Lemon Water Recipe
  • CourseDrinks
Servings Prep Time
1serving 1minute
Servings Prep Time
1serving 1minute
  • 1/2 juice of lemon
  • 1cup Water
  1. Take a lemon and chop it in half.
  2. Add half a lemon to a lemon squeezer and use your forearms to squeeze all the lemon juice into a glass. If you don’t have a contraption to squeeze the lemon, all you have to do is squeeze the lemon with your hand, to get all the lemon juice out.
  3. Add a cup of water to the lemon juice.
  4. Enjoy.
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Facts (per serving):

Calories: 8

Protein: 0g

Carbohydrates: 2g

Fat: 0g
