With your feet hip-width apart, slightly bend your knees, and push the balls of your feet through the ground to jump up, point your toes to the ground, and with your hands by your waist quickly rotate your wrists to make small circles to revolve the rope under your feet twice within one jump.Â
Land softly on your toes, and quickly push off again from the balls of your feet.Â
Once again, the idea is not to just jump higher, the speed of the double under comes from the quick rotation of your wrists.Â
Quickly cross your feet, then repeat with the back foot forward.
Immediately squat down and tap the floor with your hands, then explode up by completing a tuck jump by raising your knees in the air and tapping them with your hands.
Land softly, then lower your hands to the floor and walk them forward until your body is in a straight arm plank.
Complete a push up, then walk your hands back towards your feet and stand up.
While facing an agility ladder, complete the scissor hop by placing one foot in the box of the agility ladder, then quickly hop that foot back out as you bring the opposite foot into the box beside it.
Keep you knees slightly bent as you quickly scissor your feet in and out of the boxes in the ladder.
With your elbows bent at 90 degrees, continue pumping your arms for momentum while keeping your core contracted to maintain balance.
After a few scissors with each foot, immediately move into a bottom burpee once your feet are outside the ladder.
Quickly place one hand in each box, then kick your feet back, complete a push up, then explosively drive your knees in.
Stand back up, complete the scissor hops, then repeat with the bottom burpee.
Bend at your hips, then your knees, as you lower your body towards the floor in a squatting motion, while placing your hands on the floor, directly under your shoulders, and outside of your knees.
Jump back with both feet to get into a standard push up position with your arms extended then immediately complete the push up by bending your elbows and lowering your body until it’s a few inches off the floor, then explosively press your hands through the floor and drive your knees in and land with your feet in a box, while in a squat position.
Jump both feet back and immediately complete another push up without standing up.
Fast Feet Plate Toe Taps are a great cardio exercise to rev up your heart rate while improving coordination and footwork.
To get started:
Start with one foot on top of a plate, then quickly alternate feet back and forth, lightly tapping the plate every time.Â
Keep your core tight, stay on the balls of your feet the entire time, and drive your arms forward and backward like an athlete. This will build more speed and train your feet to move faster.Â
Remember, the goal is quick feet, so you’re just tapping the plate, you’re not actually stepping up on it.Â
Keep alternating feet until you reach your desired time or reps.
That ladies and gentleman is how to make cardio fun
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Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.
Your workout are totally different with mine workout. Yours are more fun and make me feel that is very enjoy to be lean. I would like to try your workout to hit my lean target.
Your workout are totally different with mine workout. Yours are more fun and make me feel that is very enjoy to be lean. I would like to try your workout to hit my lean target.
Hi Adeline, yes they are fun and work. Good luck with it.
Seems right out of Beachbody’s Asylum routines. Good stuff nonetheless.