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4 Minute Tabata Workout With Burpees


The extreme fat burning 4 minute Return of the Burpee tabata workout

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing an extreme fat burning, follow along, 4 minute tabata workout with burpees.

This tabata workout is comprised of 4 minutes of burpees.

Welcome to the Return of the Burpee tabata workout.

To date, this is the most challenging workout from our follow along 4 minute tabata workout video series.


4 Minute Tabata Workout With Burpees

Why am I bringing out the big guns now?

Well with summer here, it’s time to take your workouts to the next level.

I hope you’re ready for this 4 minute tabata workout because it’s going to kick your butt and get you lean.

Are you ready to live the lean lifestyle?

All you need to complete this 4 minute tabata workout with burpees, is your body and your tabata interval timer.

If you haven’t picked up your interval timer yet, get a cool color like mine here, and join me on this tabata workout follow along series.

Lets go.

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4 Minute Tabata Workout With Burpees

Here’s how the Return of the Burpee tabata workout routine is structured:

Total time:

4 minutes.

Type of workout:

Tabata workout:

  • 20 seconds of high intensity work (as many reps as possible with good form)
  • 10 seconds rest

The key is to give maximum effort during the 20 second high intensity interval.

After the 20 second high intensity interval, take a 10 second rest, then complete another 20 second high intensity interval, etc.

Once you’re ready, simply hit the buzzer on your interval timer and lets start this 4 minute tabata workout with burpees.

Number of circuits:

2 circuits.


Click the links below for a step-by-step exercise demonstration of each exercise.

A1. Straight Arm Plank Knee Tuck (a.k.a. Modified Beginner Burpee)

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds

Straight Arm Plank Knee Tuck

Coaching cues: first exercise is also known as a beginner modification of the burpee. Get down into a straight arm plank position, then drive your knees in, as much as you can, towards your chest. Ensure you keep your core tight and engaged, as well as focus on your breathing throughout this exercise. Visualize your dream body in your head. After completing 20 seconds of this first exercise, take a 10 second break before moving into the next burpee exercise.

A2. Burpee (Intermediate Burpee Variation)

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: this is your standard burpee variation where you perform the burpee, then stand up. No push up or jump…yet. The beach is calling your name, so to be ready, make sure you’re working hard during this 20 seconds. This tabata workout with burpees is all about burning fat and getting lean and toned. You’re looking good!

A3. Jump Burpee Push Up (Standard Burpee Variation)

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds



Coaching cues: The third burpee exercise is the jump burpee push up. Complete the burpee, then a push up, then jump up into the air. Complete 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, then move on to the fourth and final burpee variation.

A4. Burpee Tuck Jump (Atomic Burpee Variation)

Reps: 20 seconds

Rest: 10 seconds


Coaching cues: The burpee tuck jump (a.k.a. atomic burpee) is my favorite and most advanced burpee variation. Complete the burpee, then a push up, then jump into the air, but this time perform a tuck jump by driving those knees high. Focus on landing softly, ninja style. You’re going to feel this burpee variation all over your body, including your chest, legs, core, and heart.

That’s the first round of this 4 minute tabata workout with burpees

By now you should be breathing hard and sweating.

Think of that sweat as the fat burning off your body.

Rest 10 seconds, then complete exercises A1-A4 again.

You have one more round to go.

The finish line is close, keep it going.

This was definitely our most extreme tabata workout yet

There you have it.

That is your 4 minute, Return of the Burpee tabata workout.

Again, this was a more extreme tabata workout than we’ve completed in the past.

But with summer here, it’s time to challenge you guys even more.

When should you complete this 4 minute tabata workout with burpees?

Try putting your body through this 4 minute tabata workout, first thing in the morning and/or as a workout finisher after your regular strength training workout.

This tabata workout style will help you speed up your metabolism and burn more calories throughout the day.

I hope you enjoyed this Burpee Tabata Workout Routine

If you liked this 4 minute tabata workout with burpees, click the social media icons to share it with your friends.

Comment below what other burpee style or tabata workouts your want to see.

And don’t forget to subscribe to our Live Lean TV YouTube channel where we currently post 2 new videos a week.

My Transformation 1,000,000 mission includes getting you to live the lean lifestyle with us.

Check out more of my fat burning 4 minute tabata workouts here.

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49 responses to “4 Minute Tabata Workout With Burpees

  1. Check out the fat losing machine that lies hidden in your body. Go and
    google Fat Blast Furnace to bring it out.

  2. Hey, these workouts are really effective. I was wondering if it would be
    convenient to integrate them on a 1.5 hour p.e. session for kids under 15,
    or would that be too much for that age? Also, for my own trainings, would
    it be enough to do this every day + 1hr stretching? or should I give the
    muscles some rest to not get injuries in the long run? thanks!

  3. Love this , am looking for more short and effective sessions more often,
    rather than long stretched out , thanks Brad

  4. Grt workout. are we just supposed to do tabata once a day I.e just 4 mins
    of exercise in total or combine with the other gym exercises .so for how
    many mins in total are we supposed to work out daily

  5. This Almost-Magical Exercise Regimen builds muscle faster than steroids. Go
    and google Morsch Muscle Madness to find out more.

  6. It would be a shame if you did not shed fat when these people accomplish it
    so easily using Fat Blast Factor (search for it on google).

  7. Hi, have you discovered Amos Fat Loss? (look for it on google) You will
    learn how to lose weight quickly.

  8. Hi Brad, I enjoyed watching your videos they are helpful.I have a
    question,since my knee is damaged and I cant run for aerobic and fat
    burning,are these tabata trainings enough for blasting my fat? Big Fan

  9. Hi Brad, I am your big fan and I constantly follow your tabata workout
    since you are a very good trainer. I have several questions. I want to get
    rid of stomach fat, does this workout effective? How many times do I have
    to do this per week? Thanks! 🙂

  10. It would be a shame if you did not shed fat when other normal people shed
    fat easily using Fat Blast Factor (go google it).

  11. It would be a shame for you not to shed fat when other normal people do it
    easily using Fat Blast Blueprint (Google it).

  12. thanks for the support Hongyu…after a weight training workout I recommend
    1 x 4 min tabata workout. I’m not sure what the prices are in Singapore so
    you’d have to look into that

  13. Hey Im a big fan of you. Just subscribed yesterday but already watching
    almost 50 over of your videos! Ill help you share your channel with my
    friends! May I ask whats the standard number of sets of tabata workout you
    do after a workout/swim/run or on a day without any workout. And whats the
    rest interval between each 4 mins? Also I live in Singapore so do you think
    it will be cheaper for me to get the foam roller and timer locally or get
    it from the links you provided?

  14. brad hi ijust found your web site and i enjoyed your tabata workouts and i was wondering if you can tell me if how many times a week i can do the burpee tabata a week ieagerly await your reply
    yours faithfully
    anthony doyle
    from australia

    1. Hi Anthony, you can do any of my tabata workouts at least once a day. I tell people to try them first thing in the morning and then again after their standard strength training workout, if they go to the gym.

  15. I provided a link in the video description above the comments and below the
    video … look for : âś” GET THE TABATA INTERVAL TIME THAT I USE:

  16. I loathe burpees! But I like how it’s a smooth transition to the harder
    burpee. It makes them feel a bit easier! Great video!

  17. thanks for the compliment…subscribe and keep your eye on this channel as
    I provide helpful videos 5 days a week or get all my secrets/tips from my
    book, Awaken The Abs Within

  18. hey this is a great video… you have an amazing body… i want to lose 25
    pounds or more this summer… i need your help

  19. Brad would you use this work out alone or with another longer workout?
    Thanks for all the new videos.

  20. Yay for burpees..they are slowly moving from my most hated exercise to my
    most LOVED exercise!! Thanks!

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