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Inspiring Before And After Body Transformations


Motivation From The Live Lean Nation

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m featuring a few inspiring before and after body transformations from the Live Lean Nation.

I always do my best to motivate and inspire you to transform your body and life.

But sometimes it’s even more inspiring to see other people who are taking action on everything we teach on our Live Lean TV YouTube channel.

Well, it’s time for me to put the spotlight on the real stars of the Live Lean Nation.


These are the people who motivate me to be better.

I’m talking about you.

Are you ready to be inspired?

Are You Ready To Take Action Like These Live Leaners?

All these people are taking action towards Living Lean.

Are you ready to join them and transform your body and life?

If you think you can’t transform your body, you need to watch this video spotlighting all the Live Lean transformations from across the world.

It’s clear the Live Lean Nation is a family of all ages, sizes, races, and genders.

Check Out These Inspiring Before And After Body Transformations

If they can do it, why can’t you?

Brad, you inspire so many people. You inspired and motivated me to start a channel and help others. I’ll be your size soon and have those washboard abs 😂. The biggest challenge with weight loss is mental. Once you make the mental change, the physical transformation starts. It’s amazing the thing you can achieve. – Detrick C., USA

After my 45th birthday, my fitness progression continues. Here are my photos after 12 weeks of Living Lean. Live Lean Afterburn has me excited to do more awesome things. Thank god I found your website. – Lisa M., Canada

I started your Live Lean lifestyle in January and now focus on eating clean food filled with protein and healthy fats. I also end my workouts with your tabata routines. – Robin B, Germany

I’m quite happy with the results from the meal plan. This was one hell of an awakening experience. I always knew diet was important, but wow, the difference really is crazy. I’m proud to say that I’m currently at 16% body fat and loving it. – Khrystal, Canada

I never realized how much of a role nutrition plays in training. With Brad’s simple and easy to follow nutrition tips, along with some hard work, I was able to cut 30 pounds in less than 3 months. – Andrew S

What helped me the most was probably the videos you did on the paleo diet and how to adjust your calorie intake vs. protein vs. fat vs. carbohydrates. I also got out of my comfort zone and started doing sprints on the treadmill. I needed someone to show me how, and it is exactly what you did. Thank you Brad and Jess. Keep up the good work guys. – Stephane J.

Here is a timestamp link to the video testimonial from Courtney.

Hey Brad, I am relatively new, but I am really happy to have found your channel. It is so helpful and I absolutely love it. I have been eating clean for 2 months. So thank you for that. After watching your fears and confessions video where you held up the signs, I decided that I wanted to do a pledge to your channel. My biggest fear is that I will never reach my ultimate potential. With that said, I decided after watching your videos, and seeing how you were so open with everything, that I would be open by pledging to Live Lean TV, that I will be Living Lean. Thanks again. – Courtney

I started following your workouts and recipes and lost a total of 43 pounds in 2.5 months, and I am still losing. It was hard for me since I weighed 258 pounds but now weigh 215 pounds. I was a size 22 but am now a size 14. I am determined to get the rest of this weight off. Thank you for helping me Brad. – Helen-Marie, USA

I started watching Live Lean TV on YouTube have lost 70 pounds. Now I Live Lean 365 days a year. I am also going to be on the television series, American Ninja. – Jason H., USA

Hi Brad, I have taken your challenge of transforming my life through making better food decisions and exercising more. So far I have 180 pounds in the last year and am absolutely loving this lifestyle man. – Rick W, USA

Just wanted to say a huge thanks. Last year I won a competition that you posted and got a copy of your book, Awaken The Abs Within. I have to say it has truly changed my life. I used to be a chubby kid that thought healthy food consisted of fried chicken and pancakes. So thanks again man. – Sam I., Malaysia

Brad’s overall philosophy of Living Lean just spoke to me. After following his advice, I quickly realized it is possible to maintain a healthy lifestyle, while still enjoying life. – Michaela L, Canada

Dave P., UK

Here is a timestamp link to the workout and video testimonial from Dave.

Hey Brad, I dropped 10 kilograms 22 pounds and am now less than 12 body fat. This would not have been possible without Brad. You also inspired me to get a big tire to do your Live Lean exercises. I hope you know your exercises are spreading across the pond. Keep up the good work Brad. – Dave P., UK

I was 210 pounds in May 2012 and as of August 2013, I am 178 pounds. What helped me the most was the hardcore diet and the mindset to not give up. – Blaise S., USA

Hi Brad, this is my transformation after 5 months. I was 195 pounds and I am now 166 pounds. Thanks. – Otto, Costa Rica

I am a petite 54 year old on disability for 12 years. I used to be bloated and way out of shape. Now I feel energized, I look fit, and have built up strength. For the readers from all walks of life, fitness is key. – Danalyn, USA

6 months of doing tabata, weight training, walking every day, sprinting, this is magic, eating paleo, drinking water, and of course watching Live Lean TV to keep me motivated. It does not stop now. I will keep training because I always want new challenges. So thanks for everything. – Jose

In 6 weeks I lost 2 inches off my waist, gained 2 inches on my chest, and gained a half an inch on my arms. I also can finally see those abs that have been hiding for all of these years. My confidence, self-esteem, and energy levels have sky rocketed while following Brad’s advice. This change has not just been to my benefit. Lets just say my wife is not complaining about the new, leaner, defined and athletic body her husband has either. – Antony T., UK

Here is a timestamp link to the video testimonial.

I want to talk about Brad Gouthro. I said I would do a vlog for him because I do not think I could say enough in just one comment about how amazing this man is. Brad is very motivational, inspirational, real, approachable, and honest. He gives simple, realistic, and easy to understand, great advice. His book, Awaken The Abs Within, has changed my life, my husbands life. A few of my friends are also really big followers of Brad now. They in turn have told other friends too. Everyone that I have shown Brad’s videos to, no one has ever said, they do not like him. Everyone says he is really cool. I do not have abad word to say about the guy. He is brilliant. If you do not follow him, you should.

Are You Going To Be One Of Our Next Inspiring Before And After Body Transformations?

There’s nothing more rewarding to me than receiving your transformational before and after photos, and testimonial videos.

So I’m going to challenge you to get in front of the camera, and in as little as 20 seconds, tell me this.

Hey Brad, I’m a Live Leaner because…”

Finish that sentence, upload the video to YouTube, and share the link below in the comments.

I will love seeing your answers to why you are a Live Leaner.

Thank you so much.


Start by taking our FREE Live Lean Body Quiz to get access to the best program specific to your goals, current fitness level, and access to equipment.

Take the Free Live Lean Body Quiz


Did you enjoy these inspiring before and after body transformations?

If you enjoyed these inspiring before and after body transformations, show your love by clicking the social media buttons to share this with your friends.

Subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel and leave a comment below on what you want to see in future posts.

Today’s Question Of The Day:

  • Why are you a Live Leaner?
  • Have you ever shared your before and after transformation photos?

Be sure to share your answers in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.

Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

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7 responses to “Inspiring Before And After Body Transformations

  1. Hi I just voted for you! I started watching your videos last week. I am in
    the beginning process of my own Weightloss/Get Lean transformation.
    However, I am not losing like I think I should be. This week I plan to
    tweek my eating and follow the motto: Eat Clean and Train Mean. I will
    continue to watch your videos! I am wishing you the best of luck with
    Men’s Health Magazine.

  2. Need Inspiration? Amazing Live Leaner Transformation Stories…I hope to
    receive your quick video clip on, “Hey Brad, I’m a Live Leaner because…”

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