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Paleo Costco Grocery Food Haul


Eat This To Lose Weight And Build Muscle

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing all the items from our recent big Paleo Costco grocery food haul to lose weight and build muscle.

Who loves grocery shopping day?

We just got back from a big Costco grocery shopping trip that should last us a while.

How We Shop For Groceries At Costco

Having access to healthy meals and snacks throughout the day is so important to Living Lean.


That’s why we love it when our house and fridge is fully stocked with healthy and delicious foods.

Does Costco Have Decent Organic And Paleo Food Options?

Note: This is NOT a paid endorsement or sponsored video for Costco.

Before I get bombarded with comments from “paleo purest” about supporting local farmers for paleo food, I’m a realist.

Most people can’t afford the time or the cost of visiting local food producers for all of their food needs.

If you can, then yes, eating local is a more paleo friendly option, than grocery shopping at Costco.

Does this mean you can’t follow a “Paleo” style way of eating if you shop at Costco?

Absolutely not.

Living Lean is about progress, not perfection.

This is why I wanted to put Costco to the paleo test.

In particular, I wanted to see if you could buy decent organic paleo-friendly foods, at reasonable prices, all under one roof.

Paleo Costco Grocery Food Haul

Here’s all the foods we picked up that we normally eat throughout the week.

Fruit And Vegetables

  • Onions
    • We like to buy a big jumbo bag of onions in bulk.
    • Onions last a long time, and they’re always good to add a lot of flavor to most to recipes.
  • Grapes
    • We bought more grapes than we normally do, however, we’re going to divide them up into single serving size storage bags, and store them in the freezer.
    • Frozen grapes are great snack foods, especially if you need a low calorie sweet dessert to munch on after dinner.
  • Bananas
  • Broccoli
  • Yellow Tomatoes
  • Brussels Sprouts
  • Pitted Dates
    • We like to use pitted dates in various recipes
  • Sweet Potatoes


  • Cod Fillets
  • Ground Turkey
  • Organic Frozen Chicken Breasts
    • This is the first time we’re trying frozen organic chicken breasts. A lot of time frozen chicken has a lot of sodium in it. So I checked this one out it doesn’t have a lot of sodium pumped into it.
  • Organic Eggs
    • we go through a lot of eggs, so we bought 2 dozen organic eggs
    • Costco has really good prices on organic eggs
  • Ground Bison
    • Bison is a really lean meat that is good for making gains!


  • Almonds
  • Walnuts
  • Almond Butter


  • Starbucks Unsweetened Iced Coffee
    • We’ve never tried this before so we thought we’d test it out.
    • The deal-maker was that it’s unsweetened.
    • If it was sweetened, we wouldn’t have purchased it.
  • Red Wine
    • We bought a bottle of pinot noir red wine to get a little crazy for our Saturday date night.

Herbs, Spices, And Seasonings

That Is Our Paleo Costco Grocery Haul

Based on this Costco grocery haul, I think it’s clear to see you can find a lot of healthy paleo foods at Costco.

If you’re sitting at home wondering what we’re eating, this is it.

Want To Know How We Use These Ingredients To Make Delicious Food?

Team Live Lean

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Questions Of The Day:

  • Do you get your groceries from Costco?
  • Is your grocery haul similar to ours?

Share your experiences in the comment section below.

Check out our free workout videos here.


Check out my free recipe cooking videos here.

24 responses to “Paleo Costco Grocery Food Haul

  1. Thanks for sharing guys! Good to know we are on the right track, our
    groceries are pretty much the same as this now, just gotta work up to the
    Brussel sprouts though…!

  2. That’s where I shop. Your groceries look almost identical to mine.
    Interesting seasoning. I never saw that one. Must have it. Love me some

  3. I’m planning to buy groceries in bulk as well, so I was wondering if this
    is for around a week worth of food or 2 weeks?

  4. Costco is great for living lean. I get most of the same stuff you guys
    did. It’s awesome. I haven’t tried the chicken breast. I’m interested
    how it goes for ya. Costco gainzzzz!!!

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