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Grocery Haul To Stay Lean And Build Muscle


Eat These Fitness Foods To Live Lean All Year Round

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you the fitness foods from my grocery haul to stay lean and build muscle.

It’s been a while since I shared a grocery food haul, so today I’m going to show you the foods I just picked up at the grocery store.

Let’s check it out.


First, let’s take a look at the good stuff, protein.


Protein is a greek word that means, “of prime importance”.

Note: I didn’t pick up very much protein during this grocery haul because my kitchen is already pretty well stocked with:

However, I did pick up the following high protein foods:



I eat a pile of eggs, but not just the egg whites, the whole egg.

Roughly 90% of the nutrients found in eggs comes from the yolk.

Canned Tuna

I also picked up some canned tuna.

I don’t eat canned tuna very often, but I’m going to use it to make some tuna salad.


I also picked up some frozen shrimp to make some delicious and healthy shrimp marinara.

How To Make A Quick And Simple Shrimp Recipe


Let’s move on to some fruit.

Mixed Berries

Berries - Fitness Super Food #4

Mixed berries are always a staple in my diet as they make great snacks.

Dried Cranberries

Although dried cranberries are not a staple in my diet, I did pick some up to add to my tuna salad recipe.

Pineapples And Bananas

I usually add either pineapples or bananas to my post workout shake.

post workout shake recipe for muscle gain

When it comes to the bananas, I always pick the most ripe ones.

Then when I bring the bananas home, I put them in a baggie and store them in my freezer.

I then add the frozen bananas to my post-workout smoothie.


I also picked up a mango as they are one of my favorite fruits.

Pear, Orange, And Limes

I’m going to make a fruit salad using the pear, orange, and limes.


For beverages I have a coconut and almond milk blend.

I use this with the mixed berries and protein powder to make delicious dairy free ice cream.

Protein Ice Cream

Jug Of Water

I also picked up a big jug of water, since it helps me drink more water in a day.

Healthy Fats

Nuts And Nut Butter

I also picked up some nuts and nut butter.

Since I still have almonds in the fridge, I decided to go with some walnuts.

In addition to walnuts, I also picked up a staple in my diet, raw almond butter.


I also love ripe olives.


Avocados are always a staple in my diet.

I love adding them to my salads.

chicken fajita salad

Oils, Vinegars, And Sauces

I’m not one of those guys who just eats boring food.

I add flavor to my fitness foods by making healthy dressings using:

I add mustard to my baked chicken recipe quite a bit.

Baked Chicken and Sweet Potato Recipe



I sometimes add honey to my post workout shakes.


Let’s move on to some of the vegetables.

Boston Lettuce

What’s up Boston?

I use Boston lettuce as a wrap since I don’t usually eat grains or tortilla shells.

For example, when I’m making a tuna salad, I’ll wrap it up with some Boston lettuce leaves.


I also have some arugula for salads.

Yes, real men eat salads.

How To Make A Salad That Tastes Good


Cucumbers are an excellent high water vegetable source to add to your day.

Jalapeno Pepper

I like to keep it spicy, so I enjoy the occasional jalapeno pepper.

Here are a few of the other vegetables that I picked up:

  • Celery
  • Green Onion
  • Red Onion
  • Radish

Fresh Herbs

For more proof that I’m not just some dude who throws boring and tasteless food together, I love smells, tastes, and aromas of fresh herbs.

I picked up the following fresh herbs:

  • Parsley
  • Cilantro
  • Chives

Cheat Meal Food

Oh you think potato chips and pizza is not Living Lean?

Well, cheat foods in moderation can be enjoyed as part of your cheat meal, when you follow these 6 cheat meal rules.

6 Cheat Meal Rules To Fire Up Your Metabolism And Burn More Fat

So based on this, I’m going to let this junk food slide this time.

Bottom Line On This Grocery Haul To Stay Lean And Build Muscle

Don’t forget this.

Living Lean is not about eating the same boring foods, day in and day out.

Living Lean is about creating quick, healthy, easy, affordable, and delicious meals that focus on a wide variety of whole foods and healthy spices and natural flavors.

Are You Bored With Every Single Thing You Eat?

I’ve been there too.

If you are in a meal rut, meaning you’re bored with every single thing you eat, it’s time you go back to school and pick up a healthy recipe book.

Crush Your Food Boredom With Simple And Delicious Recipes

Nothing adds creativity to your kitchen and taste buds more than a collection of healthy recipes.

Check out my Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook for over 200 quick, healthy, easy, affordable, and delicious recipes that will get you lean.

Live Lean Cookbook iPad

In the comment section below, take your guess at how much you think all of this food grocery haul cost me.

Update: this grocery haul cost $132.69.

Get My Full Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook

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Did you enjoy my grocery haul to stay lean and build muscle?

If you enjoyed my grocery haul to stay lean and build muscle, show your love by clicking the social media buttons to share this with your friends.

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Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • How much do you think this grocery haul cost?
  • How often do you cook with a recipe book?
  • What is your favorite recipe in the Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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0 responses to “Grocery Haul To Stay Lean And Build Muscle

  1. You know you are a total girl when your glued to the nutrition side and
    then *BAM* Awwww look a doggie, & everything else goes out the window
    hahaha 🙂 Adorable!

  2. $107.53 I want to know what do you feed your dog with? I recently got a
    shorkie and of coarse want what’s best for her in her diet. I would love to
    know your intake on feeding your furry love. Keep up the good work with the
    videos. Very informative and inspiring!

  3. Hey Brad, does drinking three protein shakes a day too much??? Each protein
    has around 30g of protein. My ultimate goal is to awaken the abs 😉 so
    yeah. Thanks for all your help, you are AWESOME!!!!

  4. I’m guessing around 56$ – saw the pineapple was $4.something but you may
    have bought a few things on sale…

  5. Nice haul! Very similar to mine. I think you spent about USD$80.47 (not
    including your dog’s cheat day foods!) on this haul.

  6. I say about $80+…..

    I hope i win… I really want that Live Lean Cookbook. Especially because
    you have really helped me a lot and i have lost lots of lbs. just watching
    all your videos….


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