Boiled Sweet Potatoes
  • CourseSide Dish
Servings Prep Time
1serving 1minute
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1serving 1minute
Cook Time
  • 5oz sweet potato
  • Water
  1. Start by chopping the sweet potatoes into 1-2 inch pieces, with the skin on.
  2. Bring a pot of water to a boil, using enough water to have at least 1 inch of water above the sweet potato.
  3. Once boiling, add the chunks of sweet potato to the water, reduce to medium high heat, then slow boil for approximately 15 minutes, or until cooked throughly.
  4. Drain the sweet potatoes with a colander, then add them to your plate.
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Facts (per serving):

Calories: 121

Protein: 2g

Carbohydrates: 29g

Fat: 0g
