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How Long Should Your Workout Last For Optimal Results?


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How Long Should I Workout: 15, 45 60 or 90 minutes?

On today’s Live Lean TV episode, I’m answering the question, how long should your workout last for optimal results?

Should you workout session last 15, 45, 60, or 90 minutes?

But before we get to the answer, did you know I also have a second YouTube vlog channel called, Brad Gouthro TV?


Have you subscribed yet?

If so, have you seen the most recent vlog?

Are You Committed To Getting Your Best Body Ever?

Okay, if you’re serious about getting your best body ever, and I know you are, you should have goals for every single workout.

Of course, the following typical workout goals should already be outlined in your workout program:

  • hitting a specific number of reps
  • completing a specific number of sets
  • reaching your weight lifting goals

And by now Live Leaners, I hope you have invested in a properly designed workout program.

If you haven’t, I highly recommend you make the commitment to your body, your health, and your sexiness, by following a Live Lean workout program.

To find the best program for your goals, fitness level, and access to equipment, go take the Live Lean Body Quiz, here.

By investing in 6 week workout program, such as Live Lean Afterburn 2.0, you will be joining so many other Live Leaners who have been getting incredible results.

Live Lean Afterburn 2.0

Just go check out our success stories page for proof.

Alright, now that that is cleared up, let me ask you this.

Are your workouts too long?

Do you have a workout goal for the amount of time you spend working out?

If you’re following one of my workout programs, you have nothing to worry about, since the majority of my workouts are designed to be completed in what I call the “beast zone”.

The beast zone time frame is between 50-75 minutes, and on the rare occasion, up to 90 minutes, but no more than that.

Workouts that last longer than that can be counterproductive because of a hormonal shift in your body, that can actually fight against optimal gains and recovery.

So in other words, you’re basically just working against yourself when your workouts last too long.

This Is What Happens When Your Workouts Last Too Long

When your workouts last longer than 60 minutes, the stress hormone, known as cortisol, begins getting very high.

This extreme elevation in cortisol can then shut down muscle anabolism, i.e. muscle growth.

Your immune system can also start to take a beating.

Set Your Timer Before Your Next Workout

If you truly are working out at the intensity required to get your best body ever, you really shouldn’t have anything left in the tank after 60 minutes.

If you still have energy left after 60 minutes of working out, you’re probably spending more effort trying to get that girl’s number than making gains.

But don’t be embarrassed, because I’ve been there too.

I’ve tried some my best pick up lines, but I eventually realized, they just don’t want to talk to you:

  • “Girl, you’re looking fine in those pants. Can I get your number?”
  • “Come here often?”
  • “Yep, just working the biceps today.”
  • “Have you ever seen abs like this?”
  • “Yo baby, you’re doing it all wrong. Can I show you how to do it properly?”
  • “Yo baby, you need a spot on that?”

Now I know what you’re going to ask.

What If You Need More Time To Finish Your Cardio And Weights During The Same Workout?

If you combine your weight training and cardio during the same workout, try splitting them into two separate workouts.

We often call this two a day workouts.

This means you would complete either cardio or weight training in the morning, and then the other workout in the evening.

Trust me, it does take more overall time, but it’s much better for gains and recovery, compared to spending more than 90 minutes during one workout session.

Have You Subscribed To My Brad Gouthro TV YouTube Channel Yet?

I show more raw footage of my lifestyle on my 2nd YouTube Channel called Brad Gouthro TV.

Brad Gouthro TV

What Is The Goal Of My 2nd Channel?

My goal is to allow you to see my real, crazy, and goofy personality in a more laid back, less professional setting.

I’ll be uploading videos without any timeframe or real structure.


The idea is for it to be Brad Gouthro, and my family, in the RAW.

My Live Lean TV YouTube channel will still be my main channel.

But having a little side project, with lots of personality, will also be fun!

If this video post was helpful, show your support by clicking the social media buttons to share the videos to help us further our transformation 1,000,000 mission.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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Question For You:

  • How long do your workouts typically last for?
  • Do you train and keep your workouts in the “beast zone”?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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41 responses to “How Long Should Your Workout Last For Optimal Results?

  1. I been working out for the last month and a half I been doing good but I do
    40 minutes cardio and one an a half lifting !! Maybe 2 is that okay ?

  2. What if I work out for 3hrs wieghtlifting? I know you said 90 mins an hour
    and a half but I dont feel tired or fatigued I can still go on, on the
    other hand im not sore the next day, like when i did when i first started
    so I feel like I constantly have to do more, plus im not seeing results, my
    question is do I still just go for 90mins, but with higher reps and higher

  3. if you boys would like to get ripped much faster without wasting a single additional minute in the gym, then you really want to check out this video tutorial SIXPP.COM

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  5. do you have any videos on what type of sport shoe to wear or any good running shoe will do when exercising? is there a specigic way to tie your shoe laces when running, lifting weights, etc. or are these factors not important when exercising?

  6. I been watching all your vids GREAT stuff. I have learned alot! But can you please post a vid or two on the CHEST.

  7. I keep my workouts at about 40 minutes. I use mostly KB’s and my heart is pumping the whole time. Any longer than that is a waste of my time.

  8. lol. I’m afraid I’m not beastly enough – I generally try to go hard for 30 minutes doing weights. That’s if I have little time. If I have more I go an hour but not as intense (Take breaks between things). If I am doing “cardio”, I do intervals for 20 of stuff like mtn climbers, burpees, j-jacks, jumping over a box which sometimes causes me to fall lol, etc…and then skip intervals 15 mins at the end. My hubbs usually goes an hour and is soaked … and his BF% is likely much lower than mine!

  9. Somehow I find it hard to believe Brad’s ever had a hard time getting a girl’s phone number LOL

  10. I love my running breaks when I can do quicker HIIT on crosstrain days but with marathon training fueling is SO important for this very reason regarding timing!

  11. great video again, brad! i must tell you – your videos are awesome and part of the reason i love them is that they’re just a few minutes, packed with information, and itz even cooler you recap them in writing on the blog. love sharing your info with my followers! 🙂

  12. @GirlRozzy it depends on how intense the mountain biking is but typically that would be fine. If you’re worried about muscle breakdown, be sure your protein intake is up and consider supplementing with BCAAs

  13. I have read other article like this that is why i limit my workout to 1 60 mins where there are short rest time between sets. Im planning to take amino acids, when is the best time to take it?

  14. My weight routine is usually longer than 60 mins. I have Graves’ Disease so my heart rate is already high. So I have to rest longer between sets because of my heart rate. Weight routine plus tabata 3-4 times a week is usually around 90 mins. On days I’m feeling good I can bust it out in 60 mins.
    Am I wasting my time if my workout is too long then?

  15. normaly i do a workout for 2 hours and 12 minutes Tabata Workout at the end ,

    iam always thinking that 60-90 minutes are too less for me :/ maybe i should rethink about it ……..

  16. I walk for an hour in the morning. Lift weights for ~60 minutes at noon and do cardio/sprints for 30 minutes between 4 – 6 PM.

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