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Are Liquid Aminos And Nutritional Yeast Healthy? #LLTV Q&A Ep. 07


Food substitutes, green coffee bean, master cleanse detox, calcium

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m answering 5 of your questions, including: are liquid aminos and nutritional yeast healthy?

It’s about to get interactive on episode 7 of our #LLTV Q&A series, as I attempt to answer 5 more of your great questions, in 5 minutes.

Here are today’s 5 questions:

are liquid aminos and nutritional yeast healthy

1. Are liquid aminos and nutritional yeast healthy?

2. What is the Master Cleanse Diet?


3. Does green coffee bean extract work for weight loss?

4. How to get calcium without drinking milk?

5. What is the best bread substitute for sandwiches?

Be sure to keep reading to learn all my answers to these questions.

Question #1:

I’ve made your chicken fajita salad recipe, but substituted nutritional yeast and liquid aminos, for the cumin and oregano. It was really good. Any thoughts on nutritional yeast or liquid aminos, or is it just a glorified soy sauce?

chicken fajita salad

The macronutrient breakdown of nutritional yeast is impressive, as it’s primarily made up of protein.

Nutritional yeast macronutrient ratio:

  • Protein: 71%
  • Carbohydrates: 18%
  • Fat: 11%

Nutritional yeast is also a good food substitution for cheese, since it has a cheesy flavor.

Based on this, if you are intolerant or you choose not to eat dairy, nutritional yeast is a healthy food swap.

Food Wars: Coconut Milk vs Dairy Milk vs Soy Milk vs Almond Milk Video

I don’t have an issue with nutritional yeast, since it is a pretty natural food alternative.

So go ahead and enjoy it.

Are liquid aminos healthy?

However, when it comes to liquid aminos, I have a little bit of an issue, since it’s made from soybeans.

Even if the soybeans are non-gmo (i.e. non-genetically modified), they are still the unfermented type.

As I’ve always said, stay away from consuming soybeans and soy products.

Which is Healther Almond Milk or Soy Milk?

However, if you do consume soy products, make sure they are the fermented type, such as miso and tempeh, not tofu.

Tofu is not a fermented type of soy.

Since liquid aminos are not fermented, I would recommend you stay away from liquid aminos, and enjoy the nutritional yeast.

Question #2:

Brad, can you tell us about the Master Cleanse Detox diet?

Here’s a link to the full post on what is the master cleanse diet.

Question #3:

Wondering about the Green Coffee Bean theory from Dr. Oz. Is this something that can help you lose weight?

Check out this link to the full post on does green coffee bean extract work for weight loss.

Question #4:

Hanna93 on YouTube asks:

I’m thinking of going paleo, but I’m worried about not getting enough calcium without dairy in my diet. Do you take supplements or are there other non-dairy foods that are high in calcium?

Find the full post on how to get calcium without drinking milk here.

Question #5:

Next question is from YouTube username: MileyCruz125.

Can you make some bread substitute suggestions? For example, I’ve been using plain rice cakes instead of bread to make an open faced turkey avocado sandwich. What would be a good bread substitute for an English muffin egg sandwich?

Check out the full blog post on the best bread substitute for sandwiches.

There you have it, that was 5 of your questions answered in about 5 minutes.


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I’ll be back tomorrow with another Freestyle Friday episode.

Note: I’ll be wearing the same Damn That’s Good t-shirt again, because I actually filmed the episode earlier.

Talk then.

Question For You:

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

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8 responses to “Are Liquid Aminos And Nutritional Yeast Healthy? #LLTV Q&A Ep. 07

  1. I love, love, love that you brought up making it a lifestyle change, so many people do not get that they have to make a lifelong commitment to being healthy to achieve long term sustainable results! So glad I found you on FF too!

  2. I agree with you on the diets. Unless you make a lifestyle change, you won’t have lasting results. I’m cautious with anything labeled “miracle”, “quick”, or “fast”. There is no such thing!

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