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4 Minute Tabata Workout Routine To Get Sweaty


The Payback Tabata Workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m showing you how to get sweaty with this 4 minute tabata workout routine.

Yes, we’re back with another 4 minute workout from our tabata training series.

I’m calling this workout, “The Payback”.

Lose Weight Faster via The Payback - 4 Minute Tabata Workout Routine

If you don’t understand why I’m calling it the payback, you should go watch the last two Live Lean TV episodes from this week:


Yes, I’m on the rise from a cold.

However, I was clearly the cause of this cold.

That is why I’m taking personal responsibility by sweating it out with this difficult 4 minute tabata workout routine called, “The Payback”.

So if I start losing my breath easily or coughing, it’s because I was still a little sick, and was working it out.

Sexy, I know.

If you’ve done anything recently to put yourself on the naughty list, join me in, and get your payback, by completing this 4 minute tabata workout routine.

All you need for this 4 minute tabata workout routine is:

tabata timer

If you haven’t picked up your tabata timer yet, get a funky color like mine here.

So without further ado, take your shirt off, and lets get sweaty.

4 minute tabata workout routine to get sweaty

Here’s how this 4 minute tabata workout routine to get sweaty is structured:

Total time:

4 minutes.

Type of workout:

Tabata workout:

  • 20 seconds of work
  • 10 seconds rest

After the 20 second work interval, take a 10 second rest, then complete another 20 second work interval, etc.

Number of circuits:

2 circuits.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. High Knee Sprint With Push Up

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

High Knee Sprint With Push Up

Coaching cues: first exercise is the high knee sprint with push up. Similar to running on a spot, complete 3 high knees per leg, for a total of 6 reps. I was incorrectly doing 5 total reps in the video, which is an uneven number, meaning one leg gets more work than the other. So complete 6 total reps of high knee sprints, then drop down and complete 1 push up. Then immediately get back to your feet and repeat that exercise combo. Remember to drive your knees during the high knee sprints. You’re going to be sweating after this one. After 20 seconds is up, take a 10 second break, then move on to the around the world push up.

A2. Around The World Push Up

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Around The World Push Up

Coaching cues: complete a push up, then explode off the floor with both your hands and feet, while rotating around the world, or similar to the hands on a clock. After 20 seconds, take a 10 second break, then move on to the alternating side to side single leg jump squat.

A3. Alternating Side To Side Single Leg Jump Squat

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Alternating Side To Side Single Leg Jump Squat

Coaching cues: While balancing on one leg, with the other leg extended in front of you, squat down, then press through the heels and the rest of your foot, to explosively jump to the other leg. Stick the landing while balancing on one foot, then squat down and repeat. Complete for 20 seconds, then rest for 10 seconds.

A4. Jump Burpee Push Up

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: the fourth exercise is the jump burpee push up. Don’t forget to challenge yourself by including the jump and the push up with the burpee.

That’s the first circuit.

I hope you’re feeling good and are still staying with me.


We have one more circuit to go, so lets finish strong.

Trust me, you’re going to feel incredible along with a real sense of accomplishment after completing this tabata workout.

There you have it.

I hope you enjoyed this 4 minute tabata workout routine to get sweaty

Complete this 4 minute tabata workout routine when you wake up in the morning, or as your workout finisher at the end of your resistance training workout.

By incorporating more of these 4 minute tabata workouts into your daily routine, you’ll be burning more calories throughout the day and night.

Bottom line:

You need to take 100% responsibility for your actions and the things that happen in life.

I’m constantly working on this, but making myself complete this tough tabata workout, while I was still congested, is just one example of how I’m doing that.

In other words, I got out of my comfort zone and finished it.

That’s the one of the most important parts of Living Lean.

If you enjoyed this 4 minute tabata workout routine, show your support by clicking the social media buttons to share it with your friends.

Also, subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel and leave a comment below.

I’ll be back tomorrow with another Freestyle Friday episode.

If you’re looking for workouts that quickly burn fat, check out more of my 4 minute Tabata Workouts here.

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4 responses to “4 Minute Tabata Workout Routine To Get Sweaty

  1. Love this tabata! Great combo of moves – thanks for sharing Brad! Going to use some of them in my workouts w/clients today! 😉

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