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Man vs Woman 1 Minute Push Up Challenge


Pretty boy vs tough chick: 1 minute push up challenge

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I was challenged to a man vs woman 1 minute push up challenge, by another female fitness YouTuber.

Let me get right into it this Freestyle Friday episode.

Meet Jill Hanner.

Jill is a tough fitness chick on YouTube, who has challenged me to a man vs woman 1 minute push up challenge.


But, I don’t think she’s as tough as she says.

She’s even gone as far as calling me a “pretty boy wimp”.



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Here’s how this 1 minute push up challenge all started

This is how the trash talk began:

Jill: “Apparently there’s this guy on YouTube, who is talking smack about me.”

Brad: “I watched her videos, and sure she has tattoos and muscles, but I really she thinks just a kitten in a tiger’s shell. I mean, lets be real, when most people have that many tattoos, I give them all the credit in the world, since they’re usually really tough. But I don’t think Jill is that tough or strong.”

Jill: “Listen here pretty boy, with your chiseled 18 pack. Just because I have tattoos, it does not make me a kitten. I’m not a kitten, I’m a beast.”

Brad: Yeah Jill, we know tattoos look tough, but guess what? In the gym, it matters what you have inside. And there’s only one way to find that out.”

Jill: “Exactly. The only way to find that out is a man vs woman 1 minute push up challenge. Do you accept my challenge?”

So, we both agreed to compete, head to head, in a push up challenge.

That’s right, we are throwing it down, with a man vs woman 1 minute push up challenge.

Do you really think she can beat me?

This pretty boy vs tough chick 1 minute push challenge is going to be a battle.

Lets get sweaty and find out who wins.

Man vs Woman 1 Minute Push Up Challenge

Man vs woman 1 minute push up challenge results:

Jill: “I give you all the credit Brad. I couldn’t complete all the push ups that you did. But now the ball is in my court. I may not have won this man vs woman 1 minute push up challenge, but you know what Mr. Brad, I challenge you to a cook off. I’m not going to say that men don’t belong in the kitchen, but I think you spend too much time in the gym. So I’m going to win this cooking challenge.”

Brad: “Jill, are you kidding me? Have you seen the, ‘Abs are made…in the kitchen’ quote on my wall? The kitchen is my second home. Challenge has been accepted. I’ll see you soon.”

To date, we haven’t completed that cooking challenge, but I think we all know who would have won that.

Go hang out and subscribe to Jill’s YouTube channel, and tell her Brad sent you.

Also, if you liked this video, click the social media logos to share it with your friends, and comment below what other challenge videos you’d like to see.

Check out more of our fat burning 4 minute tabata workouts here.

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9 responses to “Man vs Woman 1 Minute Push Up Challenge

      1. OK. Nice. I just do a 10-week program in conjunction with a local hospital and I wanted to see how I compared to two great fitness gurus. ( ; My pushups were modified knee and I did 57.

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