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15 Minute Full Body Metabolic Workout Finisher


Descending Ladder Workout Finisher

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher to burn more calories.

Plus, Hoops is back with me for another sweaty metabolic workout.

Don’t you love it when Hoops makes an appearance on our Live Lean TV YouTube channel?

15 Minute Full Body Metabolic Workout Finisher

For this workout, we’re kicking up the intensity by completing a descending ladder, 15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher.


Train with us during this follow along 15 minute workout

Plus, we hit record on the camera and showed you how to complete every single rep of this workout finisher, in real time.

This means you can train right along side of us and follow along for the full workout.

So don’t just sit there and watch, I want you to hit play and workout with us.

According to Hoops, this was the best 15 minutes of her life 😉

What is a workout finisher?


Workout finishers are high intensity sets added to the end of your strength training workout.

The goal of a workout finisher is to burn out and deplete your muscles of all the remaining energy, therefore helping boost your metabolism, and burn more calories throughout the day.

This workout finisher will target every muscle in your body and should take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

So add this 15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher to the end of your strength training workout.

All you need for this 15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher is:

That’s it.

Since this 15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher was filmed in real time, you should be following along with us during the workout.

Are you ready to get sweaty?

Let’s do it.

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15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher

Here’s how this 15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher is structured:

Total time:

15 minutes.

Type of workout:

Descending ladder style.

Start by completing 10 reps of each exercise in this 5 exercise workout circuit.

Once you complete 10 reps of all 5 exercises in the circuit, you’ll then complete 9 reps of each exercise.

After completing 9 reps of each exercise, you’ll complete 8 reps of each exercise, then 7 reps, then continue all the way down to 1 rep.

Then you are done.

Number of reps:

  • 1st circuit: 10 reps/exercise
  • 2nd circuit: 9 reps/exercise
  • 3rd circuit: 8 reps/exercise
  • 4th circuit: 7 reps/exercise
  • 5th circuit: 6 reps/exercise
  • 6th circuit: 5 reps/exercise
  • 7th circuit: 4 reps/exercise
  • 8th circuit: 3 reps/exercise
  • 9th circuit: 2 reps/exercise
  • 10th circuit: 1 rep/exercise

Number of circuits:

Repeat this circuit 10 times.


No rest.

If you need to rest, keep it short as possible.

Since there is no rest between exercises or between circuits, your heart rate will be elevated throughout this 15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Sandbag Bent Over Row

Reps: 10

Rest: 10 seconds

sandbag bent over row

Coaching cues: this can be completed as a sandbag bent over row, a two arm single kettlebell bent over row, a dumbbell bent over row, or barbell bent over row. If you don’t have any exercise equipment, you can also use any weighted object around the house, like a bag of sugar, a jug of water, or even your baby. Bend at the waist and focus on maintaining a flat back as you engage your back muscles, while squeezing your shoulders blades together. Think about your back muscles contracting as you are lifting and lowering the weight for every rep. After completing 10 reps, move directly into the next exercise.


A2. Air Squat

Reps: 10

Rest: 10 seconds

Air Squat

Coaching cues: squat back and down towards the ground, then stand back up by pressing your feet through the ground. Focus on pressing through your heels to really engage your glutes. Complete 10 reps, then immediately move into the next exercise.

Advanced modification: to challenge yourself and make the squat more difficult, raise your hands in the air to complete an overhead squat. You could also complete a jump squat or a hulk super leap.

A3. Push Up

Reps: 10

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: complete 10 reps of the push up, then without taking a break, move into the next exercise.

Advanced modification: to make the push up more difficult, complete as a plyometric push up.

A4. Alternating Forward Lunge

Reps: 10/leg

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: while lunging forward, make sure you keep your torso upright to keep your knee from tracking past your front toe. Always focus on proper form. If you’re completing this 15 minute workout finisher after your leg workout, where maybe you’ve already completed 4 sets of barbell back squats and dumbbell reverse lunges, you’re going to be feeling this. Alternate legs and complete 10 reps per leg. That’s 10 reps on your left leg and 10 reps on your right leg, for a total of 20 reps.

Advanced modification: to make the alternating forward lunge more difficult, complete as a jump lunge.

A5. Crunch

Reps: 10

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: get down on the ground to complete the crunch for 10 reps. The key to really engage and contract your abdominals during the crunch, is to breath out as much as you can at the top of the movement. Contract your abs as strong as you can, as if someone is going to punch you in the stomach. Make sure you’re breathing to make every rep count.

You’re killing it.

Even if you are out of breath and sweaty, get back on your feet, and without taking a break, go back to the first exercise.

Repeat the circuit, but this time completing 9 reps for every exercise.

Continue this until you get all the way down to 1 rep.

Since the reps in the descending ladder workout continuously get lower each circuit, the circuits go by much faster as you get towards the end.

Knowing this will help you stay focused and energized during this 15 minute workout finisher.

If you want to challenge yourself, as you get down to the circuits with 3 or less reps, complete the advanced modifications of each exercise or hold the contractions for 3-4 seconds longer.

You just finished the descending ladder 15 minute full body metabolic workout finisher

If you couldn’t tell from the follow along workout video, the sweat was real after just 15 minutes.

So make sure you replenish and drink a lot of water during and after this workout.

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8 responses to “15 Minute Full Body Metabolic Workout Finisher

  1. HI Brad nice workout. I will try it

    I ve one question. Is Basmati Rice good an healthy? Some much people said yes and others said it has to high glycemic index so its bad.

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    Marco from Germany

  2. hahah… first time seeing “hoops” — she is a nutty goofball. Love it!

    I didnt do the workout, but if I did, I would prefer the live version that way I could workout with you while it’s on. That seems like a really good option.

    Great job you two!

  3. Love the pyramid workouts. Love that it was done outside, but the chatty women in the background was driving me crazy! Maybe use a tripod and set up where you won’t have interference! Love when you add Hoops, she adds a nice bit of goofy!!

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