Chronic undereating can lead to fat storage
Food is not the enemy.
Women especially worry about eating too much food and then end up not eating enough!
I write custom meal plans for clients and the problem 95.46% of the time is that (women especially) are chronically undereating. Starving all day, fueled by caffeine, and then falling victim to binging later on because the hunger gets so strong it’s impossible to control.
What you need to do to lose weight and get lean for life is to figure out how much your body really needs to fulfill your nutritional needs, then focus on The right Types of foods and you automatically have less space in your diet for the wrong ones.
Abundance of healthy foods helps you have more energy, feel better, look better, workout better, sleep better, gives you better skin, hair, and nails, Everything is better when you eat well.
My advice for women is to do the nutritional work. Figure out how many calories you need to be eating to support your body and activity level, then follow that consistently for longer than a week! You need to give yourself at least 4-6 weeks of nutritional consistency to figure out what’s working.
You’ll probably be surprised at how much food you really need to be eating. I was when I first started and I really struggled for the first couple of years to get all that food in and get used to the fact that it wasn’t going to make me fat!
What happens when you don’t eat enough? — eventually adapt to feeling hungry, think it’s normal. go into fat storing mode. Eventual binges, storing fat every time you do actually eat a normal sized meal.
What happens when you eat too much? You’ll feel stuffed, lethargic, & gain weight.
What happens when you eat the right amount – You’ll feel satisfied, energetic, body becomes lean, healthy, happy.
Bottom line: extremes are not good for us. What you want to aim for is the middle.
Eat MOSTLY healthy foods and aim to hit your nutritional goals at most meals and for most days.
The reason we created the Fearless Foodie cookbook was to get rid of the fear women have that eating too much will make them fat. Start focusing on the abundance of healthy food that will get you truly healthy and getting lean will be a great side effect!
Check it out here at
Thanks for watching today’s episode, keep Living LEAN!
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I love you guys and keep Living Lean.