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4 Minute Tabata Workout For Beginners At Home


Beginner tabata training workout at home

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing a 4 minute tabata workout for beginners at home.

Can you give me 4 minutes?

4 minutes is all you need to complete this fast tabata training workout at home or where ever you are. 

No equipment required.

So, if you are stuck at home without a drive to the gym?


Do this tabata workout.

Are you traveling for work and don’t have access to a gym?

Complete this tabata workout.

Are locked up in solitary confinement (i.e. jail) for another 21 days?

Do this tabata workout.

So I only have one more question to ask.

What’s stopping you from Living Lean?

All you need for this 4 minute tabata workout for beginners at home is:

tabata timer

If you haven’t picked up your tabata timer yet, get a funky color like mine here.

That is it.

So once you’re ready, take your shirt off, press start on your tabata timer, and lets get sweaty.

4 minute tabata workout for beginners at home

Here’s how this 4 minute tabata workout for beginners at home is structured:

Total time:

4 minutes.

Type of workout:

Tabata workout:

  • 20 seconds of work
  • 10 seconds rest

After the 20 second work interval, take a 10 second rest, then complete another 20 second work interval, etc.

Number of circuits:

2 circuits.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Push Up Burpee

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Burpee Push Up

Coaching cues: first exercise is the push up burpee. If you have completed our 4 minute tabata workout with burpees, I know you know how to do burpees. Squat down, complete a push up, stand up, then raise your hands over your head. The burpee is truly one of the best fast burning bodyweight exercises, which is why I include it in so many of these tabata workouts. After 20 seconds is up, take a 10 second break, then move into mountain climbers.

Beginner modification: if the push up is too difficult, simply complete the burpee without a push up.

A2. Mountain Climbers

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds



Coaching cues: get down on the ground into a push up position, keep your core tight, and maintain a flat back. Drive your knees in with quick feet and focus on feeling your lower abs contracting. You should also feel this in your legs. Complete for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds. Next, move on to high knee taps.

A3. High Knee Taps

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: catch your breath during the 10 second break, then bring your knees up as high as you can to tap your hands. Complete for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds, then move the last exercise, jumping jacks.

A4. Jumping Jacks

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: if needed, grab a drink a water within that 10 second break. Once the buzzer goes off, complete 20 seconds of jumping jacks, just like when you were in gym class as a kid. These are also one of the best bodyweight exercises that do not require any gym equipment. They’re also probably the easiest of all 4 of these exercises.

You just completed the first circuit.

Are you feeling good?

Catch your breath during the 10 second break, then complete exercises A1-A4 one more time, starting with the push up burpee.

Then you are done.

Make sure you finish off strong, so you can fire up your metabolism for the rest of the day.

That’s why I love these 4 minute tabata workouts.

You just completed the 4 minute tabata workout for beginners at home

4 Minute Tabata Workout For Beginners At Home

Beautiful job.

Use these 4 minute tabata workouts as your workout finisher at the end of your strength training routine, whenever you are short on time, or when you do not have access to the gym.

By incorporating these quick tabata workouts into your daily routine, you’ll be burning fat more efficiently throughout the day and night.

If you enjoyed this tabata training workout, click the social media buttons to share this with your friends.

Subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel and leave a comment below on what you want to see next.

I’ll be back again tomorrow with a special edition of Freestyle Friday.

See you then.

If you’re looking for workouts that quickly burn fat, check out more of my 4 minute Tabata Workouts here.

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6 responses to “4 Minute Tabata Workout For Beginners At Home

  1. I chose 7 of your Tabata work outs, one per day, that i am planning on starting next week (I am trying to be Bane ((from batman)) for Halloween!). Would you recommend against this? My main goal is just to try to burn my fat and get back to my slimmer shape I had, and look good for Halloween of course!

  2. Hi,
    Is it possible and good to do more than 1 tabata workout everyday ?
    I mean mor ethan 4 minutes a day ?

  3. Absolutely loved this Tabata routine! I’ve seen a bunch online, but this was the first one I’ve actually tried! You can definitely feel your heart rate get up – and fast – and it’s nice because your heart rate stays up and you can tell that you’re definitely burning some major calories in only four minutes! I did this with my Tabata app on my iPhone – works great, you can set it to any number of sets with the specified work and rest times. I love it. I also did this after doing your Arms like a Supermodel workout. Holy cow. I’m doing to be sore tomorrow. Thank you for posting your exercises and free-weight routines – I needed something different to get out of my boring workout routine. I will definitely be coming back for more!

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