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Healthy On The Go Snacks At The Grocery Store


Eat This, Not That

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I take you shopping to show you healthy on the go snacks at the grocery store.

I show you which snacks are decent, and what’s not.

It’s inevitable that there are going to be times when you’re traveling or just too busy to prepare healthy snacks at home.

When that happens, you should hit up the nearest grocery store for these healthier snack options.

The 16 Best Grocery Store Snack Foods

As I was packing up and getting ready to go back home after my trip to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, I was thinking about one thing that a lot of people ask me.

I never know what to eat in the airport. What do I eat when I’m traveling?

Airport food?


Healthy On The Go Snacks At The Grocery Store

First of all, it’s important to be prepared with healthy snacks before you go to the airport.

So on my way to the airport, I stopped at the grocery store to show you the healthy on the go snack options I’m eating while traveling back home.

Join me as we hit the grocery store to find some healthy snacks for the flight home.

How To Find A Healthy Protein Bar

When shopping for healthy snack foods, a lot of people think protein bars are a good option.

Well, you may be surprised that I didn’t buy a protein bar.

It’s true, protein bars are a quick and easy, on the go healthy snack food.

Unfortunately, you have to be careful with protein bars.

The first step in picking out a healthy protein bar is to look at the ingredients list.

The first ingredient in many protein bars is soy protein.

Soy protein is not a good healthy option since it is the lowest quality grade of protein.

Soy protein = fail.

Healthy Protein Bar Requirements

If you’re looking for a healthy protein bar option, look out for these requirements.

  • As little ingredients as possible
  • At least 15-20 grams of protein from whey, egg, or meat. No soy protein.
  • Stay away if the ingredients list looks like a science experiment

I don’t eat store bought protein bars often, but when I do, one of the brands I look for is Quest.

Quest Bar Ingredients

When it comes to protein bars, Quest protein bars are probably one of the best ones you can get when it comes to the macronutrients and fiber content.

Quest Protein Bar Nutrition Facts

  • Calories: 180
  • Protein: 20g
  • Carbohydrates: 24g
    • Fiber: 14g
  • Fat: 6g

Unfortunately, the grocery store did not have Quest or any other healthy protein bar options.

So the protein bar section was a fail.

Stay Away From The Packaged Cracker And Sugar Interior Aisles

No, no, no, no.

Skip the majority of the interior aisles.

This is where the majority of the unhealthy packaged crackers, cookies, and other sugar products are found.

You should also skip the chips aisle, unless you find healthy pork rinds or nuts.

Nuts Are A Healthy On The Go Snack Option

Nuts including, macadamias, walnuts, almonds, etc are good healthy on the go snacks at the grocery store.

Natural unsalted raw nuts are one of the healthiest types, but if you want flavor, go with a salted and roasted kind.

Nuts with one ingredient = win

I also prefer the nuts to be packaged in single serving portion sizes, since you won’t over consume them.

Healthy On The Go Snacks At The Grocery Store

Almonds Nutrition Facts (per package)

  • Calories: 100
  • Protein: 4g
  • Carbohydrates: 4g
    • Fiber: 2g
  • Fat: 9g

Water Is Essential For Traveling

When it comes to hydration, load up on water when traveling.

Water = win

Protein Shake

An alternative to a protein bar would be drinking a pre-mixed protein shake.

However, as with anything in a package, it’s important to first look at the ingredients.

Healthy On The Go Snacks At The Grocery Store


As you can see, this ingredients list looks like a science experiment.

Even though the macros are okay, there is a lot of crap in this protein shake.

Muscle Milk Nutrition Facts (per 14 oz serving)

  • Calories: 230
  • Protein: 25g
  • Carbohydrates: 11g
    • Fiber: 2g
  • Fat: 9g

But, I would still consider this protein shake a better option than a high sugar soy protein bar.

Soy protein is a low quality protein and bars that contain it usually don’t contain enough protein.

These so called protein bars are high in sugar and basically a glorified candy bar.

Even though the pre-made protein shake contains unnatural ingredients, it would still be a better option than a soy protein bar.

Pre-made protein shake = win (somewhat)

I prefer drinking this meal replacement protein shake from HLTH Code.

Use discount code: LiveLeanTV to save.

Beef Jerky

Is Beef Jerky Bad For You?

Another on the go protein snack option is beef jerky.

However, when it comes to beef jerky, you have to look at the ingredients.

Most conventional beef jerky brands contain a few unhealthy ingredients, such as MSG.

Again, this is not the best option, but it would be better than a sugar filled chocolate bar.

So grab yourself some beef jerky.

Beef jerky = win (kind of)

Trail Mix

On the same shelves, close to the beef jerky, you may also find trail mix.

A low sugar and sodium trail mix is another good healthy on the go snack option.

However, since I already have some healthy fats from the almonds and protein from the pre-made protein shake, I’m good for snacks on the flight.

Based on this, I’m going to pass on the trail mix this time.

Trail mix = win (just watch out for added sugar and salt)

Fruit And Vegetables

Of course, another good pick up for on the go healthy snacks are vegetables and fruit, such as apples.

I already have some apples leftover from the condo I was staying, so I’ll just bring one of those.

Fruit and vegetables = win

Healthy On The Go Snacks At The Grocery Store


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Question Of The Day:

  • What are you favorite healthy on the go snacks at the grocery store?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

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34 responses to “Healthy On The Go Snacks At The Grocery Store

  1. Hey Brad,

    What do you think about the Rise Protein Bar. It only has 3 ingredients and comes with about 20g of whey protein. I’m not a huge fan of Quest, but can see it’s good nutritional profile.


  2. Love your vids Brad! But very discouraging selection for snacks…
    Mlaaacchhh! Makes me not wanna live lean 🙁

  3. At least almonds are the one thing off the list that I would actually eat. Love them so much. Going through the grocery store, it is so sad to see the amount of junk that people are ingesting daily….no no no no no

  4. I love all your videos, however… I can’t believe you are suggesting
    muscle milk as something ok for people to drink. There are so many
    chemicals in that. You aren’t doing your body any favors drinking that
    stuff :/

  5. This is a great site and I loved the voting treat today! I have been trying to teach my family to eat real food! I make family size meals and freeze them to eat when visiting my family out of state! I am truly enjoying you free advice and positivity!
    keep being awesome!

  6. I like this type of video—practical information. Most of the food at the
    supermarket is more like “food”. It’s kind of convenient to skip so many
    aisles 🙂

  7. LOVED seeing the Quest bar get some love. Those things are fantastic, I keep a stockpile at work for pre-lift snack 🙂

    If you want to do pre packaged shakes when stuck, try ordering (or finding at Costco if they have it in Canada) Premier Protein shakes. Look them up, you will probably be pleased vs. the Muscle Milk ingredients, at a minimum. I keep them around and take them with me on vacation. Usually, post-lift I will make myself a shake of unsweetened almond milk and a scoop of BlueBonnet whey isolate instead of drinking expensive pre-packed stuff with extra ingredients.

    awesome episode!

  8. From a “scientific” point of view, soj protein is not worse than whey.
    Whey is better right after your workout.
    Any other time, a multicomponent protein is the better choice

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