These cookies are delicious and good for a new mom’s milk supply
Enjoy one cookie a day to help your milk flow
Superfood Cookies Recipe To Help With Breastfeeding
A Mother’s nutrition plays an important role in her baby’s development. Here’s how to make my favorite lactation cookie recipe.

Here’s the recipe:
Superfood Cookies Recipe To Help With Breastfeeding
- 1/2 C coconut oil, melted*
- 1/4 C maple syrup
- 4 eggs
- 1 Tbsp vanilla extract
- 2 C Oat Flour (ground up oats)
- 1/2 C flax meal (we used a coffee grinder with whole flax seeds)
- 1 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 C walnuts, chopped
- 1/2 C dates, pitted & chopped
- 1/3 C dried cherries, chopped
- 2 tsp Fenugreek, ground (we used a coffee grinder on whole seeds)
- 2 Tbsp anise seed, ground (we used a coffee grinder on whole seeds)
- Pinch of Pink Himalayan Salt
(Fenugreek & Anise are good for digestion & increasing milk supply)
- Whisk together wet ingredients.
- In separate bowl, combine dry ingredients.
- Slowly add dry ingredients to wet as you beat or mix to combine.
- Fold in nuts, cherries and dates.
- Spoon one tablespoon of batter onto greased or lined cookie sheet.
- Bake at 350 degrees for 10 – 15 minutes until top just starts to brown.
- Makes 30 cookies, about 1 month’s supply – they freeze well if you don’t need that many or don’t go through them that soon.
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