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How To Make Cardio Fun At The Gym


Look awesome with these 7 fun HIIT cardio exercises

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you how to make cardio fun at the gym by doing these 7 quick HIIT cardio exercises.

Now I know what you’re probably thinking.

How can the words “cardio” and “fun” be used in the same sentence?

Well I proved it’s possible a few weeks ago in the first video installment of How To Make Cardio Fun, Part 1.

8 Athletic HIIT Cardio Exercises To Make Cardio Fun

Now I’m back with part 2 of how to make cardio fun at the gym

So if you are a chronic aerobic cardio “machine-a-holic”, let’s be crazy and wild together.

Next time you’re in the gym, walk right past “your” elliptical machine.

You know the one.

The third elliptical machine in from the right that has a slight tear in the handle.

In other words, the exact same elliptical machine you’ve been using every 2nd day for the past 39 days.

Time to get out of your comfort zone

Next time you enter that comfort zone, I want you to remember the saying,  “variety is the spice of life”.

Stand Out: Motivation To Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

This saying also applies to working out.

So today I want to show you a few quick cardio exercises that you can do at the gym.

The great thing about these exercises are they are not related to any cardio machine, and is not a traditional boring form of cardio.

How To Do Cardio Without A Treadmill

These HIIT cardio exercises will kick your butt, they’ll get you lean, and you’ll have a lot of fun doing them.

Here’s why it’s important to change up your workouts

In my last video post titled, Cardio Before Or After Resistance Training For Fat Loss?I talked about how your body can adapt to the same training stimulus after just a short period of time.

Cardio Before Or After Resistance Training For Fat Loss?

So it’s time to make a change to your boring cardio workouts.

When your body adapts, fat loss and muscle gain slows down and eventually stops.

These 7 HIIT cardio exercises are just what you need to learn how to make cardio fun at the gym and freshen up your workout.

7 HIIT cardio exercises to make cardio fun at the gym

#1. Bench sprint

#2. Lateral bench hop over with bottom burpee

#3. Side to side step shuffle

#4. Battle ropes double arm waves

#5. Battle ropes alternating single arm waves

#6. Dumbbell renegade row with standing front raise

#7. Bottom burpee

See, I told you cardio could be fun

Even though this was cardio, it was cardio the fun way.

Add in more high impact style, plyometric exercises to your cardio workouts and you will be Living Lean before you even know it.

25 Minute Intense Plyometric Training Workout Circuit

Plus, it won’t feel like it was a boring cardio day workout.

Check out Live Lean Meltdown

If you loved this workout style, check out my follow along Live Lean Meltdown workout video program.

You’re going to love it.

Shout out to all the girls who lift

Before I go, I just want to give a big shout out to all the females that I see at the gym doing these HIIT cardio plyometric style workouts.

I posted a picture on my Instagram of one of my female training partners, Jen Saade, squatting with an Olympic Bar.


I captioned the picture with:

“All my female training partners, including @iamjensaade … MUST squat with the Olympic bar #GirlsThatSquatRock

This also applies to plyometrics.

All my female training partners always do plyometrics, in combination with HIIT sprints.

Sprint Interval Workouts

There is nothing more bad ass and hotter than that combination.

Enjoy these 7 HIIT cardio exercises.


Lastly, check out this 30 for 30 partner workout challenge video that Jessica and I filmed in LA.

Workout Challenge

For more information on Living Lean, go sign up for our free 7 day starter guide to start Living Lean.

Live Lean Starter Guide

The 7 day Live Lean starter guide includes free:

  • Gym and home workouts
  • Weekly meal plan
  • Recipes
  • Step-by-step cooking videos
  • 5 steps to start Living Lean

Sign up for free here.

I love making these video post for you guys and spreading my transformation 1,000,000 mission.

Live Lean Transformation 1,000,000 Mission

Keep Living Lean.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

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Question For You:

  • What is your favorite plyometric style exercise?
  • How often do you incorporate plyometric exercises in your workouts?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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42 responses to “How To Make Cardio Fun At The Gym

  1. Do you do these exercises in a tabata style workout? That would be one hell of a 4 minutes session right there!

  2. 2-3. depends on my phase. sometimes I’ll do 1 day of weights followed by 1 day of cardio… or 3 days of weights followed by 1 day a cardio

  3. Hello, my name is tamara. I am answering this question for you because I have the same problem. I have sciatica, and I keep the symptoms under control by one exercising, two not lifting anything too heavy, and three if you are a female, not wearing too high of a heal. O f course when I was first diagnosed, I had to rest(I am a mail carrier) and seek REHABILITATION THERAPY(very important). Like Brad said, try to see a professional first, and they can help you.

  4. great job Brad! you are very inspiring. I’m working on your jump rope tabata. As a brand new jump roper and new to fitness, it’s hard, but I do like it. Thanks for all the encouragement here.

  5. Thanks. It wouldn’t be safe for me to recommend exercises via the internet since I can’t see how you move based on that injury. Recommend you seek a specialist in person for a session.

  6. I have been watching your videos for the past three days. I must say they have really motivated me and provided understanding of food intake. I do have a question: I have a bulging disc which cause severe siatica pain. Do you have any suggestions for low impact and burn.

  7. This is a GREAT video, Brad. You are SO springy! LOL… Can’t wait for your DVD! Good luck with all of your projects. You ROCK!!

  8. Hi everybody just new to the channel which I think is so good. Got a question is It ok to do jump row training hiit type for 8 to 12 mn on my wheight day on go on 20 to 30 mn hiit jump rope on my off day? Or should I start a type of hiit wheight lifting training circuit everyday? Thank u 4 your answers And sharing good vidéos

  9. Hey Brad !
    I want to know Is jump rope bad for Girls? I’ve been doing this but someone told me I shouldn’t do it. It’s a good exercise for the whole body. Please let me know is it good.??

  10. Brad, 2 questions… 1. Is eating too many eggs bad for you because of the high cholesterol?
    2. Is milk not a good source of protein, even though it says 14% DV per 8 oz..? thanks 🙂

  11. Do you ever have a problem with the headphones staying on your head? I am trying to find a nice pair for the gym. Yours look like they are Beats.

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