially had your attention, but then I’m not sure what happened.
As teachers, whether we’re teaching fitness, accounting, or finance, we often struggle with the lack of follow through from students.
Anyone trying to impart knowledge to help others improve their lives, be it in relationships, fitness and health, finances, or careers, will encounter students who aren’t yet ready to make the necessary mindset changes for transformation.
As a coach, I often find it challenging to convey the message that Living Lean is a lifestyle, not just a short-term fix to get ready for a vacation.
Living Lean requires ongoing effort and isn’t as easy as many fitness marketers claim.
This is a life changing decision that demands a commitment to altering your daily habits and behaviors.
Your daily habits and behaviors will change once you finally decide you need to change.
It all comes back to your “why.”
Why are you doing this?
Why do you need to change?
Many people haven’t found a strong enough “why” yet, which is why they stopped at day 4, 5, or 6, instead of staying consistent, and still being here with us on day 34.
I know this motivational talk is strange because I’m talking to those who are still with us, and I commend you for being in it.
Living Lean is binary, you’re either in or you’re not.
So if you’re still reading this after 34 days, it’s a sign that you’re in it.
Therefore, please don’t take this rant as me being disappointed it you.
It’s the opposite.
I’m acknowledging that you’re the exception, so this is me giving you props and congratulations.
If you’re this far, you’re committed, so let’s keep it that way.
We have nine more days left in this 42 day body recomposition workout plan series.
Let’s get from day 34 to day 42.
Let’s go!
Here is the PDF download link for the complete complex training workout #5, including exercise demonstration videos.
If you don’t have the Afterburn 1.0 workout PDFs yet, sign up for our newsletter here to receive every workout emailed to you for free.
Here are the 4 previous complex training workouts:
If you’re new to complex training, here’s a quick reminder on how to do them:
Before starting, perform 2 circuits of this warm-up without resting between exercises:
Before beginning, it’s important to familiarize yourself with and remember all the exercises in the complex circuit, as you’ll be moving from one exercise to the next without breaks.
Barbell Complex A is comprised of the following exercises:
The most difficult exercise out of this circuit would be the barbell upright row, therefore select a weight for that exercise.
Note: Since the gym in my condo doesn’t have a free weight Olympic barbell, I had to replace the barbell exercises with dumbbells.
However, if you have access to a free weight olympic barbell, go ahead and use it.
The first exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell hang clean.
Dumbbell Substitution: Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
Coaching cues:
The second exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell front squat.
Dumbbell Substitution: Dumbbell Front Squat
Coaching cues:
The third exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell upright row.
Dumbbell Substitution: Standing Dumbbell Upright Row
Coaching cues:
The last exercise in barbell complex A is the barbell romanian deadlift.
Dumbbell Substitution: Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift
Coaching cues:
After you complete 3 sets of barbell complex A, move on to the Ignite It Up exercise: jumping jacks.
Coaching cues:
Complete 3 circuits of the following 4 exercises:
Since the dumbbell push press is likely the most challenging exercise in this set, select a weight based on that movement.
The first exercise in dumbbell complex B is the dumbbell top squat to calf raise.
Coaching cues:
The second exercise in dumbbell complex B is the pronated grip dumbbell bent over row.
Coaching cues:
The third exercise in dumbbell complex B is the dumbbell push press.
Coaching cues:
The final exercise in dumbbell complex B is the straight leg dumbbell deadlift.
Coaching cues:
It’s time to hit up the tabata workout finisher.
Set your interval timer for:
I did this jump rope tabata workout outside to get some of this beautiful California sunshine on my body.
The first tabata exercise is the speed jump rope.
Coaching cues:
The second tabata exercise are high knees jump rope.
Coaching cues:
The third tabata exercise is the single leg jump rope on your left leg.
Coaching cues:
The final tabata exercise is the single leg jump rope on your right leg.
Coaching cues:
You are now done the workout.
If you are reading this today, it’s currently July 4th, so go out and enjoy yourself.
Or if it’s December 22nd, Christmas is right around the corner, so the same message applies.
Living Lean is not about being 100 percent perfect all the time.
Living Lean is about having balance.
When you prioritize healthy choices 80-90% of the time, the remaining 10-20%, which often feels more significant than it is, allows for enjoying barbecues, drinks, and partying with friends.
But if that’s not your thing, more power to you for sticking to what works best for you.
The point is, there is some flexibility with Living Lean, so go and enjoy yourself.
Living Lean is not about being “all in” where you only eat vegetables and never miss a workout.
It requires a mindset shift, as I talking about earlier.
When you’re truly Living Lean, you know you have a healthy balance.
I understand this might seem contradictory to my earlier point, but the idea is that when you attend a July 4th party or Christmas gathering, you know that the next day, you’ll turn that switch back on and get right back into your Live Lean lifestyle.
That’s where we need to get you.
I appreciate you following along.
I’m incredibly passionate about your success, which is why I might have come off overly intense in these recent posts.
I just genuinely want you to achieve your goals so badly.
See you at the next workout.
Next Workout: Complex Training Workout | Body Recomposition Workout Plan Day 36
Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.
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