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GUNZ to go with your BUNZ

Keep your upper half as toned as your Strong Sexy Butt

Tone Your Upper Body
While Building Your Booty

  • Available In App
  • Access to All Programs
  • Unique Upper Body Workouts
  • Easy to Follow
  • Videos for Each Move
  • Quick and Doable

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*7 Days Free, Then $8.33/MO.

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Get GUNZ to go with your BUNZ Inside Our App

This Upper Body Training guide is designed to:

  • Tighten and Tone your Arms, Chest, Back, Abs and Shoulders
  • Compliment your Booty Training Schedule
  • Maximize your Time
  • Provide Structure and Balance

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Plus, you'll get an all access pass to 1,000+ other Live Lean workouts

You will also get access to ALL of our 1,00o’s of workouts, PLUS access to 100,000s of workouts and classes from other fitness creators all over the world.

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Hey it’s Coach Jess here.

I love being your booty trainer!

Shortly after creating my booty programs I started getting lots of questions about how to train the upper body.

Not just what exercises to do or how often, but really about how to do it in a way that fits seamlessly with the booty workouts and results in a gorgeous toned-all-over goddess body while avoiding burn-out.

It’s not easy to figure out how to train your upper body on your own without any guidance.

I’m a huge advocate of having a plan for any goal we want to achieve.

Plans deliver RESULTS.

So that’s why I created this GUNZ to go with your BUNZ program add-on.

In short, I heard your demand, and I delivered!

I’m happy to announce this program is now primed and ready for you TAKE ACTION and start toning your upper body.

It's Time to Tone your Upper Bod Too

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TRY 7 DAYS FREE all major credit cards accepted

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Q: Will this program make my Upper Body Bulky?
A: Nope. These are upper body toning workouts. You will notice shape, tone and firmness, but no increase in size.

Q: Does this program come with videos?
A: Yes! All video’d in the app

Q: Is this program safe for all ages?
A: Yes it is.

Q: I’m pretty advanced, will these workouts be hard enough for me?
A: Every exercise in this program can be made more advanced by adding more weight or resistance bands. Feel free to increase the intensity to a level that challenges you. The program can be modified or intensified to meet your level.

It's Time to Build Your Booty With Build a Butt Extreme

Now Only In App

TRY 7 DAYS FREE all major credit cards accepted

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Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.