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Build A Butt EXTREME

Step by Step guide to Building an Extremely Beautiful Booty

Build Your Booty
To Extreme Perkiness

  • Available in App
  • Access to All Programs
  • Gym Training Guide
  • Demo Vids to learn exercises
  • Lifts, Firms, Tightens
  • 9 Week Booty Makeover

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This awesome Booty Training Guide is designed to:

  • Maximize your time with the most efficient & effective exercises
  • Transform your glutes and hamstrings
  • Build lean and aesthetic sexy muscle
  • Improve power, energy, & strength
  • And help you fall in love with your booty 😍 🍑

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Plus, you'll get an all access pass to 1,000+ other Live Lean workouts

You will also get access to ALL of our 1,000’s of workouts, PLUS access to 100,000s of workouts and classes from other fitness creators all over the world.

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With Build a Butt EXTREME you can create a FIRMER, TIGHTER, ROUNDER and more LIFTED booty than you’ve ever had before.

Unique workouts to makeover your booty shape and tone.

I’ll be your trainer for the next 9 weeks.

I’m excited that you’re serious about firming lifting and tightening up your booty.

Booty training is my favorite!

I have no doubt that lifting, firming, and toning your booty will do wonders for your confidence and make you feel sexier than ever.

Booty Training has always been my favorite!

The truth is…

Some things about our bodies we simply cannot change with exercise, like your height or bone structure.

But luckily your butt is made up of muscles that you can shape and tone with the right nutrition and training program.

I can’t wait to show you the way.

Did you know that you have the power to actually change the shape of your butt just like I did?

That is Why I Created the Build A Butt EXTREME Program (I like to call it BABX):

I was not gifted with a naturally tight, lifted, and perky looking butt.

I’ve had to work to develop it.

My butt used to be one of my biggest insecurities.

Before I discovered this method of booty training I would have been mortified to pose in front of a camera in this teeny bikini.

My butt was flat, but also soft and dimply, and when I flexed it all I saw was cellulite.

It wasn’t until I started training my booty that it finally began to transform and take shape into something I could be proud of.

When I discovered this type of focused booty training mine lifted up, became firmer, rounded out, tightened, and smoothed out.

I finally looked in the mirror and said “damn, my booty looks good!”

Here’s what happened:

Think of your skin like a balloon and your muscles are like the air that fills the balloon.

When there’s not enough air inside the balloon, the balloon becomes saggy, dimply, and deflated looking.

Once you fill it back up (by training your muscles using the techniques in this program) you will get a nice smooth, firm, and lifted round shape.

The truth is…

Building a sexy butt takes hard work and determination, but it can actually be so FUN, rewarding and satisfying.

After years of research and trying things out on my own body…

I finally discovered the BEST way to get a tighter, firmer, and more toned butt.

And now…

I’m proud of my booty results!

And it’s NOT because I squat 300 lbs in the gym or do painfully heavy machine exercises. Because I don’t.

And it’s NOT because I spend hours doing cardio. Because I don’t.

It’s because I use the simple, proven, focused and effective exercises and workout structures that you will find in this program.

Many women from all around the world have been following my booty training program and seeing AMAZING results.

They can’t believe how quick, effective, and fun it is, and they can hardly believe the results they get!

A Few of my Client Booty Success Stories:

As you can see, these workouts don’t grow your butt size, they ENHANCE & IMPROVE your booty shape.

By using my simple booty activation methods found in the program, your booty will transform too.

Your next 9 weeks are dedicated to building the most incredible butt you’ve ever seen.  Let’s do this!

It's Time to Build Your Booty With Build a Butt EXTREME

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Booty Success Stories


Q: How is Build a Butt EXTREME different from the original Build a Butt Program?

A: BABX is definitely more in depth, includes more exercises, videos for each exercise, and more unique workouts than the original Build a Butt program. It is also designed as a 9 week gym-based program versus a 6 week home-based program.

Q: Will this program make my Butt Bigger?
A: This program is designed to lift and firm your butt. As you can see in the testimonial photos, women who have used this have not changed the size of their butts, only the shape. The results are smoother, tighter, more lifted booty’s.

Q: What if I have bad knees and have trouble doing squats and lunges, can I still follow this program?
A: Yes! I actually highly recommend this program to anyone with “bad knees” as the exercises in this program are key for strengthening your knees in a very safe way. My one piece of advice for you is to take it slow, and start the program with modified form (meaning shorter range of motion) allowing yourself to work up to full depth toward the end of the program. You will be surprised at how much stronger your knees become after following these workouts.

Q: Does this program come with videos?
A: Yes! All videos are included in the app

Q: I’m pretty advanced, will these workouts be hard enough for me?
A: Yes! Every exercise in this program can be made more advanced by adding weight or resistance bands. Please feel free to increase the intensity to a level that challenges you. The program guide includes information on how to modify or intensify the program to meet your level. I’ve included 4 progressers you can use to incrementally advance your workouts.

It's Time to Build Your Booty With Build a Butt Extreme

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Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.