Tahini Chicken Salad
Servings Prep Time
2servings 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2servings 5minutes
Cook Time
  • 1/2pound pre-cooked chicken breast(chopped)
  • 1sprinkle Sea Salt
  • 1sprinkle Black Pepper
  • 5tbsp Extra virgin olive oil
  • 2tbsp sherry vinegar
  • 2tbsp tahini
  • 1diced carrot
  • 2diced radishes
  • 2tbsp fresh parsley(chopped)
  • 1small handful sesame seeds
  1. To save time, use pre-cooked chicken breast spiced with sea salt and black pepper.
  2. First up, we’re going to make the sauce. In a bowl, mix together 5 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil and 2 tbsp of sherry vinegar. It’s incredible how much flavor you can add to your food by simply mixing olive oil and vinegar together.
  3. The last ingredient to add to our bowl of dressing sauce is 2 tbsp of tahini. Whisk up all the ingredients and blend them together until it forms into a thicker sauce. You want a smooth consistency where the sauce is thick, but still liquidy enough to coat the the chicken, carrots, and radish. At this point, we’re almost done. It’s that simple. Note: this makes 4 servings of sauce, so be sure to only use 1/4 of the mixture for 1 serving. Store the rest for leftovers.
  4. Now it’s simple. On each plate, add 1/4 lbs of pre-cooked chopped chicken breast spiced with sea salt and black pepper, 1/2 diced carrot, 1 diced radish, and 1 tbsp of chopped parsley for color.
  5. Drizzle 1/4 of the sauce over top of each plate.
  6. Lastly, garnish the plate with a small handful of sesame seeds. The sesame seeds will make this tahini chicken salad recipe look even better.
  7. Enjoy.
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Info (per serving):

Calories: 319


Protein: 34g

Carbohydrates: 3g

Fat: 19g