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15 Minute Afterburn Effect Workout With An Agility Ladder


Lose fat faster with this Afterburn Effect  Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you how to lose fat faster with this 15 minute afterburn effect workout with an agility ladder.

This metabolic afterburn effect workout is going to get you:

  • sweaty
  • lean
  • sexy

Even if winter is just around the corner, it does not mean you have to add on the extra layers of body fat.

15 minute afterburn effect workout with an agility ladder

It’s time to Live Lean, 365 days a year, and that’s what these afterburn effect workouts will do for you.


What is the Afterburn Effect?

If you’ve been following our Live Lean workouts, you know I’m all about getting lean results, faster.

One technique that I incorporate into 95% of my fat loss and body recomposition workouts, unleashes my secret weapon, the Afterburn Effect.

If you haven’t heard of the Afterburn Effect, you need to listen up.

To put in simply, the Afterburn Effect causes more calories to be burned throughout the day, for many hours after your workout is finished.

This is often referred to as EPOC:

You can read more about EPOC here.

In fact, by following afterburn effect workouts, you can be burning more calories, and losing fat faster, while working out less.

Sound too good to be true?

Research shows the more intense the workout, the higher the Afterburn Effect.

You can’t get this post exercise calorie burn increase from a low intensity steady state cardio workout on the treadmill or any other boring traditional cardio workout.

How to ignite the Afterburn Effect?

#1: Keep your rest periods short

Yes, I’m talking to you Mr. or Ms. talk-a-lot.

You know that guy or girl you keep talking to on the treadmill between sets?

He or she is not interested in you, so get back to work.

Harsh I know, but it’s the truth.

#2 Increase the intensity of your exercises

Forget about staying in the “fat burning zone“.

Rather than jogging for 40 minutes on the treadmill, kick it up a notch by sprinting all out for 30 seconds, followed by active rest, such as a slow walk for 60-90 seconds, or until your heart rate drops.

Repeat 10 times.

Burn fat faster and longer

If you do the math, this is only a 20 minute HIIT workout compared to a 40 LISS workout.

So you’re doing less work, 20 minutes vs. 40 minutes, from a time standpoint.


If you’re looking to trade in the flabby body and become a a sexy, lean, ripped, and toned specimen, workouts with quick bursts of speed and energy, followed by active rest periods, will get you there faster.

15 Minute Afterburn Effect Workout With An Agility Ladder

And that’s just what you are getting in todays 15 minute afterburn workout with an agility ladder.

So if you’re ready, take your shirt off, unless it’s cold out, and lets get to work.


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15 minute afterburn effect workout with an agility ladder

Here’s how this 15 minute afterburn effect workout with an agility ladder is structured.

Type of workout:

Metabolic training circuit workout.

Metabolic training workouts keep rest periods shorter and are usually completed in circuit format, with very little rest between exercises.

Equipment required:

All you need for this 15 minute afterburn effect workout with an agility ladder is:

tabata timer

Number of reps:

30 seconds.

Set your interval timer for 30 seconds of work followed by a 10 second break, for a total of 8 exercises.


Number of circuits:

Complete 3 circuits.


  • 10 second break between exercises within the circuit.
  • 60 second break after completing the circuit.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Agility Ladder Straight Arm Plank Knee Tuck (i.e. Ab In And Outs)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: clip your interval timer to your clothing, click start, then begin with the first exercise. Keep your back flat, then keeping your knees together, tuck your knees in and out. Focus on really engaging your core, by clenching your stomach, and keeping it tight throughout this exercise. This will help target your lower abs to get you nice and sexy. Think about clenching your stomach to brace yourself, as if someone was about to punch you in the stomach. Keep tucking your knees in and out for 30 seconds. That’s the first exercise. Take a 10 second break, then move into the next exercise.

A2. Agility Ladder Feet Criss Cross And Lateral Shuffle With Heisman (i.e. Criss Cross With Side Sprint)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: put one foot into the ladder and the other foot is behind. Criss cross your feet for a total of 10 reps, then pump your arms and complete a lateral shuffle until you reach the end of the agility ladder. As you get to the end, land on your outside foot, drive your inside knee up, with your arms positioned in the famous heisman pose. Then immediately lateral shuffle your way back to the starting position and complete the same sequence over again for 30 seconds. This exercise will really burn out your calves. Take a 10 second break, then move on to the next exercise.

A3. Agility Ladder Bear Crawl With Feet And Hand In And Outs (i.e. Criss Cross With Side Sprint)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: moving on to bear crawls. Most people hate this exercise, but it gets results. Start at the end of the agility ladder and get down on all fours. Crawl like a bear, keeping your butt down and back flat, until you reach the end of the ladder. Then hop the toes of both feet in and out of the ladder. Immediately crawl backwards to the other end of the ladder, then hop your palms of both hands in and out of the ladder.  Keep driving back and forth for 30 seconds. Good job. Take a 10 second break, then move on to the next exercise.

A4. Agility Ladder Single Leg Side To Side Hop With Floor Tap (i.e. Agility Ladder 1 Foot Touch)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: while balancing on one foot, hop into the middle of the agility ladder, then squat down to touch the square in front of you, with the inside arm. This will work on your balance and burn your core. To improve your balance, keep your core tight and engaged throughout the exercise. As you get to the end of the agility ladder, switch legs and repeat back to the starting position. Nice. Take a 10 second break, then move on to the next exercise.

A5. Agility Ladder Straight Arm Plank Knee Tuck (i.e. Ab In And Outs)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: complete another set of agility ladder straight arm plank knee tucks to work your core. Remember, when you hear your interval timer buzzer after the rest period, it means get to work. Keep your back flat and don’t let your hips sag when you hop your legs back out. Drive those knees in. If you’re breathing heavy, that means results are just around the corner. Lets go. After the 30 seconds is up, hop back up on your feet and take a 10 second break.

A6. Agility Ladder Feet Criss Cross With Tuck Jump (i.e. Criss Cross With Power Jump)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: complete a feet criss cross again, but this time finish the sequence with a tuck jump. Place you lead foot in the ladder, criss cross your legs twice, then hop up nice and high, landing softly. You’re going to feel the burn. Complete for 30 seconds, then take a 10 second break, before moving on to the next exercise.

A7. Agility Ladder Bear Crawl With Feet In And Out And Pike Push Up (i.e. Bear Crawls With V Push Ups)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: back to another variation of bear crawls. Are you kidding me? Lets go. Keeping your back flat, complete the bear crawl to the end of the ladder, then hop the toes of both feet in and out of the ladder. Immediately crawl backwards to the other end of the ladder, place both hands in the square, then complete 5 pike push ups. Continue for 30 seconds, take a 10 second rest, then complete the last exercise in the circuit.

A8. Agility Ladder Squat Hop In And Out With Floor Tap (i.e. Squat And Touch)

Reps: 30 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Coaching cues: starting with the ladder between your feet, hop both feet inside one square of the ladder then squat down and touch the front square with your hands. Immediately hop both feet out of the ladder, then repeat as you keep moving forward. Once you reach the end of the ladder, turnaround and make your way back to the start. Complete for 30 seconds.

That’s the first circuit

The sweat is already coming down after just a few minutes and this deep breathing is no joke.

You have two more circuits to go, then you are done.

After this 15 minute agility ladder workout, you are going to be experiencing the afterburn effect.

Give this 15 minute afterburn effect workout with an agility ladder a try.

Free 42 day Live Lean Afterburn 1.0 workout program

Sign up here to get the full 42 day Afterburn 1.0 program emailed to you for free.

You can also check out a free afterburn effect workout here, including exercise demo videos.

The winner from this video is…

Awaken The Abs Within

The winner of today’s Awaken The Abs Within digital program is YouTube username: Mohammed Alkhayat

However, if this is your YouTube username, you have to be watching the video to claim your prize.

Leave a comment on the YouTube video so we can confirm this is your username.

Once you do, I’ll send you a digital copy of my Awaken The Abs Within program.


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  1. Pingback: HIIT it up – Sprints and Plyometrics | TRY IT Health & Fitness

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