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Based on your Quiz Results, the Best Workout Program for you is: Live Lean Home Dumbbell Workouts

Live Lean Dad

In just 30 minutes, from the comfort of your own home, drop those 10 pounds of pregnancy chub and become the FIT, LEAN, and STRONG role model your kids will look up to FOREVER.

Become A LEAN & FIT Dad
With The Live Lean Dad System!

  • 7 Dumbbell Workout Videos
  • Finish in 30 Mins At Home
  • Follow Along With Coach Brad
  • One Payment - Lifetime Access

Now Only $67

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Unleash your new LIVE LEAN dad bod in just 42 days and become the healthy, lean, and strong role model your kids deserve.

Coach Brad & Kyla Gouthro

Hey New Dad,

First off, huge congratulations on becoming a dad.

My wife Jessica and I just gave birth to our first child, baby Kyla, and it has been an amazing journey.

So trust me, I get it.

Regardless if you work in the corporate world, are an entrepreneur like me, or have made the decision to become a stay at home dad…

One thing is for certain.

As a NEW dad you’re SUPER BUSY

But, if you think…

“As a new dad I don’t have time to workout.”


What if I was to tell you that it IS POSSIBLE to be healthy and become the…

Coach Brad & Jessica Gouthro
  • …husband that YOUR WIFE DROOLS OVER.
  • …guy your friends ENVY.
Coach Brad & Kyla Gouthro

Trust me dad.

Your kid is watching and learning from everything you do.

So it’s time to take care of yourself, and I can show you how.

The 42 day Live Lean Dad Training System is designed to improve the health, physique, and confidence of busy new dads like you, with 30 minute, at home, follow along workout videos, that only require a set of dumbbells, so you can spend less time in the gym and more time with your kids.




The workouts and meal plan are designed to create a hormonal response in your body to burn stored body fat (including that stubborn belly fat) as energy.


There are few things in life as embarrassing to dads as not being strong enough to lift, pull, push, or open things. As a new dad, you’re going to be responsible for a lot of things that require strength. This workout program focuses on functional movements overloaded with resistance in the form of dumbbells to get you ready to unlock your inner dad strength.


Not only are these workouts designed to shed the body fat and get your stronger. They’re also going to give you the chiseled and defined look all dads aspire to have. Trust me, these workouts will get you ready for your next family vacation at the beach!


These unique training styles will help you build the power and explosiveness like a professional athlete. Get ready to impress your kids on the playground!

It's Time to Take Action and Make Your Kids Proud

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Here's What You Get When You Invest In The Live Lean Dad System Today...

Live Lean Dad Live Lean TV Live Lean Dad
Live-Lean-Dad-Videos Live Lean TV

Component #1: 9 Follow Along, Real-Time Workout Videos ($147 Value)

Simply click play and do what I say! Follow right along side of me as I take you through each workout in real-time. You'll see the exact form, the tempo, the rest periods, etc. Watch it on your TV, desktop, laptop, tablet, or mobile device.

iphone-7-live-lean-dad-workout-logs-2 Live Lean TV

Component #2: Workout Logs on your Smart Device ($19 Value)

If for some reason you don't want to watch the workout videos, use these easy-to-follow pdfs workout logs that you can store in your smart device. These workout logs show you all the exercises, sets, reps, and rest periods for all 9 workout videos:
- Calorie Crushing Complexes
- Crush and Chisel Combos
- Fat Frying Frenzy
- Incredibly Intense Isometrics
- Slow and Steady Sets
- Superdad Strength Supersets
- Superdad Super Athlete
- Warming Up the Gainz
- Cool Dad Cool Down

iphone-7-live-lean-dad-nutrition-guide Live Lean TV

Component #3: Nutrition Guide ($47 Value)

Use the Live Lean Dad Nutrition Guide as your Live Lean Nutrition Bible. Inside you'll learn my 7 Live Lean Nutrition Laws on how to:
- Set Measurable and Realistic Nutrition Goals
- Step-by-Step How to Calculate How Many Calories You Should Be Eating
- Step-by-Step How to Calculate Your Macros
- The Live Lean Food Pyramid
- The Live Lean Grocery List
- Learning About Portion Control
- Meal Frequency
- Simple Food Prep Tips
- How Much Water You Should Drink
- And so much more!

iphone-live-lean-dad-meal-plan Live Lean TV

Component #4: Meal Plan ($47 Value)

Inside the Live Lean Meal Plan you'll see what a typical days worth of eating should look like, including:
- My morning energizing cocktail
- Breakfast
- Pre-workout Meal
- Pre-workout Pump Drink
- Post-workout Recovery Shake
- Post-workout Meal
- Muscle Building Snacks
- Optional Supplement List
- Cheat Meal Rules

Live Lean Success Stories

It's Time to Take Action and Make Your Kids Proud

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Can Anyone Do This Workout Program Or Is It Just For Dads?

Anyone can do it. Even though the Live Lean Dad workout program is targeted towards dads, the training styles, exercises, and results will work for anyone.

I’m A Woman, Can I Also Get Results From This Workout Program?

Even though this program is marketed towards men, if you’re a women, you definetly will also get results. The workout portion of the program includes the best exercises to burn calories, increase metabolism, and enhance your fat burning hormones. These exercises do just that regardless if you are a female or male.

Can I Build Muscle And Burn Body Fat Doing This Program?

Yes. The workouts are broken out into 3 different phases. A strength building phase, a muscle building phase, and a fat burning phase. By following the workout schedule and the nutrition plan, you will be on your way to building muscle and burning fat.

I’m a beginner to exercise. Is this program to advanced for me?

You can modify the reps, sets, and rest periods to match your fitness level. Once your fitness levels improve, you can aim towards following the program as written.

Is this program going to challenge me?

Definitely. I’ve been training for over 10 years and I love the challenge of these workouts. I promise you, regardless of what your current fitness level is, you will be challenged, and you will see results.

Will I need to spend a lot of time in the gym doing cardio in order to follow your program? What about the workouts?

This is a home based workout program. All the workouts are designed to be 30 minutes or less. You only need access to is a pair of dumbbells (preferably a heavier and a lighter pair). No other cardio is required, other than taking your baby for walks 😉

Is it safe to buy your program on the internet? Will my credit card be safe?

We use a merchant account (Clickbank) that is the leading and most reputable credit card processing company for downloadable products in the world. They use SSL (secure socket layer) technology to protect your information from being viewed or stolen by 3rd parties. You’ll notice when you get to the Clickbank payment page, the web URL changes from “http” to “https”. This indicates you are on a secure page where your information is safe from any 3rd parties. As the website provider, we don’t even get access to or see your credit card information from your order. Only the bank sees this information. So in many ways, ordering online is more secure and safer than other forms of payments made over the phone, mail, etc. I’ve purchased many items online over the years and have never had any problems with security.

I’m not from the US so can I still buy it? Is the price in US dollars?

It doesn’t matter what country you live in. We process orders from anywhere in the world. Yes the price listed is in US dollars but the secure credit card processing company (Clickbank) will simply convert the price into your country’s currency.

What if it doesn’t work for me?

Since I’m so confident it will work for you (if you actually do it), I’m putting a 30 day money back guarantee behind my offer. No hassles. No questions asked. Request a full refund, and you’ll get it quickly.

It's Time to Take Action and Make Your Kids Proud

Now Only $67

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PLEASE NOTE: This program is an instant download. This is GREAT NEWS, as it means you will get access to the program instantly with no waiting and no shipping costs. Once again, no physical products will be shipped. An automatic e-mail with a link will be sent to you immediately following payment. This link will get you INSTANT ACCESS to download the the program to your computer.

Please read this obvious disclaimer: According to the FTC, it is required that we identify what a typical result is. This program is a lifestyle, not a quick fix or short-term fad. If you are committed and implement the teachings into your everyday lifestyle, you are setting yourself up to see results. Unfortunately reality shows that most people never take action on the programs they buy, thus they don’t get results. We provide the framework, but ultimately it is up to you to execute and do the work.