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7 Inflammatory Ingredients That Cause Inflammation


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Eat These Foods To Reduce Inflammation

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing the 7 inflammatory ingredients that cause inflammation and the foods you should be eating to reduce it.

You know that achy elbow or knee that you have?

That means you’re probably suffering from some form of inflammation.


By now, you should know that a major part of my Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 mission is to get you to move your body more effectively, via exercise.

Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission

But guess what?

As awesome as exercise is for your overall health, it does create inflammation in your muscles and tendons.

There’s just no way around it.

On top of this, the foods you’re eating, or not eating, can create even more inflammation in your body.

Chronic Inflammation Is A Serious Issue

Chronic inflammation is a serious issue because not only will it stop you from getting in a good workout, it can also lead to cancer, diabetes, and heart disease.

To fight this inflammation, we need to be fueling our bodies right.

However, that is not happening for the majority of the western population.

What do you think is the reason?

Foods That Lead To Inflammation

The majority of the foods that lead to inflammation are those found in high quantities in the SAD diet, which is short for standard American diet.

Standard American Diet

I’m talking specifically about omega 6 fats found in most processed foods that we love to eat so much.

Unfortunately, due to the high intake of these processed snack foods, the average western diet has a ratio of at least 10:1 of omega 6 to omega 3s, or worse.

7 Inflammatory Ingredients That Cause Inflammation

Foods high in omega 6 fats usually include one of the following 7 inflammatory ingredients that cause inflammation.

  1. Corn oil
  2. Cottonseed oil
  3. Peanut oil
  4. Safflower oil
  5. Sesame oil
  6. Soybean oil
  7. Sunflower oil

These inflammatory vegetable oils are found in most processed grain products such as:

  • bagels
  • bread
  • crackers
  • cookies

The next time you’re at the grocery store, just look at the ingredients label on any of these processed grain products.

I bet one of those inflammation causing vegetable oils are in the ingredients list.

The Best Cooking Oil For High Heat

Foods That Reduce Inflammation

In addition to reducing the amount of inflammatory ingredients and foods in our diet, we can also help balance that omega 6 to omega 3 ratio, by consuming more foods rich in omega 3s.

Omega 3s are the key nutrient that reduces inflammation in the body.

By eating more of these omega 3 rich foods, you will ultimately lower your omega 6 to omega 3 ratio.

Your target ratio of omega 6 to omega 3s should be around 2:1.

Anti-Inflammatory Foods High In Omega 3s

Best Foods High In Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Focus on eating these anti-inflammatory foods high in omega 3s:

Supplement With Omega 3 Fish Oil

how much fish oil should I take to lose weight

I also recommend you supplement with a high quality omega 3 fish oil supplement.

For the last few years, I’ve been using this high quality omega 3 fish oil from Nordic Naturals.

Nordic Naturals Omega 3 fish oil

When I was living in Canada, I also used NutraSea HP.

7 Inflammatory Ingredients That Cause Inflammation

Both of these brands are high quality omega 3 fish oil supplements that I’ve taken all year round to reduce inflammation.

If you’re worried about fish oil tasting fishy, stop.

Both of these brands of fish oil have a lemon flavor, and taste absolutely delicious.

I drink it straight up.

Damn that’s good.

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Questions Of The Day:

  • Do you take omega 3 fish oils?
  • If so, which brand do you use?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

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62 responses to “7 Inflammatory Ingredients That Cause Inflammation

  1. Hi Brad! Please help! I remember on one of your older videos, you said that
    people shouldn’t eat wheat, dairy, and some grains I believe….hopefully
    I’m not misquoting you. I have quite a bit of weight left to lose, so can I
    still eat oats, quinoa, nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts), and Greek yogurt
    (reading the label, I’m finding they’re mostly made with cow’s milk now :/,
    which at first it was goat’s milk)? Or should I avoid these foods till I
    get closer to my goal weight. Seems like I’m losing my excess fat slowly
    (maybe 4-7lbs a month which is SLOW for my current weight), but I’m
    wondering if I should tweek my diet more so than my training. I do tabata
    and HIIT workouts 5 days a week, and heavy weighted exercises 3 days of
    that week. But, I’m eating healthy too (100% whole foods) :/ lol. Except
    for the above mentioned foods. I find I’m having trouble making my calorie
    count (eating too few calories) because I rarely eat meat anymore. But I do
    supplement my protein with eggs, pea & hemp protein powder. Am I doing
    something wrong?

  2. How is it even possible that fish oil could taste good? Is this shit loaded
    with sucralose? I just take the omega 3 capsules

  3. I don’t take any omega 3 supplements but have an off the chart HDL rating in recent blood tests. Like others here I make sure I include flaxseed meal or oil and chia seeds in my daily intake. In fact I generally have a source of good fats with every meal!

  4. I supplement 4 x 1000 mg Omega 3 capsules per day, ground flax seed in my
    protein shake and chia seeds elsewhere. I still get muscle soreness after
    workouts even with that little lot. Must be my age. Will have look at the
    flavored fish oil. Very useful info as always Bradders.

  5. I normally use Eskimo fish oil but my current batch is Genetic fish oil
    capsules (simply because my supplier had run out of Eskimo). Do you have
    any preferences between capsules and straight up oil?

  6. Which is better liquid form or capsules for fish oil? I take Orange triad
    fish oil .. is it good or should i switch to something?

    Also, why do you say peanut is bad? I eat peanut butter everyday lol like 4
    tablespoons ;p

  7. Another question – Do you consume bread?
    Everyone I’m my family is looking weird on me because I don’t eat bread,
    but it’s for the health….
    We were conditioned by society to eat this food. So that you feel “fuller”

  8. Brad how much fish oil do you drink a day?
    I think I’ll increase it even more, like 5 teaspoons throughout a day.

    EDIT: Another question, you said that there has to be 2:1 ratio – Omega 6
    and Omega 3.
    But what if there are more omega 3 than omega 6 in your body? Is it optimal?

    – Rob

  9. Wish I can find more replacements for chunky peanut butter. There’s only
    one type of almond butter sold in my area. Good post Brad. Thanks

  10. Yo Brad, whats up man? I take 1 Nature Made 1200mg (720mg omega-3s) pill
    daily with dinner. Never considered drinking it. Thanks for the

  11. I love all your videos,very informative…I’m 43 y/o, 5’3 ,155 pounds….is
    there any really hope for me to lose weight and look better..I know Im old
    but maybe there is a “real” way to look anf feel better…Thanks fkr your
    videos!!! 🙂

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