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Self Awareness: The Signs You Need to Change Your Health Habits


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Are You Ignoring The Fitness Clues?: Motivational Minute Ep. 011

On today’s episode of Live Lean TV, I’m sharing the importance of self-awareness, including the signs you need to change your health habits.

For the last few episodes of this Motivational Minute video series, I’ve really been hitting home the mindset shift that you are in control of your results.

Sure, it’s simple to say, and you may agree, but it’s not necessarily easy to switch that shift in your mind to take responsibility for your actions, and live it.


How Self-Aware Are You?

In order to “live it”, it’s going to require you to become more self-aware by paying more attention to your daily behaviors.

When I say self-aware, I mean really understanding the actions that you will have to take to reach your ambitions and goals.

Self-Awareness: Why Your Results Aren’t Faster Live Lean TV Self-Awareness: Why Your Results Aren’t Faster

For example, if you see a lean and healthy looking person walking down the street and think, “That’s who I want to look like”, do you:

Well guess what?

Your actions do not match your ambitions.

After 6 weeks of doing this, do you complain that:

  • Going to the gym and eating healthy just doesn’t work for you?
  • It must be a thyroid problem?
  • You just have bad genetics?

Life Will Give You Clues

Life will give you clues if what you’re doing isn’t working.

For example, if you’re weak, overweight, and constantly tired, these are all clues that you need to make lifestyle behavioral changes.

Don’t overlook the clues, pay attention to them.

If you’re going about your Live Lean journey on your own, pay attention to the results you’re getting.

You’re either moving towards better health, more energy, a smaller waistline, and bigger and stronger muscles, or you’re stuck at a plateau or moving backwards.

Over Time Your Results Don’t Lie

The only way to change your results is to change your behaviors.

In many cases, that means asking for help.

Just like you would hire an architect to build your house, don’t be afraid to hire a coach to help build your health and your body.

This coach can give you a road map and a plan to follow to reach your goals.

Then after following that plan, and yes I mean you have to follow the plan, if something is not working, a coach can help you get clear on what you need to change, what you need to stop doing, and ultimately how to get out of your head.

Coaches can provide the path to get you focused on what you need to pay attention to.

Here is the punchline and bottomline.

Don’t look at your health as an expense.

Look at your health as an investment in your life.

Health Is wealth people.

Here’s Your Next Step: Think And Live Lean

Think and Live Lean Live Lean TV Think And Live Lean

If you’re looking to shift your mindset towards and Live Lean forever, check out my book “Think And Live Lean“.

Each chapter has actionable steps re-shift your mindset and dialing in your focus to achieving your goals.

Go check out “Think And Live Lean” in paperback, e-book, and audiobook formats, all accessible for purchase on Amazon.


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