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Healthy Whole Food Grocery Haul


99.5% Are One Ingredient Live Lean Approved Foods

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing my healthy whole food grocery haul.

That’s right, I went grocery shopping today, and now I am back in the kitchen.

You’ll be amazed at the positive drastic changes your body will go through, when you prepare and cook your own meals at home.

Convenience foods out of a cardboard box, and restaurant foods are loaded with sodium, preservatives, and many other nasty chemicals.

Fattiest Foods In America

This does nothing for your body other than making you feel bloated, crashing your energy, and adding belly fat.

Not cool.

So it’s time to show you exactly what I picked up during this healthy whole food grocery haul.

Live Lean Approved Healthy Grocery Food Haul

Here are the Live Lean approved foods that I picked up at the grocery store.

That Was My Healthy Whole Food Grocery Food Haul

We can make a lot of food with this healthy whole food grocery haul.

In fact, if we go through every food from this haul, I think 99.5% of these ingredients are all one ingredient foods.

I plan to add these foods all together to make healthy and delicious meals and snacks.

Hopefully you are primarily eating healthy whole foods as well.

If I was to make one suggestion, it would be this.

Invest The Time And Effort Into The Life-long Habits Of:

  • Planning your meals
  • Shopping for your food
  • Preparing your meals at home

Not only will you save money in the long-term, you’ll also be creating life-long habits that can be passed onto your kids.

This will help set your kids up for a life of Living Lean.

I’m so grateful that my parents passed these healthy habits on to me.

If you need help with quick, healthy, easy, affordable, and delicious recipes, check out my Eat Clean Live Lean Cookbook system.

You’ll get access to over 200 Live Lean approved recipes that the whole family can enjoy.

What Meals And Snacks Am I Making With This Healthy Whole Food Grocery Haul?

Are you wondering what meals and snacks I plan to make with these foods?

Well, I bought all of this food, because I’m using it to film the recipe cooking videos that I upload to our Team Live Lean membership site.

These cooking recipe videos are exclusive to our inner circle Team Live Lean members.

So if you want to see exactly how I’m using these foods to create quick, healthy, easy, and delicious meals and snacks, go to Team Live Lean, and hook yourself up with a membership.

Come Join Our Team At Team Live Lean

Team Live Lean

Inside, you will see exactly how Jess and I eat, using these healthy one ingredient whole foods.

You’ll also be joining all the other Live Leaners where you’ll get access to all of our fat burning cooking recipe videos.

We show you, step-by-step, how to cook, delicious fat burning and muscle building meals.

In addition to these recipes and step-by step cooking videos, you’ll also get a weekly meal plan, a monthly home and gym workout program, and so much more.

Based on the tons of value, it’s so cheap to become a member.

Join Team Live Lean here.

Here’s Just A Taste Of The Exclusive Never Been Seen Before Cooking Videos

Here are just a few of the cooking videos you’ll find on Team Live Lean:

  • Delicious Grain-Less Mexican Burritos
  • Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps
  • Peppermint Hot Chocolate
  • Bacon & Egg Souffle
  • Brad’s Fav Smoked Salmon & Asparagus
  • Empty The Fridge Pork Goulash
  • Damn That’s Good Coconut Squash Soup
  • Flank Steak Infused With Espresso
  • Everything in the Fridge Stir Fry
  • Post Workout Chocolate Banana Date Smoothie
  • Broccoli Quiche Your Kids Will Love
  • Build Muscles In Minutes Tuna Cranberry Salad
  • I Can’t Believe Cauliflower Tastes This Good Mash With Italian Sausage
  • Holiday Chia Seed Pudding
  • Muscle Builder Steak With The World’s Most Flavorful Sauce
  • Morockin’ A Six Pack Chicken Dish
  • Salad In A Glass
  • Creamy Coconut Scrambled Eggs & Bacon
  • Filet-O-Fish Salad (Like McDonald’s But Better)
  • Pizza Frittata
  • Homemade Cookies & Milk
  • Snack Patty Sliders
  • Live Lean Approved Vodka Cocktail
  • Flavor Packed Poached Eggs
  • Warm & Comforting Pumpkin Risotto & Salmon
  • Homemade Mayonnaise
  • Freakingly Awesome Mediterranean Omelette
  • Live Lean Approved Cereal
  • No Protein Powder Berry Protein Pancakes
  • Post Workout Mexican Fruit Salad
  • Protein Pancake Apple Cinnamon Sandwiches
  • Raw Veggies & Hummus Snack Plate
  • The Look Younger Berry Crumble Dessert
  • Turnip Hashbrowns

Check Out What Our Members Are Saying About Team Live Lean

“Brad, last night I tried your recipe Muscle Builder Steak with the flavorful Sauce. It was really good. My 12 yr old son even liked it. I just started the program 5 days ago. Its great I really don’t go hungry and its pretty easy to do. I started at 203 and now 197, love the results.” – Bill T.

“This is so awesome to belong to your website I did the fitness test and I scored 537.” – Lisa M.

“Been following you for 20 days .. having great results.” – Michael S. 

“Yay, finished 14 day shred program a few days ago, feeling great. The best part of this is cleaning up the diet, my abs feel tighter and feeling stronger all over.” – Roxy G. 

“Just got hooked up with the team this weekend, and I’m loving what I’m seeing.” – Megan P.        


Exclusive Monthly Home And Gym Workout Programs:

Get one of our 4 week workout programs every month:

  • Team Live Lean Fit Test (start here)
  • January: Fresh Gainz
  • February: New Body
  • March: Unstoppable Gainz
  • April: Limitless
  • May: The Gain Train
  • June: No Boundries
  • July: A Funeral For Fat
  • August: Summertime Shred
  • September: Athletic Prowess
  • October: Transformer
  • November: Lean Warrior
  • December: 31 Day Holiday Challenge

You’ll also get access to the supportive community section and save 20% off all Live Lean digital products.

Join the Team Live Lean Inner Circle and let’s make this your year of Living Lean.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


Did You Enjoy This Healthy Whole Food Grocery Haul?

If you enjoyed this healthy whole food grocery haul, show your love by clicking the social media buttons to share this with your friends.

Subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel and leave a comment below on what you want to see in future posts.

Question Of The Day:

  • How many of these Live Lean approved foods do you eat in a month?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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40 responses to “Healthy Whole Food Grocery Haul

  1. Hi Brad!
    you guys are F’n awesome. I just spend 2 hours shopping the ingredients for
    my diet and it’s simply great!
    Can’t thank you enough for lending me the final pieces of the puzzle, to
    complete my overall health plan through your awesome videos!
    A honest trainer and nutritionist is what the world truly needs, and you
    provide that it’s truly awesome! 😀

  2. Would it be a option for you to make your own almond butter? I make my own
    almond milk and butter because it’s so much cheaper than buying it, but it
    takes some time.

  3. This vid makes me feel AWESOME about what I took home today in my grocery
    shop. Very very similar.

  4. Matty Fussaro also eats an avacado per day funny how’s that blonde treating
    ya brad 😀

  5. Damn, that’s a lot of green! Ha. Digging your haul though, especially the olives..mmmmm! How much does a trip to the grocery store run on average for you?

  6. Artisana is such a good brand. All their products are amazing; their
    coconut butter is awesome, their almond butter is the best i’ve ever had,
    everything is. Great video!

  7. Not sure is you approve on any kinda of frying but if you flash fry capers
    that you rinse after you drain the original brine, in coconut oil. Strain
    and roll on paper towel to drain excess fat, sprinkle on salads or on steak
    its amazing stuff

  8. Looks a lot like my grocery haul, but I would’ve bought more fruit, and
    steered clear of the canned salmon, and capers…gross!

  9. Found this video really useful Brad – big thanks. Do you eat any other
    fruit other than the frozen berries? Whats your thoughts on a Paleo Almond
    Flour Pizza Crust, which obviously you make yourself?

  10. You can get almond butter cheap at Trader Joe’s! $4.99 for a 16 oz. jar.
    They raised it to $6.99 recently because of the almond shortage but it’s
    still a better deal than Whole Foods.

  11. And that amount of food last how many days again? Thanks for sharing. Guess
    i should add more vegetables and salad.

    Cheers and keep it goin.
    Best wishes from Germany

  12. Looks like your haul is from Longo’s? When I travel to Toronto I shop for
    all my food there. As a true live leaner, I stay at hotel brands that
    allow me to cook my meals and prepare lunch. All good stuff like you show.
    I like Longo’s a lot.

  13. thanks for grocery haul definitely will try coconut milk ! for breakfast i
    eat two bowls of special k with almond milk? do you think any cereal is

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