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Keto Egg Fast Diet: Rules, Benefits, Results, Risks


Listen to the post, Keto Egg Fast Diet: Rules, Benefits, Results, Risks, on our Live Lean TV Podcast. Don’t forget to subscribe to the podcast!

Lose 10 Pounds In 3 Days To Break Through A Weight Loss Plateau

Are you looking to tighten up and lose weight fast in 3-5 days for an event or break through a weight loss plateau?

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you how to do the keto egg fast diet, including the rules, benefits, results, and risks.

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What Is The Egg Fast Diet?

The Egg Fast Diet is a restrictive short-term ketogenic diet where you mainly eat whole eggs, cheese, and healthy fats for 3-5 days.


This means it’s high in healthy fats, with moderate protein, and very low in carbohydrates.

Based on this, the name “egg fast diet” is a little deceiving since:

  1. It is not a fast from eggs, in fact it actually includes a lot of Live Lean approved whole eggs.
  2. It’s not a diet, since it’s only intended to be used for 3-5 days.

The egg fast diet is mainly used as a short-term nutrition protocol to break weight loss plateaus or kickstart ketosis at the beginning of the ketogenic diet.

However, if you’re new to the Live Lean Nation, let me be clear.

Our Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 mission is to educate, motivate, and inspire 1,000,000 people to Live Lean, 365 days a year.

In other words, we do not typically promote or follow extreme diets since they do not align with our mission of creating sustainable healthy habits.

However, even if you are following our workout programs and sustainable meal plans, sometimes you may need a short-term solution to break through a weight loss plateau.

This is when you can use the egg fast diet as a short-term tool in your Live Lean toolbox.

Is The Egg Fast Diet The Same As The Keto Diet?

Some people refer to the egg fast diet as the keto egg fast diet since it can be used to kickstart ketosis at the beginning of the ketogenic diet.

Even though egg fast diet follows similar principles, it differs slightly from a regular keto diet since it’s more restrictive on the number of foods you can eat, and is only intended to last 3-5 days.

The egg fast diet may put the body into ketosis by drastically reducing carbohydrate intake and increasing fat consumption.

Ketosis occurs when the body depletes its glycogen stores, then begins to break down fat into ketones, which then serve as the primary energy source, instead of the preferred source, glucose.

To get into ketosis, people typically reduce carbohydrate intake to about 20-50 grams per day, while increasing fat consumption, and adding moderate protein intake to shift the body’s metabolism from glucose to ketones.

However, if ketosis is your goal, since the egg fast diet only last 3-5 days, it’s not usually long enough to reach ketosis, as this usually takes 7 days or longer for some people.

Egg Fast Diet Rules And Food List: What Can You Eat And Drink?

The egg fast diet primarily includes eggs, cheese, and healthy fats.

Here are the most common rules on how to do the 3-5 day keto egg fast diet:

  1. Eat at least 6-12 whole eggs per day, preferably local and pasture raised.
  2. Consume 1 tablespoon of fat such as butter or avocado oil per egg.
  3. Have 1 ounce of full fat cheese per egg.
  4. Eat 1 whole egg within 30 minutes of waking up.
  5. Eat every 3-5 hours, even if you’re not hungry.
  6. Stop eating 3 hours before bed.

Food Notes:

  • Spices are generally allowed in moderation during the egg fast diet, as long as they don’t contain added sugars or carbohydrates.
  • Approved spices including salt, pepper, cinnamon, and herbs are great for adding flavor.
  • Cream cheese is allowed.
  • Cottage cheese is not typically allowed on the egg fast diet since it’s higher in carbohydrates.
  • Salads are not allowed on the egg fast diet since this diet focuses only on very low carb, high fat, and protein rich foods.

During an egg fast, you can drink:

Avoid beverages with added sugars or carbohydrates.

Follow these rules for 3-5 days to try and overcome your weight loss plateau.

Remember, the egg fast diet is a short-term fix, therefore it is not recommended to be followed for long periods of time since it could lead to nutritional deficiencies and health risks, including constipation.

Comment below if you want me to share a video with a 3 or 5 day keto egg fast diet meal plan with recipes.

Egg Fast Diet Benefits: Is It Good For Weight Loss?

Is the egg fast diet good for weight loss?

At the time of this video post, the egg fast diet does not have any significant scientific research.

However, since this is an extreme short-term variation of the conventional ketogenic diet, many people report overall weight loss results, including breaking through weight loss plateaus, and a slight decrease in belly fat during the 3-5 day diet.

Since the egg fast diet is high in fats, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates, these are important factors for reducing appetite and reducing insulin resistance, while still eating in a calorie deficit:

Consuming fat and protein helps fill you up, thus making you eat less calories throughout the day by:

Lastly, since the egg fast diet limits your food options to mainly eggs, cheese, and healthy fats, this research shows reducing food group variety is related to decreased consumption of that food group, thus decreasing overall calorie intake.


Remember, since the egg fast diet is only intended to last 3-5 days, it should be seen as a strategy to break through a temporary weight loss plateau, not a sustainable weight loss diet.

Egg Diet Results: How Much Weight Can I Lose?

Many individuals who followed the egg fast diet claim to have lost 5-10 pounds in 3-5 days.

However, weight loss results may vary based on individual factors such as:

  • Total Calorie Intake: Strictly following the diet versus partial adherence may affect your weight loss results.
  • Activity Level: More active individuals may burn more calories and lose weight faster.
  • Starting Weight: Heavier individuals may experience more significant weight loss initially.
  • Metabolism: Variations in metabolic rate can influence how quickly weight is lost.
  • Age And Gender: Hormonal and metabolic differences can influence weight loss rates.

If you are wondering why you are not losing weight on the egg fast diet, it’s probably because you are still in a calorie surplus.

This means you need to increase your activity to more to burn more calories to get into a calorie deficit.

Egg Fast Diet Risks And Side Effects

The egg fast diet is an extremely restrictive diet that limits the consumption of many healthy foods required for overall long-term health.

This is why it is only intended to be short-term and should not last longer than 3-5 days due to the risk of nutritional deficiencies.

The egg fast diet is not recommended for people who:

  • Suffer from medical conditions, including diabetes
  • Are a cholesterol hyper responder
  • Do not have a gallbladder
  • Have egg allergies
  • Have eating disorders
  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding

Since the egg fast diet follows similar principles to the keto diet, healthy individuals may also experience temporary side effects caused by a decrease in carbohydrate consumption, especially if you are used to a high carbohydrate diet.

These side effects are often called the Keto flu, which occurs when your body is in the process of adjusting to using ketones as energy, rather than glucose.

Keto Flu Symptoms Include:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Dizziness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Irritability
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Brain fog
  • Constipation due to the temporary removal of high fiber foods such as fruit and vegetables

These symptoms can be reduced by staying hydrated and are usually temporary and will go away after a few days.

How Long Should The Egg Fast Diet Last?

The egg fast diet is only intended to be a 3-5 day, short-term diet to break through a weight loss plateau.

And before you ask, no I do not recommend you do the egg fast for 10 days.

Since it is very restrictive to only a few foods, it is not intended to be a long-term diet solution since it is deficient in many of the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

Lastly, even if you lose 7-10 pounds during this 3-5 day egg fast diet, if you go back to overeating, you will regain that weight back.

The goal of Living Lean sustainability.

This is not it.

However, if you’re looking for a short-term diet solution to lose weight fast while maintaining muscle or break through a weight loss plateau, the egg fast diet is a decent way to do it.

What Is The Live Lean Diet?

When we talk about the Live Lean diet, we’re referring to a balanced way of eating suited for a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

Living Lean is a lifestyle focused on maintaining a fit, healthy body year-round through balanced nutrition, regular exercise, and sustainable habits that promote long-term fat loss, muscle growth, and overall wellness.

Even though we eat healthy whole foods and keep our macronutrients in check 80% of the time, we also have weekly cheat meals.

The Live Lean Nation is comprised of normal people who don’t go overboard with diet restrictions.

Try our free 7 day meal plan and recipes here.

As a Live Leaner, it’s all about balance.

So with that said, I invite you to join us on this journey, because trust me, it’s so rewarding when you commit to it.

You don’t have to cut out any food groups or stick to just one thing.

I hope that clears up what kind of “diet” the Live Lean Nation follows.

It’s all about Living Lean, sustainably.

Question Of The Day

Let me know in the comments:

  • Do you want me to share a video with a 3 or 5 day keto egg fast diet meal plan with recipes?
  • Have you ever broke through a weight loss plateau?

If you found this post helpful, click the like button below and subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel for more health and fitness tips.

Check out this video post on Is The Keto Diet Good For Fat Loss?

Thanks for watching and keep Living Lean.


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