On this episode of Live Lean TV, I’m answering the question: how many calories should I eat a day to lose 5 pounds in 30 days or gain 5 pounds?
Knowing your calorie needs is one of the most important steps when it comes to weight loss or weight gain.
Yes, some people need to gain weight too.
Therefore calculating your calorie needs is key when you’re on a weight loss or weight gain journey.
Now, before moving on, I need to make this clear.
I do not currently count calories.
Say what!?!
Does this mean you don’t need to count calories?
Well, as with most topics in fitness and nutrition, it depends.
In the beginning of my transformation, I counted calories and weighed all of my food for months.
Then after months of consistently dialing in my nutrition, I reached my physique goal, and stopped counting calories.
Here’s the deal.
The experience I gained from months of counting macros has now given me the ability to simply look at a plate of food, and roughly know if I’m hitting my calorie needs.
1. Can look at a plate of food and have a very good understanding of the amount of calories and macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fat).
2. Follow a solid workout plan such as Live Lean Afterburn, and are in maintenance mode, i.e. not looking to lose weight or build muscle.
3. Consume mostly one ingredient, whole natural foods from the earth, not from a package.
If you can do all three of these things, then you can get away with dieting without counting calories.
Maybe 5% of the population meets all 3 of those categories.
So with that said, if you’re serious about losing weight or building muscle, it’s important to know your calorie numbers, and track them, during your transformation.
Remember, the things that get measured are the things that get done.
So it’s time to get back to the fundamentals of nutrition, and talk about the grand daddy of them all, calories.
In particular, how many calories do you need, to accomplish your specific goal, in a set specific time.
So today, I’m going to show you how to calculate your calories needs.
But first, there are many different ways and formulas to calculate your calorie requirements.
The fastest and easiest way to calculate how many calories you need in a day is our Live Lean calorie calculator.
One of the most standard methods used is based off your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and your Activity Factor (Harris-Benedict).
To help you quickly calculate these, we’ve created this free Live Lean calorie calculator to do all the work for you.
So if you simply want to get your calorie goals, use the below calorie calculator.
Simply fill out the fields in the calorie calculator below to calculate how many calories you need to eat per day to:
Note: If you’re a numbers geek, and want to know what your basal metabolic rate is, and how your calorie goals were calculated, keep reading.
In my book, Awaken The Abs Within, I shared the exact formula to calculate your basal metabolic rate.
The basal metabolic rate is essentially the amount of calories your body requires just to function.
Think about it this way.
If you were to just stay in bed all day, your BMR is the amount of calories your body would burn at rest.
Again, if you’re not a numbers person, simply use the Live Lean calorie calculator and you’re done.
Here’s how to calculate your basal metabolic rate.
You can quickly calculate your BMR by using the free BMR calculator on this website.
Once you’re there, in the given fields, enter your:
By submitting this information, within seconds, it will calculate your BMR.
Using my data, it calculated:
It’s that simple.
Note: when I filmed the video for this post, I was 32 years old and 175 pounds.
Based on my calculations at that time, my BMR was 1,840 calories.
Therefore, my BMR has decreased 60 calories a day, based on being older and weighing slightly less.
Thus, when you get older and weigh less, your BMR can down.
Again, if you’re a numbers geek, in my book, Awaken The Abs Within, I share the exact formula to manually calculate your basal metabolic rate.
So if you prefer to calculate the numbers yourself, here’s the BMR formula for men and women.
BMR calculation formula for men:
BMR calculation formula for women:
Conversion note:
Let’s use my stats as an example to make the conversions:
BMR calculation formula for men:
As you can see, this manual calculation is very close to the BMR calculator calculation of 1,780 calories.
Again, your BMR is NOT the amount of calories you need to maintain, gain, or lose weight.
Your BMR is just how many calories your body requires to function while at rest.
Now that you’ve completed step #1 by calculating your basal metabolic rate, it’s now time to talk about the next step, activity factor.
The next step in calculating how many calories you need is to calculate your activity factor using the Harris-Benedict equation.
The activity factor essentially calculates how much you are moving your body throughout the day.
Here are the different categories to select your activity factor:
For example, if you are not working out at all, you would select an activity factor of 1.2.
If you workout:
Since I workout 6-7 times per week, my activity factor is 1.725.
Next, simply multiply your basal metabolic rate, which we just calculated in step 1, by your activity factor from step #2.
This will give you your maintenance calories.
BMR x Activity Factor = Maintenance Calories
My maintenance calorie calculation:
This is based off of my BMR and activity factor.
Live Lean calorie calculator maintenance calories:
Therefore, I estimate my maintenance calories between 2,970 – 3,070 calories per day.
Consuming your maintenance calories does not make you gain weight or lose weight.
Your maintenance calories is the amount of calories you need to maintain your current weight and size.
Coming up next in step #3, we’re going to decide if we want to gain or lose weight, and how we can do it in a specific period of time.
Step #4 is the fun part of calculating your calories.
This is the step where we make it specific and measurable to your goals.
Let’s start with an example.
If I was looking to lose 5 pounds in 30 days, here is how I would have to manipulate my maintenance calories, as calculated in step #3.
To lose 1 pound, you need to burn 3,500 calories.
3,500 calories = 1 pound
If your goal is to lose 5 pounds in 30 days, at the end of the month you need to be in a caloric deficit of 17,500 calories.
This means every single day you need to be in a caloric deficit of 583 calories.
Here are the 2 most common ways to create a caloric deficit.
I highly recommend you create a calorie deficit by using both of these methods:
#1. Eat less food
#2. Workout to burn more calories
By doing this combination, you’ll be taking in less calories, but you’re also burning more calories by being more active.
I highly recommend you create a calorie deficit this way, rather then just cutting your calories too much and not exercising at all.
This is important because you want to be maintaining muscle and possibly building muscle along the way.
Based on your calorie requirements to maintain your current weight (as calculated in step #2), we now need to subtract 583 calories.
For me to lose 5 pounds in 30 days, I would have to consume:
This is based off of my BMR and activity factor.
Live Lean calorie calculator to lose 1 pound per week:
If you’re looking to gain weight, you would do the opposite calculation, by adding 583 calories to your daily maintenance calories, rather than subtracting them.
For me to gain 5 pounds in 30 days, I would have to consume:
This is based off of my BMR and activity factor.
Live Lean calorie calculator to lose 1 pound per week:
There you go.
Hopefully this helped clear up a lot of the confusion surrounding your question of: how many calories should I eat a day?
I don’t want you to just sit there and watch me calculate my calorie needs.
I want you to start calculating your calorie needs on your own.
Please share what your calorie needs are in the comment section below.
Now that you know your calorie needs, the next step is to calculate how these calories should be split up from a macronutrient percentage and ratio perspective.
To help, here’s a post on how much protein, carbohydrates, and fat you need, based on your new calorie calculation.
After that, here’s a post on how to distribute your calories and macronutrients throughout the day.
Like i said, we’re getting back to the fundamentals of nutrition.
This year is all about Living Lean.
Brad Gouthro is the founder of Live Lean TV, a media company focused on helping men and women “Live Lean” 365 days a year. Brad’s programs and content have helped millions of people all over the world learn how to get in shape, and more importantly, sustain it for life.
I don’t actually calculate the calories that I consume. But I look at the quantity and the type of food I eat. Mostly I avoid junk food and try t eat freshly cooked food. This helps me a lot to be healthy and maintain my weight.
5ft 2.5in, 150lb, female (little teapot). Bmr of 1,470. I workout/cardio 4-5 times a week. 147×1.55= 2278 to maintain. If I want to lose 5lbs in 30 days I need to eat 291 cals less a day and burn 291 cals through exercise. We shall see. I currently aim for 1600 though I usually go over and aim for 5 days of gym time.
With the calculations you use for losing weight, if I want to lose 3lbs per month I would have to eat less cals per day than if I wanted to lose 5lbs, how is this possible?
hmm i am so confused…? i dont if i should be looking out for calories,sodium,carbs,sugars,fats,trans fats,saturated fats, mono fats,poly fats…?
thats a whole lot of information
losing weight isnt that hard
you can reduce your calorie deficit goal. try for 300 instead of 500.
Hi Brad, What if after subtracting the 500 calories for weight loss I’m slightly below
my BMR? Ex. My BMR is 1315 X 1.375= 1800-500= 1300.
I focus more of my efforts to eat a cleaner (same amount of) calories rather than create a calorie deficit because I believe the “unclogging” of my hormones is a more long term method. There are times when irresponsibly calorie hack or fast and/or add a workout in/increase the intensity of one or more workout. BTW: I’m 33, 187cm, 87-89kg and moderately/highly active.
2057 cal. /day…..ha …fuck mcdonalds
Hi Brad:
BMR of 1649.45 x 1.2 (Current Activity Factor) = 1979.34
Calorie Deficit 3500 x 8 (8 lb. loss per month) = 28,000 / 30 = 933.33
933.33 Calorie Deficit Thanks for the lesson and have a wonderful day!
BRM 1374.2 x 1.725 = 2370. To lose 5 lbs in a month, 1787.
BRM 1553.75 X 1.725 = 2680
Goal is 10lbs
35000 / 30 days= 1166 that seam like a lot
BMR=1686 x 1.55 = 2895.
Goal: loose 5;
Deficit= 2895-583 = 2312
Did I do that right?
2028 a day to lose 10 lbs in a month. Seems like so much!
BMR 1952.67 Daily calories 2342.4 I want to lose weight so 1759.4
1653 Calories a day…
Hey Tamara, thanks for sharing it around…it’s important fundamental info for everyone to understand.
Yeah, I wish I was 5’11” – Ah ha ha ha! You know my thoughts on this… I LOVE MY FOOD
Had delish sushi last night… You’re gunna need to jump on this place when you come to visit!!
I’m def game for sushi … If my other plans all align I could be in LA in 2-3 weeks. Let the games begin!
Great job! very informative, I count calories and my calories for the day are 1520, on top of that I exercise and also log all my food on my fitness pal.
I’m kinda of a retard, what would a 5’10 170 male who works out 6xweek maintenance be?
So when i went to the myfitnesspal website and told them I wanted to lose weight they told me I need 1290 kcal a day. I have a desk job but workout a min. of 4/5 days a week for 40/50 minutes. When I do this calculation my BMR is 1458
my workout number is 1.55 and my total caloric intake should be 1677 kcal to lose 5 lb? Isn’t that way to much? I’m ‘5.675’ and weight 137.78 (173cm – 62.5 kilo)
You know its cold in Hali when Gouthro is wearing layers and not showing off his muscle, lol! Great video topic Brad!
My BMR is 1787, that’s fine, I don’t want lose or gain.
To maintain I need 2,621 calories being 5’9″ and 180lbs. I think i need to get down to at least 170 to be at 8 or 9% body fat, which is my goal. But thats my goal for the next three months. Awesome video!
this is very cool info; thanks a bunch
My BMR is 1874.1
My total caloric intake should be 2248.92
To get to 5 lb. loss my total caloric intake should be 1665.92
I know what to eat for breakfast and lunch…but by 3p I’m pigging out on my cravings… Not Good!
Do yoga and you’ll lose 5 pounds each week. I did,
I get 2,962 calories to stay the same. So roughly 2,500 is what I’ll be shooting for. I don’t really count calories with every thing I eat. But it helps to have an idea of what to aim for.