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How To Naturally Get Rid Of Man Boobs


Listen to the post, How To Naturally Get Rid Of Man Boobs And Lose Chest Fat For Men, on our Live Lean TV Podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!

3 Tips To Lose Chest Fat For Men

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m talking about how to naturally get rid of man boobs and lose chest fat for men.

I get this question a lot, because it’s affecting more and more men, and it’s ruining their self-esteem.

I’m referring to gynecomastia, often referred to as chest fat and “man boobs”.


It may sound funny, but it’s really a serious issue.

So let’s talk about why so many men are suffering from man boobs these days.

Ok, let’s jump right into.

As I mentioned, I’ve received so many questions about how to naturally get rid of man boobs.

However, it was this heartfelt message posted on our Live Lean TV Facebook Fan Page from “Michael”, that drove me to make this post.

Brad, I’m pretty messed up mentally about my gynecomastia. My father, uncle, and brother seem to have it too. I haven’t seen any videos from you on this topic, and I know there a lot of guys watching your channel who have the same issue. I want to fix this in the most natural way, and would be honored if you could use this topic for one of your videos.

With his permission, he sent me this picture of his situation.

How To Naturally Get Rid Of Man Boobs

Ok, first of all Michael, my heart goes out to you dude.

When I was growing up, I suffered through low self-esteem issues because of my body as well.

And it sucked.

Brad Gouthro before

I called it “FBSA Syndrome”, i.e. Flabby Belly Skinny Arm Syndrome.

Use These 3 Tips To Naturally Get Rid Of Man Boobs

#1. Focus On Losing More Fat

Based on Michael’s photos, it doesn’t look like he needs to lose a lot of fat, so this tip isn’t directed specifically for him.

However, for some people, they have man boobs because let’s just be real, they’re just fat.

If this is you, focus on burning fat through a proper diet, like our Live Lean 20 Diet, and Afterburn style workouts, like those found in our Live Lean Afterburn 2.0 program.

Once you consistently do that, the fat will burn off in all areas of your body, including your chest fat.

Remember, there is no such thing as spot reduction for fat loss

Spot Reduction. Myth or Truth?

So although doing more push ups will help build chest muscles, they will not help you to directly burn off your chest fat.

#2. Avoid Exposure To Chemical Estrogens

If you’re already lean, but you’re still holding onto chest fat in your pecs, it could be gynecomastia, which is caused by a hormonal imbalance issue.

This hormonal imbalance is a case of either:

  • the over production of estrogen
  • or your testosterone is being converted into estrogen

Since estrogen is primarily a female hormone, the over production of estrogen in the male body is a problem.

One of the ways to correct estrogen dominance, is to focus on avoiding exposure to chemical estrogens.

These estrogen mimicking chemicals are called xenoestrogens, and are basically everywhere in the environments we live in.

Xenoestrogens include:

For more information on this, check out this video post on xenoestrogens and the specific ingredients to watch out for in those skin care products.

To avoid these chemical estrogens:

Okay, let’s move on to tip number three.

#3. Follow A Proper Diet, Workout, And Supplementation Plan

To stop the over production of estrogen in your body, you need to be following a proper diet, workout, and supplementation plan.


Let’s face it.

Having more fat tissue increases the production of an enzyme called aromatase.

Aromatase is an enzyme that is responsible for converting testosterone into estrogen.

Workout Tips:

Focus on training with heavier weights, using compound movements such as: 

This will help you decrease your body fat and increase your testosterone naturally.

How To Boost Testosterone Naturally For Men

Nutrition Tips:

Focus your diet primarily on foods that are:

It’s also important to load up on cruciferous vegetables, as they are high in compounds that help decrease aromatase.

Cruciferous vegetables include:

  • broccoli
  • leafy greens
  • cauliflower

Here’s a video post I made on the 6 vegetables that kill fat.

6 Vegetables That Kill Belly Fat

Also try to avoid soy as much as possible.

The over consumption of soy based foods, including soybean oil, as it may mimic estrogen in the body.

You’d be freaked out to see how much soy is found in processed food.

And yes, this may include the protein bars that you’re buying.

Lastly, if you’re drinking alcohol, especially a lot of beer, this can increase the production of the aromatase enzyme.

As mentioned earlier, the aromatase enzyme is linked to converting testosterone to estrogen in men.

My Testosterone Level Results Revealed

Supplementation Tips:

You could also be deficient in nutrients, which leads to increases in aromatase.

Get your blood test done to see if you are deficient in the following micronutrients:

  • magnesium
  • vitamin D
  • selenium
  • zinc

If your blood test shows a deficiency in any of these micronutrients, supplement or focus on foods high in those nutrients.

Bottom Line On How To Naturally Get Rid Of Man Boobs And Lose Chest Fat

I hope these 3 tips on how to naturally get rid of man boobs and lose chest fat helped.

Remember, the environments we live in and the lifestyle choices we make are affecting our testosterone to estrogen balance.

As men, we should be doing everything possible to maintain our testosterone through heavy lifting, and decrease the estrogen accumulation in our bodies, using these 3 natural tips.

Ultimate Live Lean Super Pack

Based on this, I feel I would be doing you a disservice if i didn’t point out the fact that my Ultimate Live Lean Superpack contains the exact types of workouts and recipes that will help increase testosterone, burn fat, and eliminate the estrogen dominated foods from your diet.

The Ultimate Live Lean Abs Superpack

 You’ll get my best selling programs in one bundle at over 47% off.

My Live Lean Superpack is available right here if you want to take action and go pick that up.

Finally, I hope I’ve been of some service to you during this video post and you picked up one or two tips that you haven’t already tried.

If so, make sure you click the social media buttons to share this post, and don’t forget to subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel, as we shoot two videos a week.

I’ll see you at the next episode.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


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If you enjoyed my post how to naturally get rid of man boobs and lose chest fat, show your love by clicking the social media buttons to share this with your friends.

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Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • Do you suffer from man boobs i.e. gynecomastia?
  • What did you do to help get rid of man boobs?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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41 responses to “How To Naturally Get Rid Of Man Boobs

  1. I have a two pack my back is muscle but my gyno ? If they would go away I
    would not have to worry about my nipplss?

  2. Nice advice but you cand find more information if search on google panlarko
    simple moobs planner.

  3. <><>Having man boobs can be quite embarrassing and demoralizing so if you
    do have man boobs, or know someone who does, here is the breakthrough
    program that’s has helped hundreds of guys lose their man boobs…

  4. hi everyone ,if anyone else needs to find out about reduce man boobs try
    “Anglusens Man Breast Reduction” (should be on google have a look ) ? Ive
    heard some amazing things about it and my friend got amazing results with

  5. interesting points ,if anyone else wants to uncover how to lose man boobs
    try “Man Breast Reduction Anglusens” (do a search on google ) ? Ive heard
    some pretty good things about it and my brother in law got amazing success
    with it.

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    moobs try Alkarno Manboobs Alchemist (do a google search ) ? Ive heard some
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  7. interesting points ,if anyone else wants to discover reduce male breast try
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    pretty good things about it and my neighbor got great success with it.

  8. To people bitching, if you don’t agree with it then don’t do it. Some
    people want to experience this and want to test their limits. Would I? No,
    not really, but if someone wants to then let them. They know what is going
    to happen.

  9. Great video. This was a problem for me. But after much research, changes in
    lifestyle and diet, one gyne surgery, turns out it can also be genetic.
    It’s occurred since ancient Egyptian times, unfortunately sometime the only
    options is surgery

  10. Would you be willing to go off of your healthness stuff for a while and
    show you eating very unhealthy food for one year. Then show the weight
    gained and then work it all off to be back where youare now? Just to show
    fat people like me and a few watching that if you can do it then so can we.

  11. I’ve seen a lot of your videos and I find them interesting and informative.
    This is the first one I’ve seen that deals with a topic of this nature and
    I have to say nicely done. Dealt with respectfully but honestly.

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