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Follow Along Bodyweight Full Body Workout Challenge


Try the 150 Rep Bodyweight Strength Workout Challenge

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m taking you through a 150 rep follow along bodyweight full body workout challenge.

During this timed bodyweight strength workout challenge, we’re going to see if you can beat a pro.

How fast can you complete this workout challenge?

Follow Along Bodyweight Full Body Workout Challenge

This bodyweight full body workout challenge was created by fellow fitness trainer, Todd Durkin.


He puts his pro athlete clients through this challenge, so I want to do the same thing with you.

This workout challenge is for both men and women.

So if you’re a female, and you think this is only for dudes, guess again.

I have my girl Jessica taking this workout challenge as well.

If you’re interested in seeing how fast we completed it, I posted both my time and Jessica’s time at the end of this post.

All right Live Lean Nation, it’s time to put in the work.

Here’s how this 150 rep bodyweight full body workout challenge works.


  • 3 rounds

Complete 3 rounds of the 5 bodyweight exercises in circuit format, as fast as you can.


  • 10 reps for each exercise

All reps must be completed with strict form, no cheating.


  • No planned breaks

This is another timed workout challenge, so take as little rest as possible.


Here are the exercises to be completed during this bodyweight full body workout challenge.

Everyone can do this workout by using the provided exercise modifications.

So if you’re a beginner, use the beginner exercise modifications provided below.

Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

Let’s jump into round number 1.

A1. Box Squat

Reps: 10

Rest: as little rest as possible

Sets: 3

Tempo: 1010

Ground rules: to ensure you’re going low enough in the squat, complete a box squat by tapping your butt to a box or bench. If you don’t have access to a stable box or bench, you can complete bodyweight air squats. However, in order for the rep to count, you must make sure your knees are bent to at least a 90 degree angle at the bottom of the squat.

A2. Bench Jump Squat

Reps: 10

Rest: as little rest as possible

Sets: 3

Tempo: 10X0

Ground rules: it’s time to work on your ups. To ensure you’re going low enough in the squat, complete a bench jump squat by tapping your butt to the box or bench before jumping into the air. If you don’t have access to a stable box or bench, you can complete bodyweight jump squat. Remember, in order for the rep to count, make sure your knees are bent at a 90 degree angle at the bottom of the squat. Also, be sure to give an honest jump off the ground.

A3. Push Up

Reps: 10

Rest: as little rest as possible

Sets: 3


Tempo: 1010

Ground rules: in order for the rep to count, your chest must tap or come very close to touching the ground during the lowering of the push up,

Beginner modification: if you can’t do 10 regular push ups, complete 10 incline push ups with your hands on a stable platform, such as a box or bench.

Notes: the push ups started to feel tough during the final round. Based on this, I was dreading the following clapping push ups.

A4. Clapping Push Up

Reps: 10

Rest: as little rest as possible

Sets: 3

Tempo: 10X0

Ground rules: to complete the clapping push up correctly, your chest must tap or come very close to touching the ground. Then explode up by lifting your hands off the ground and clapping them together while in the air.

Beginner modification: if 10 clapping push ups is too difficult for you to complete, do 10 incline clapping push ups with your hands on a stable platform, such as a box or bench. It’s time to clap it up. Let’s go.

Notes: I first started to feel muscle fatigue during the clapping push ups in round 2. Then by the third and final round, I needed to take a quick break to shake it out. There’s no giving up at this point. This is an exact example of what separates people who want more out of life than people who are just living a standard life. You have to want it enough to push through it and finish strong. So get right back in to it and finish off those last few reps.

A5. Wide Grip Pull Up

Reps: 10

Rest: as little rest as possible

Sets: 3

Tempo: 1010

Ground rules: jump up and grab the pull up bar with a wide grip. In order for the rep to be counted, you must go from a full hang at the bottom, all the way up to lifting your chin up over the bar. No cheating.

Beginner modification: if you can’t complete 10 wide grip pull ups, complete 10 inverted rows.

Notes: During the second round I also felt the muscle and lactic acid pain during the last few pull ups. This is a sign that you need to keep going. If you really want it, push through the fatigue. Take a deep breath in, breath it all out, then push through those last few reps. By the third round of pull ups, you will be feeling tired with even more lactic acid build up. Think of this pain and discomfort as growth. Your body is getting better and stronger. This is not the time to give up, so keep pushing through it. Finish strong and make it count.

After completing 1 set of each A1-A5 exercise, immediately move back to exercise A1 to start round number 2.

You’re killing it.

Keep it going as it’s going to get easier from here 😉.

Once you reach the final round, think of it as the third period of a hockey game or the fourth quarter of a basketball game.

You are now on your way to the finish line, so keep pushing through, and just do it.

Last rep, best rep.

Well done.

Brad’s Total Workout Time:

  • 4:11

The first time I went through this bodyweight full body workout challenge, I didn’t time myself.

So I repeated this workout again, to get my time.

This is a tough workout, especially when you do it two times, back to back, like I did.

During my second attempt, it took me 4 minutes and 11 seconds to complete 3 full rounds of this bodyweight full body workout challenge.

That’s sick!

Jessica’s Total Workout Time:

  • 11:10

Jessica completed the workout using inverted rows, rather than wide grip pull ups.

There you have it.

Hopefully you enjoyed this bodyweight full body workout challenge.

I want to see if you can beat me and Jess, so let us know what time you got in the comments below.

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If you want to see more “Can You Beat A Pro” workout challenges like this, check out our Team Live Lean Inner Circle site.

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Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • Do you like workout challenges?
  • What was your time to complete this bodyweight full body workout challenge?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

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13 responses to “Follow Along Bodyweight Full Body Workout Challenge

  1. Just finished it! 3.50!!!!!!!!!! But i did inverted rows (2 chairs and a
    broomstick) instead of pullups cause i don’t have a pullup bar at home. Way
    to go!!!!!!!

  2. Brad, I’m a football (soccer) player and need to build stamina to last 90
    minute matches as well as for intense bursts of activity. Will your
    workouts help with that or should I be building in other exercises?

  3. Looks like a challenging workout! I will have to give this one a try 😀

    I can’t help but cringe at the guy in the background of this video, needs so proper training on form.

  4. How often can you do this? Is every Tues and Fri two much or should you
    only do this every once in a while? Can I do it M, W, F or is that too

  5. How often can you do this? Is every Tues and Fri two much or should you
    only do this every once in a while? Can I do it M, W, F or is that too

  6. my time today just got done, modified pushups and clap pushups on bench,
    and had to do inverted row pull ups.. 5:54..nice challenge good time for me
    haven’t worked out in over a month!!

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