Oven Baked French Fries
  • CourseMain Dish
Servings Prep Time
4servings 45minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
4servings 45minutes
Cook Time
  • 4whole Yukon Gold Potatoes(approx 150g each)
  • 2Tbsp avocado oil
  • 1/2tsp pink himilayan salt
  • 1/2tsp fresh cracked pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F
  2. Rinse and dry potatoes
  3. Slice potatoes into french fry shapes, put into a large bowl
  4. Add 2 tbsp of oil and the salt and pepper, shake the bowl to distribute the oil and spices
  5. Lay fries on a baking sheet in a single layer
  6. Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes (more time if not a convection oven)
  7. Once the fries are golden brown on the edges and soft in the middle they are done. Enjoy as a side dish or snack.
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Info: (per serving):

Calories: 173

Protein: 3g

Carbohydrates: 26g

Fat: 6g
