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Jessica Simpson’s Daily Habit Of Walking For Weight Loss


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How Many Steps A Day To Lose Weight?

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing Jessica’s Simpson’s daily habit of walking for weight loss, post-pregnancy.

That’s right, I’m talking about my old high school celebrity crush, Jessica Simpson.

For those that don’t know Jessica, she was my high school celebrity crush until boybander Nick Lachey from 98 Degrees stole her from me.


However, I am not hating on you Nick, because I ended up pretty well with another blonde beauty, also named Jessica.

Jessica Simpson’s Simple Daily Habit For Weight Loss

With that cleared up, I’m very excited to share one of the simple daily weight loss habits Jessica Simpson used to slim down, and melt off her post-pregnancy baby weight.

Jessica Simpson’s Weight Loss Plan

Since I’m now a grown ass man, I don’t follow celebrity gossip.

However, I stumbled upon an article in Women’s Health that mentioned Jessica Simpson now has 3 kids.

I also learned about the simple strategy she used to regain her fit and healthy trim body, post-pregnancy.

Jessica Simpson’s weight loss came from following a healthy balanced diet, strength training, and daily walks.

It didn’t come from taking some ancient asian magic pill or liquid diet of celery.

Jessica Simpson’s weight loss plan included the following:

  • Eating healthy
  • Drinking smoothies
  • Lifting weights 3 times a week
  • Daily walks

Jessica’s Simpson’s Daily Habit Of Walking For Weight Loss

The simple weight loss habit that I really want to highlight from this list is the daily walks.

Does Walking Burn Belly Fat?

These daily walks helped her get back in shape, and stay there.

I read Jessica Simpson would aim for 8,000-10,000 steps a day, or about 4 miles.

These 10,000 steps don’t have to be done all at the same time.

It can be broken up throughout the day.

My Simple Tip For Walking For Weight Loss

When it comes to walking for weight loss, my simple tip for you is to pick up the intensity a bit, when you’re walking.

Walk More Steps To Burn More Fat

Walk with an intensity as if you’re going to be 1-2 minutes late for a meeting.

Depending on your body size, you can be burning over 100 calories during a 1 mile medium intensity walk.

How To Walk 10,000 Steps A Day

I used to organize step count competitions at my old corporate job to get my co-workers moving and walking more throughout the day.

To get your 10,000 daily steps in:

  • Park further away from the office
  • Take the stairs
  • Walk to your co-workers office rather than emailing

In other words, just keep moving.

For more details on how to walk 10,000 steps a day, check out this post on The Ultimate Guide On How To Walk 10,000 Steps A Day.

The Ultimate Guide On How To Walk 10,000 Steps A Day

Thank you for reading today’s post on Jessica Simpson’s Daily Habit Of Walking For Weight Loss.

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Jessica Simpson’s Simple Daily Habit For Weight Loss

I love filming these episodes for you on our Live Lean TV YouTube channel, so I hope you’re enjoying your Live Lean journey.

I’m so excited for what’s to come in the future.

Thanks so much for joining me, and keep Living Lean.

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It’s the fat burning two step combo!


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Question Of The Day:

  • How many steps do you take in a day?
  • Do you actively find ways to walk more throughout the day?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

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13 responses to “Jessica Simpson’s Daily Habit Of Walking For Weight Loss

  1. AND she was a spokesmodel for Weight Watchers after each of her children were born, doing print and TV ads for them and crediting the program for her weight loss.

  2. Heard these tips for years. They are great and good to remind all of us.
    Walking is just one example. Golf, biking, light jog, skipping, whatever,
    basically move your body people any way you can. There are better, more
    effective training, but something is better than nothing. Give yourself an
    excuse to move. Make the most of every minute. Thanks for the vid.

  3. Is eating whole 2 avocados a day too much? Also I eat like 6 tablespoons of
    peanut butter a day.. paleo 🙂

  4. Walking, that’s encouraging, the app sounds good, thanks 🙂 Celeb high
    school crush… Brad Pitt!

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