Live Lean Nation, on today’s exercise demonstration, I’m showing you how to do pull up negatives.
Pull Up Negatives are an eccentric exercise that can help quickly build strength in your back and arms helping you work towards pull ups. This is a progression after getting strong at pull downs and assisted pull ups.
Watch the PULL UP NEGATIVES: exercise demonstration video above.
1. Place a bench or step underneath a pull up bar.
2. Make sure that the height of the bench allows you to bend your knees while grabbing onto the bar with straight arms.
3. Jump and pull yourself to the top with your chin above the bar.
4. Pause for a moment while contracting every muscle in your back
5. Slowly lower yourself back down to a straight arm hang before touching your feet back to the bench.
6. Continue these reps until you can no longer control your weight on the descent.
To progress you pull ups, check out our How To Do A PULL UP video. Give it a try!
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